January 6th Trespassing Not Insurrection

Anyone rioting should he charged accordingly. If they were walking around inside after being invited in by capitol police then even Trespassing and unlawful parading is unacceptable but those charges are more than fair for those who broke in and caused damage (in addition to destruction of property, etc.). The closest anyone got to an "insurrection" was a lone woman jumping towards a window and she was immediately shot and executed by a Capitol police officer best known otherwise for leaving a loaded gun in a public bathroom. Seems like that problem sorted itself out though.

If the most heavily armed political body in the history of the planet wanted to overthrow the government they'd have brought firepower btw
I’ve seen plenty of video footage from that day.

Needless to say, the picture you and other like-minded individuals paint are quite a bit different.
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I’ve seen plenty of video footage from that day.

Needless to say, the picture you and other like-minded individuals paint are quite a bit different.
You mean the video footage we shared? Not exactly my portrait but reality, my friend.
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Nancy's words, not mine.
Lol. What?
I'm saying the video that I and others shared isn't some alternative portrait of reality of our own making lol it's literally what happened. You had shit heads involved and I say hold them accountable. You had others who were escorted in and the doj attempted to hid that evidence in several cases during prosecution. There is no low too low for the Biden doj.
If it was an insurrection, it was the dumbest insurrection in history. Not a single “insurrectionist” showed up with a weapon. They had to be coaxed into the Capitol by a bunch of Feds embedded in the crowd. The Capitol Police led them on a tour and posed for pics with them.
Iowa’s offense was more threatening than these people.

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"I take responsibility" was said on camera in real time. Are you accusing Nancy Pelosi of lying? I'm merely quoting your former speaker of the house verbatim.

Why do you suppose she said that? It was because trump sat on his fat ass for 187 minutes and did nothing and in retrospect she said what many others may have felt about themselves, and that is she wished she would have done something, because your cult leader did nothing. He was impeached for what he did and didn't do. I'n not accusing Nancy of lying but you need to rethink the things you post.
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Why do you suppose she said that? It was because trump sat on his fat ass for 187 minutes and did nothing and in retrospect she said what many others may have felt about themselves, and that is she wished she would have done something, because your cult leader did nothing. He was impeached for what he did and didn't do. I'n not accusing Nancy of lying but you need to rethink the things you post.
Whataboutism and deflection at its peak
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Why do you suppose she said that? It was because trump sat on his fat ass for 187 minutes and did nothing and in retrospect she said what many others may have felt about themselves, and that is she wished she would have done something, because your cult leader did nothing. He was impeached for what he did and didn't do. I'n not accusing Nancy of lying but you need to rethink the things you post.
Hahaha Interesting fan fic and cope
Whataboutism and deflection at its peak
The story telling to avoid responsibility is almost impressive lol even funnier given they're trying to carry water for someone who is on video owning the fact that she is responsible for what happened 🤣
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@BDE420 (aka: Ryan)

Why do you so desperately need the following to be okay? What is it about this event that excites you?
  1. Violent Entry and Vandalism: Rioters broke windows and doors to forcefully enter the Capitol. They vandalized offices, including that of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and damaged historical artifacts .
  2. Assaults on Law Enforcement: Over 140 police officers were injured as rioters attacked them with various weapons, including flagpoles, fire extinguishers, and chemical sprays .
  3. Deaths and Injuries: Five people died as a result of the events of January 6th, including a Capitol police officer who suffered strokes after being assaulted. Several rioters also died, and many others, including law enforcement, sustained serious injuries .
  4. Threats and Intimidation: Rioters chanted threatening slogans, including calls to hang Vice President Mike Pence. A makeshift gallows was erected outside the Capitol .
  5. Obstruction of Congress: The certification of the Electoral College results was delayed as members of Congress had to be evacuated and the Capitol secured. This was an unprecedented disruption of a fundamental democratic process .
  6. Theft of Sensitive Materials: Documents and electronic equipment were stolen from congressional offices, raising concerns about security breaches and the potential for sensitive information to be compromised.
@BDE420 (aka: Ryan)

