JFC. GOP already talking about impeaching Hillary

She will almost certainly get the nomination. All the online prediction markets have her with at least a 75% chance of getting the nomination. These places are the most accurate predictors of elections so I will trust their judgment.

Further, although Obama beat her, he also beat anybody the Republicans could throw against him. At least she made the race close and took it to the wire. Obama stomped the GOP in both elections.

We'll see. I just don't get the sense that she's really all that well-liked, even on the left. That said, I think it comes down to Biden. If he gets in, I think he'll be the nominee. If he doesn't, she'll get it by default because Sanders is not electable.
oh, she is for sure, the problem is I have severe dyslexia with numbers and a 8 and 5 could be 85 or it could be I add them and it's 13 or who knows what
I would view that as a blessing. I think the gods are looking out for you. You are a blessed man.
I'll be voting for her because she's not Republican. She will be a middling President who will probably back up Wall Street and the military, but at least she supports equal rights including the right to marry whomever you want and speak whatever language you want. She supports science in their warnings of Climate Change, and she supports voting rights as well as getting healthcare to the masses.
Only someone who is a complete idiot, would want her in office. With her you're getting Bush part 3. I hope you all realize that. I want her to get elected, just to prove that point. Obama already proved he was Bush part 2, let's see what the excuses for the continuation of the Bush policies will be this time.

This statement right here is the epitome of left vs right BS. I hope you're proud, because you are most definitely part of the problem. YOU are the problem to be more exact.
It's just a game to you isn't it?

Does the bold portion really jive with the second quote?
She will almost certainly get the nomination. All the online prediction markets have her with at least a 75% chance of getting the nomination. These places are the most accurate predictors of elections so I will trust their judgment.

Further, although Obama beat her, he also beat anybody the Republicans could throw against him. At least she made the race close and took it to the wire. Obama stomped the GOP in both elections.

Re-read through your second paragraph and see if you can find the flaw in that comparison.
You're delusional if you think indees and mods will break for Hill, male or female.
Which Republican candidate with a chance of getting the nomination will independents and moderate Republican women turn to? Keep in mind the Republican platform will be far right on social issues, and the winner of the nomination will have to parrot the platform even if they don't believe it.
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But, all of HRC's poor performance and pitiful resume is still good enough for Red.
There are a lot of things to criticize Hillary for, but a pitiful resume certainly isn't one. For God's sake, she's been a senator and a Secretary of State. She has arguably the best resume of anyone who has ever run for president.
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There are a lot of things to criticize Hillary for, but a pitiful resume certainly isn't one. For God's sake, she's been a senator and a Secretary of State. She has arguably the best resume of anyone who has ever run for president.

Not to mention that the purported "poor performance" is a figment of his Clinton Derangement Syndrome.
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There are a lot of things to criticize Hillary for, but a pitiful resume certainly isn't one. For God's sake, she's been a senator and a Secretary of State. She has arguably the best resume of anyone who has ever run for president.

Granted. Underwhelming in her Senatorial role.

General poor performance in her Sec. State role.

She wasn't able to handle the "phone call" when it came.
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Responding to the earlier poster who has said that Clinton won't be the nominee. I think that those who underestimate the infrastructure of her campaign do so at their peril. I read that she has more people on ground in early states, paid and unpaid, than all the other candidates combined. That is from both parties.
Which Republican candidate with a chance of getting the nomination will independents and moderate Republican women turn to? Keep in mind the Republican platform will be far right on social issues, and the winner of the nomination will have to parrot the platform even if they don't believe it.

I think Rubio has a fair chance to pull a number of independents and moderate Republican women and I also think Fiorina as a veep on a non-Trump/Carson ticket would keep some GOP women in the fold.
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Responding to the earlier poster who has said that Clinton won't be the nominee. I think that those who underestimate the infrastructure of her campaign do so at their peril. I read that she has more people on ground in early states, paid and unpaid, than all the other candidates combined. That is from both parties.

