That's a pretty salty looking lineup. Question for the tOSU insiders, do you guys think for 2018-2019 Ryan redshirts Pletcher, McKenna, Campbell and Martin to reload for 2019-2020?
Myles said in a recent interview (I think it was on the Steelwood Radio podcast, that he has no plans on redshirting in 2018/9.
I dont think they redshirt Pletcher, as they have Jordan Decatur coming in a few years and will need to overlap them by 1 year (see below). One will have to go 141 when Hayes graduates
As per Campbell, I also doubt they redshirt him, they have to work Jaden Mattox into 165 (or possibly Carr if we get him. Carr and Mattox will be 157 and 165 for a few years).
125 Braken Mead so, Brady Koontz rs-fr/so, Dylan Koontz rs-fr/so. Jaimen Hood rs-fr. Malik Heinselman redshirts. Nathaniel Keaton redshirts, Kyle Gruber redshirts, (Jacob Decatur hs-sr)
133 Luke Pletcher rs-so, (Jordan Decatur hs-sr)
141 Ke-Shawn Hayes rs-jr, Brenden Fitzgerald jr/rs-so backup
149 Micah Jordan rs-sr (?Sasso? redshirts)
157 Ryan Ferro rs-fr, Jake Ryan? rs-sr (?Carr? redshirts), Jashon Hubbard redshirts,
165 Te’Shan Campbell sr, Jaden Mattox redshirts
174 Kaleb Romero rs-fr, Jamar Williams rs-fr
184 Myles Martin sr, Ethan Smith rs-fr backup, Zach Steiner rs-fr
197 Kollin Moore rs-jr, Kevin Snyder rs-so backup, Gavin Hoffman redshirts
HWY Chase Singletary rs-fr
125 Malik Heinselman rs-fr, Braken Mead jr, Brady Koontz rs-so/jr, Dylan Koontz rs-so/jr. Jaimen Hood rs-so. Nathaniel Keaton rs-fr, Kyle Gruber rs-fr, Jacob Decatur redshirts
133 Luke Pletcher rs-jr, Jordan Decatur redshirts
141 Ke-Shawn Hayes rs-sr, Brenden Fitzgerald sr/rs-jr backup
149 [[?Sasso? rs-fr]]
157 [[?Carr? rs-fr]] Ryan Ferro rs-so, Jashon Hubbard rs-fr,
165 Jaden Mattox rs-fr
174 Kaleb Romero rs-so, Jamar Williams rs-so
184 Ethan Smith rs-so, Zach Steiner rs-so
197 Kollin Moore rs-sr, Gavin Hoffman rs-fr backup, Kevin Snyder rs-fr