Why do you so desperately need the following to be okay? What is it about this event that excites you?
  1. Violent Entry and Vandalism: Rioters broke windows and doors to forcefully enter the Capitol. They vandalized offices, including that of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and damaged historical artifacts .
  2. Assaults on Law Enforcement: Over 140 police officers were injured as rioters attacked them with various weapons, including flagpoles, fire extinguishers, and chemical sprays .
  3. Deaths and Injuries: Five people died as a result of the events of January 6th, including a Capitol police officer who suffered strokes after being assaulted. Several rioters also died, and many others, including law enforcement, sustained serious injuries .
  4. Threats and Intimidation: Rioters chanted threatening slogans, including calls to hang Vice President Mike Pence. A makeshift gallows was erected outside the Capitol .
  5. Obstruction of Congress: The certification of the Electoral College results was delayed as members of Congress had to be evacuated and the Capitol secured. This was an unprecedented disruption of a fundamental democratic process .
  6. Theft of Sensitive Materials: Documents and electronic equipment were stolen from congressional offices, raising concerns about security breaches and the potential for sensitive information to be compromised.
Lol another Ryan accusation
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@BDE420 (aka: Ryan)

Why do you so desperately need the following to be okay? What is it about this event that excites you?
  1. Violent Entry and Vandalism: Rioters broke windows and doors to forcefully enter the Capitol. They vandalized offices, including that of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and damaged historical artifacts .
  2. Assaults on Law Enforcement: Over 140 police officers were injured as rioters attacked them with various weapons, including flagpoles, fire extinguishers, and chemical sprays .
  3. Deaths and Injuries: Five people died as a result of the events of January 6th, including a Capitol police officer who suffered strokes after being assaulted. Several rioters also died, and many others, including law enforcement, sustained serious injuries .
  4. Threats and Intimidation: Rioters chanted threatening slogans, including calls to hang Vice President Mike Pence. A makeshift gallows was erected outside the Capitol .
  5. Obstruction of Congress: The certification of the Electoral College results was delayed as members of Congress had to be evacuated and the Capitol secured. This was an unprecedented disruption of a fundamental democratic process .
  6. Theft of Sensitive Materials: Documents and electronic equipment were stolen from congressional offices, raising concerns about security breaches and the potential for sensitive information to be compromised.

So many layers to digest. How come Maga doesn’t get violent every time? How come Rat Epps is calling for a storming and got zero time. He’s all over the tape inciting and calling for it but gets a fat nothing burger.

You got undercover ops who start with the violence and breaking no way in hell to tell who did what and which side are they really (fbi admitted they knew about it did nothing to stop it and were actively on the ground though won’t tell you how many) only person that died that day was an unarmed woman ex military vet by a gun happy cop, thought you were against cops and violence?

Capital police were giving guided tours and people stole shit they should be charged for theft I agree.

Was never stopping the transfer of power Peter Pan grow up. You the guy who wants censorship, controlled messaging and tattles on neighbors in an HOA I’m sure of it.
thought you were against cops and violence?
If you're "new" here how would you know where I stand on that matter?

So many layers to digest. How come Maga doesn’t get violent every time? How come Rat Epps is calling for a storming and got zero time. He’s all over the tape inciting and calling for it but gets a fat nothing burger.

You got undercover ops who start with the violence and breaking no way in hell to tell who did what and which side are they really (fbi admitted they knew about it did nothing to stop it and were actively on the ground though won’t tell you how many) only person that died that day was an unarmed woman ex military vet by a gun happy cop, thought you were against cops and violence?

Capital police were giving guided tours and people stole shit they should be charged for theft I agree.