It's not so much that I underestimate her, it's that I think there's sentiment against her being the presumptive next nominee all the time. The Dems would go with her, but I get the sense that the campaign right now is less about her pushing for the nomination and more about whether the Dems can find someone they like better -- like they did in 2008.

That said, I think Biden is the only one that can stand between her and the nomination, so if he doesn't get in, then she will be the nominee....I was just basing my earlier post on my belief that Biden will get in and then ultimately win the nomination.
It's not so much that I underestimate her, it's that I think there's sentiment against her being the presumptive next nominee all the time. The Dems would go with her, but I get the sense that the campaign right now is less about her pushing for the nomination and more about whether the Dems can find someone they like better -- like they did in 2008.

That said, I think Biden is the only one that can stand between her and the nomination, so if he doesn't get in, then she will be the nominee....I was just basing my earlier post on my belief that Biden will get in and then ultimately win the nomination.

Clinton currently leads the Democratic race with the support of 54 percent of registered Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents. That compares with 42 percent in September, by far her lowest level of support over the past two years, and 63 percent in July.

Sanders runs second at 23 percent, almost identical to his September number. The senator from Vermont, who has tapped energy among those in the progressive wing of the Democratic Party, saw his support rise steadily through the spring and summer. The latest results mark the first time that his support has not moved from one month to the next.

Biden’s possible candidacy draws the support of 16 percent of Democrats, halting a rise to 21 percent in September. That puts him back about where he was when speculation about a possible candidacy began to ramp up in midsummer.

Without Biden in the field, Clinton’s support jumps 10 points to 64 percent among Democratic-leaning voters. Sanders picks up just 2 points to 25 percent.

None of the other candidates included in the poll — former Maryland governor Martin O’Malley, former senator Jim Webb of Virginia or former Rhode Island senator and governor Lincoln Chafee — registered more than 2 percent.

Nearly two-thirds of Democrats predict that Clinton will be their party’s nominee. That percentage is lower than the last time the question was asked in a Post-ABC poll, which was in late March. At that time, Sanders had not announced his candidacy and therefore was not a significant factor in the race.

More than seven in 10 Democrats say that Clinton has the best chance of the party’s candidates to win the general election in November 2016. Just one in five cites Sanders as the party’s strongest candidate. In a related question, asked of all adults, 37 percent predicted that she would win the general election, while 20 percent say Republican candidate Donald Trump would win.

Among Democrats, Clinton leads Sanders on who is “closer to you” on the issues by 53-36 percent and on who “understands the problems of people like you” by 51-37 percent.

Clinton’s weakest attribute among those tested with Democrats came on the question of honesty. Asked who in the field is more honest and trustworthy, 42 percent said Clinton, and 41 percent named Sanders.
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Like I said, I think Biden is the only one that can beat her for the nomination....and I think he will both run and win on the Dem side. Polling right now is just guidance -- but we see that the mere potential of Biden lowers her numbers. If Biden gets in, I think he gradually starts pulling more of HRC's base, and if he starts trending up, then I think it becomes a self-feeding cycle.
Our GOP friends on this forum are foaming at the mouth about a debate between CF and HRC. Odds are extremely low that will ever happen. Having CF on the ballot will be about as effective as having Silly Sarah in 2008. I do agree that Rubio could pull a share of the Latino vote for the GOP.

It has been suggested that Marco slightly exaggerated his childhood experiences. Also, since he hasn't really been a frontrunner yet, the dirt on him hasn't been excavated quite yet. But you can bet HRC's committee has been doing some investigating if the need arises.

Unless Biden enters, I think HRC's polling numbers may have already bottomed. That would be devastating for the GOP nominee.

The Republican Party vastly underestimates the Bill affect to her campaign. Seldom has a past Prez been so highly touted as Bill has been since he left office. He is perhaps one of the greatest campaigners ever.

Unless Reagan rises from the dead, the GOP isn't winning in 2016, imo
I am by no means supporting Sanders but more Dems think Hillary is more honest and trustworthy than him? The thing I appreciate about Sanders is at least he seems honest. That surprises me.
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Our GOP friends on this forum are foaming at the mouth about a debate between CF and HRC. Odds are extremely low that will ever happen. Having CF on the ballot will be about as effective as having Silly Sarah in 2008. I do agree that Rubio could pull a share of the Latino vote for the GOP.