Was never stopping the transfer of power Peter Pan grow up. You the guy who wants censorship, controlled messaging and tattles on neighbors in an HOA I’m sure of it.
As for the rest of your your nonsense:

The plain and simple fact is the Jan 6th attack on the Capitol was a violent insurrection with the clear intention of disrupting the certification of the Electoral College results, as evidenced by the actions and statements of most of the rioters that day. Claims about Ray Epps being an instigator have been debunked, and while the FBI's handling of intelligence may warrant some criticism, there is ZERO evidence of undercover agents inciting violence. The tragic death of Ashli Babbitt occurred while she was attempting to breach a barricaded area (FAFO), and the officer's actions were legally justified under the circumstances.

So, I'll ask again. Why do you so desperately need Jan 6th to not be an insurrection? When you watch the video of the rioters entering the Senate chambers, what part of that brings you a calming peace? When Jacob Chansley entered the Senate he said, "Mike Pence is a f@#king traitor," and later added, "It's only a matter of time. Justice is coming." There were also discussions among them about setting up their own government. How on earth are you okay with that?

I took this oath:

"I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

Something tells me you never have.
If you're "new" here how would you know where I stand on that matter?

As for the rest of your your nonsense:

The plain and simple fact is the Jan 6th attack on the Capitol was a violent insurrection with the clear intention of disrupting the certification of the Electoral College results, as evidenced by the actions and statements of most of the rioters that day. Claims about Ray Epps being an instigator have been debunked, and while the FBI's handling of intelligence may warrant some criticism, there is ZERO evidence of undercover agents inciting violence. The tragic death of Ashli Babbitt occurred while she was attempting to breach a barricaded area (FAFO), and the officer's actions were legally justified under the circumstances.

So, I'll ask again. Why do you so desperately need Jan 6th to not be an insurrection? When you watch the video of the rioters entering the Senate chambers, what part of that brings you a calming peace? When Jacob Chansley entered the Senate he said, "Mike Pence is a f@#king traitor," and later added, "It's only a matter of time. Justice is coming." There were also discussions among them about setting up their own government. How on earth are you okay with that?

I took this oath:

"I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

Something tells me you never have.
Easy to spot have zero clue who you are but I’m sure I’m spot on. Have fun in never neverland
@BDE420 (aka: Ryan)

Why do you so desperately need the following to be okay? What is it about this event that excites you?
  1. Violent Entry and Vandalism: Rioters broke windows and doors to forcefully enter the Capitol. They vandalized offices, including that of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and damaged historical artifacts .
  2. Assaults on Law Enforcement: Over 140 police officers were injured as rioters attacked them with various weapons, including flagpoles, fire extinguishers, and chemical sprays .
  3. Deaths and Injuries: Five people died as a result of the events of January 6th, including a Capitol police officer who suffered strokes after being assaulted. Several rioters also died, and many others, including law enforcement, sustained serious injuries .
  4. Threats and Intimidation: Rioters chanted threatening slogans, including calls to hang Vice President Mike Pence. A makeshift gallows was erected outside the Capitol .
  5. Obstruction of Congress: The certification of the Electoral College results was delayed as members of Congress had to be evacuated and the Capitol secured. This was an unprecedented disruption of a fundamental democratic process .
  6. Theft of Sensitive Materials: Documents and electronic equipment were stolen from congressional offices, raising concerns about security breaches and the potential for sensitive information to be compromised.
Don't forget the Poopoo
Nancy's words, not mine.

I'm saying the video that I and others shared isn't some alternative portrait of reality of our own making lol it's literally what happened. You had shit heads involved and I say hold them accountable. You had others who were escorted in and the doj attempted to hid that evidence in several cases during prosecution. There is no low too low for the Biden doj.