It has been suggested that Marco slightly exaggerated his childhood experiences. Also, since he hasn't really been a frontrunner yet, the dirt on him hasn't been excavated quite yet. But you can bet HRC's committee has been doing some investigating if the need arises.

Unless Biden enters, I think HRC's polling numbers may have already bottomed. That would be devastating for the GOP nominee.

The Republican Party vastly underestimates the Bill affect to her campaign. Seldom has a past Prez been so highly touted as Bill has been since he left office. He is perhaps one of the greatest campaigners ever.

Unless Reagan rises from the dead, the GOP isn't winning in 2016, imo

If by slightly exaggerating you mean outright lying about them, then you would be correct.
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Does the bold portion really jive with the second quote?
Yes it does, to me that bolded statement is no playing games. It's necessary. Get her in, let the Liberals see she's a Tyrant, and then hopefully some of them will start waking up to some common sense.
You certainly appear to have been duped into Clinton Derangement Syndrome by the wingnut echo chamber.
You're a complete left wingnut if you think criticism of the Clintons comes from 'derangement syndrome'. Anyone who doesn't criticize Clinton is either delusional, dishonest, or both. You'll never acknowledge any of her faults, because you are simply incapable of getting past your own wants and needs. You're selfish, it's all about what YOU want. It's all about what society owes you. You with all your ignorance, which is why you are incapable of realizing that YOU are your own worst enemy.
Not to mention that the purported "poor performance" is a figment of his Clinton Derangement Syndrome.
Do you also like her performance in the topic of supporting war? If she was graded on that, she would get an A for participation, because there isn't a war out there she hasn't wanted us to be part of.
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If you didn't want my opinion, why did you ask, jackass?
I wanted your opinion, and you didn't disappoint. You showed right away that all you care about is your chosen side.You didn't just show it, you flat out said it. You declared allegiance with someone who is just as bad as a Bush.
It's all about allegiance to your side, Which isn't even what you believe it really is.You've chosen a side that will do the same thing that other side will. You're so wrapped up on in your beliefs and stupidity that despite how many times I've shown you proof that the Democrats are just as guilty of the things you blame the other side for, you'll ignore it. Which makes your entire philosophy a big joke.
Our GOP friends on this forum are foaming at the mouth about a debate between CF and HRC. Odds are extremely low that will ever happen. Having CF on the ballot will be about as effective as having Silly Sarah in 2008. I do agree that Rubio could pull a share of the Latino vote for the GOP.

It has been suggested that Marco slightly exaggerated his childhood experiences. Also, since he hasn't really been a frontrunner yet, the dirt on him hasn't been excavated quite yet. But you can bet HRC's committee has been doing some investigating if the need arises.

Unless Biden enters, I think HRC's polling numbers may have already bottomed. That would be devastating for the GOP nominee.

The Republican Party vastly underestimates the Bill affect to her campaign. Seldom has a past Prez been so highly touted as Bill has been since he left office. He is perhaps one of the greatest campaigners ever.

Unless Reagan rises from the dead, the GOP isn't winning in 2016, imo
With the exception of Rubio doing well with the Latinos, I agree with all of this. Rubio polls in the low 30s, right around where McCain and Romney were at.
Our GOP friends on this forum are foaming at the mouth about a debate between CF and HRC. Odds are extremely low that will ever happen. Having CF on the ballot will be about as effective as having Silly Sarah in 2008. I do agree that Rubio could pull a share of the Latino vote for the GOP.

It has been suggested that Marco slightly exaggerated his childhood experiences. Also, since he hasn't really been a frontrunner yet, the dirt on him hasn't been excavated quite yet. But you can bet HRC's committee has been doing some investigating if the need arises.

Unless Biden enters, I think HRC's polling numbers may have already bottomed. That would be devastating for the GOP nominee.

The Republican Party vastly underestimates the Bill affect to her campaign. Seldom has a past Prez been so highly touted as Bill has been since he left office. He is perhaps one of the greatest campaigners ever.

Unless Reagan rises from the dead, the GOP isn't winning in 2016, imo

The Bill affect didn't help her overcome hope and change. Maybe you overestimate the Bill affect.
With the exception of Rubio doing well with the Latinos, I agree with all of this. Rubio polls in the low 30s, right around where McCain and Romney were at.

This. Just because he's of Cuban descent doesn't mean he'll draw a lot of Latino support. Many Latinos are actually quite resentful of Cuban Americans due to their privileged immigration status. His wingnut views won't endear him to many either.
You're delusional if you think indees and mods will break for Hill, male or female.

If the other option is Trump, Carson, Fiorina, Huckabee, Santorum, they absolutely will. En masse.

If it's Rubio, Bush, Christie or Kasich, they'll be less likely (to varying degrees).

I've been saying this for months, but this is Hillary's to lose. Hell, I think Biden would also run away with it. GOP has to nominate someone electable, and currently, they have 47.5% polling for two nut jobs (Trump and Carson) with another 9.5% polling for two bigger nut jobs (Fiorina and Huckabee). When nearly 60% of your Party wants to elect someone that crazy, you know you're doomed.
I am by no means supporting Sanders but more Dems think Hillary is more honest and trustworthy than him? The thing I appreciate about Sanders is at least he seems honest. That surprises me.
These aren't normal human beings you're speaking of. They are delusional and systematically destroyed in the mind morons. Think about how pathetic some of their claims are. Think about how little humanity has anything to do with what they say. It's a simple, let's maintain the system so they can stay comfortable without effort.
They seek no challenges, they don't care about the truth, they care even less about actually making a challenge towards the real problems. They care about not having to deal with ANYTHING, that would point out just how weak they really are.
The GOP has its faults and there is no denying. But the fact, that they wouldn't be any different if that weren't true, is still very much a fact.
This statement right here is the epitome of left vs right BS. I hope you're proud, because you are most definitely part of the problem. YOU are the problem to be more exact.
It's just a game to you isn't it?

Who are you voting for? Who are you hoping becomes the nominees? Why, if Clinton is Bush 3.0, are you not saying worse things about the crazies the GOP is pushing? (I'll give you a hint, it's because you're a partisan hack parading around as a libertarian).
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With the exception of Rubio doing well with the Latinos, I agree with all of this. Rubio polls in the low 30s, right around where McCain and Romney were at.
None of which matters, at all. But let's keep the ball rolling for nothing at all.
Who are you voting for? Who are you hoping becomes the nominees? Why, if Clinton is Bush 3.0, are you not saying worse things about the crazies the GOP is pushing? (I'll give you a hint, it's because you're a partisan hack parading around as a libertarian).
Who should anyone vote for Slieb? Name one candidate not supported by Corporate America and other major lobbying. I love when people question my Libertarian ways. Keep showing me this proof against my Libertarian claims.
I wanted your opinion, and you didn't disappoint. You showed right away that all you care about is your chose side. Which isn't even what you believe it really is.You've chose a side that will do the same thing that other side will. You're so wrapped up on in your beliefs and stupidity that despite how many times I've show you proof that the Democrats are just as guilty of the things you blame the other side for, you'll ignore it.

It's why you'll always be miserable, because you're too stupid not to be.
Interesting. You ask my opinion. I give it to you honestly and yet you still reject it. The Republicans have become insane. They're talking about building a literal wall around our country, are being led by two absolute clowns in their primary, and are so splintered that they cannot even elect a Speaker. You can pretend that the Dems are the same, but they are not. The Dems are still a united party capable of governing. I also find it ironic that you accuse me of ignoring things when you've literally ignored everything I've written in this thread. If you have a problem with my arguments, be an adult and debate the issue. Don't be a baby a throw out childish posts like the one above.
Who should anyone vote for Slieb? Name one candidate not supported by Corporate America and other major lobbying. I love when people question my Libertarian ways. Keep showing me this proof against my Libertarian claims.
Bernie Sanders.