@BDE420 (aka: Ryan)

Why do you so desperately need the following to be okay? What is it about this event that excites you?
  1. Violent Entry and Vandalism: Rioters broke windows and doors to forcefully enter the Capitol. They vandalized offices, including that of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and damaged historical artifacts .
  2. Assaults on Law Enforcement: Over 140 police officers were injured as rioters attacked them with various weapons, including flagpoles, fire extinguishers, and chemical sprays .
  3. Deaths and Injuries: Five people died as a result of the events of January 6th, including a Capitol police officer who suffered strokes after being assaulted. Several rioters also died, and many others, including law enforcement, sustained serious injuries .
  4. Threats and Intimidation: Rioters chanted threatening slogans, including calls to hang Vice President Mike Pence. A makeshift gallows was erected outside the Capitol .
  5. Obstruction of Congress: The certification of the Electoral College results was delayed as members of Congress had to be evacuated and the Capitol secured. This was an unprecedented disruption of a fundamental democratic process .
  6. Theft of Sensitive Materials: Documents and electronic equipment were stolen from congressional offices, raising concerns about security breaches and the potential for sensitive information to be compromised.
This mother ****er gets it.

Good luck, though, my man, arguing with mental midgets.
Easy to spot have zero clue who you are but I’m sure I’m spot on. Have fun in never neverland
Incapable of answering.

Seth Meyers Reaction GIF by Late Night with Seth Meyers

2020 Portland was an insurrection. Prove me wrong.
Oh, and to return to the actual question in the OP:

Calling the 2020 Portland protests an insurrection is factually incorrect. Those protests (you can even call them riots) were focused on racial justice and police reform. While they, like Jan 6th, involved clashes with law enforcement and property damage it wasn't an insurrection.

An insurrection is defined as a violent uprising against an authority or government in an attempt to overthrow it. The Portland protests did not aim to overthrow the government but to advocate for social and political change. There was vandalism, arson, and assault, but these acts do not meet the legal definition of insurrection. Conversely, the events on January 6, 2021, at the U.S. Capitol, where rioters sought to overturn a democratic election, are a more accurate example of an insurrection.

The mental gymnastics you go through on this are astounding. BOTH situations are criminal, but not the same. Everyone should be pissed about both incidents while also understanding they are different.
Just watch the NYT documentary Day of Rage on YouTube. It’s only 40 minutes long. It lays out the entire timeline and chain of events of January 6th. It’s obvious what was going on and confirms that many of these bad actors are getting exactly the justice they deserve. Completely inexcusable but look at the same group of idiots here who have been excusing it now for over 3 years. SAD.
Trump DEFINITELY should be hanging from a noose.

Make it happen.

Regarding Babbitt...FAFO
I mean, yeah, choices have consequences, but I still believe a young woman losing her life over Donald Trump is tragic.

The point is most people look at her death as unfortunate while some see it through the lens of enmity. The latter is reprehensible IMO.
I mean, yeah, choices have consequences, but I still believe a young woman losing her life over Donald Trump is tragic.

The point is most people look at her death as unfortunate while some see it through the lens of enmity. The latter is reprehensible IMO.
But stupid decisions can have very serious consequences.

She wasn't some 18 year old making a snap decision. She probably had multiple opportunities to leave that environment.
Just watch the NYT documentary Day of Rage on YouTube. It’s only 40 minutes long. It lays out the entire timeline and chain of events of January 6th. It’s obvious what was going on and confirms that many of these bad actors are getting exactly the justice they deserve. Completely inexcusable but look at the same group of idiots here who have been excusing it now for over 3 years. SAD.

The thing is they all know the truth, just as all the GOP leadership know the truth, But they have sold their souls to Trump. As I have said many times history is not going to be kind to the Trump era of the GOP.
When I see the phrase "peaceful" protestors, it makes me feel like I'm living in an alternate reality because there is no way I live on the same planet as possibly the dumbest, most uneducated imbeciles to ever walk the earth. Seriously, I think discourse between the Geico caveman may generate more intellectual stimulation.



As moronic as these people are for wearing masks outside, at least I can say the word peaceful without compromising my integrity.

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