Just 14% of Americans have received the updated covid vaccine.

It was back up to 1000+ deaths/wk from Sept 2023 thru mid March.

Which you can easily find using the Google Machine. Winter wave, like flu, has now subsided, and we have not yet seen dangerous new variants taking hold.

But, just like flu, they will probably recommend an updated booster in the fall, particularly for older adults.

Not sure why this is such a "trigger point" for you, because they've recommended flu shots for all adults since I was a college student.
Nice of you to cherry pick data, when said data naturally fluctuates on a week to week basis. How about being intellectually honest once in awhile. Let's stay with annual.
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Nice of you to cherry pick data, when said data naturally fluctuates on a week to week basis

How am I "cherry picking" data? You ASKED for the status.

I informed you that the "winter wave" from Sept thru mid-March was 1000+ deaths/week.
And that it is now subsiding (which is what influenza typically does, as well).

There was NO "fluctuation" below 1000 deaths in a week for >26 weeks.
Uh, no.

1918 flu was not a "lab created superbug".
Neither was Covid. Nor SARs. Nor MERs.
Covid-19 was created in the Wuhan lab funded by grants to EcoHealth Alliance, enhancing the SARS virus to be more infectious to humans. That research started in a lab in North Carolina, and moved to China after Obama outlawed gain of function research in the US.
How am I "cherry picking" data? You ASKED for the status.

I informed you that the "winter wave" from Sept thru mid-March was 1000+ deaths/week.
And that it is now subsiding (which is what influenza typically does, as well).

There was NO "fluctuation" below 1000 deaths in a week for >26 weeks.
Thanks for verifying your cherry picking.
Covid-19 was created in the Wuhan lab funded by grants to EcoHealth Alliance, enhancing the SARS virus to be more infectious to humans. That research started in a lab in North Carolina, and moved to China after Obama outlawed gain of function research in the US.
I heard Joe's Place had his muddy paws in it in North Carolina, then he was consulted in Wuhan.
Let's stay with annual.

Go look up the annual numbers, then. They do not inform you much about seasonal outbreaks.

Here are deaths rates for 2023, with Covid being 6x+ higher than flu in older adults


A common misperception that exists is that COVID-19 is no longer a serious virus, and some may even believe that it's less serious than influenza. While the rates of serious illness, hospitalizations, and death from COVID-19 are significantly lower than during the height of the pandemic in early 2020 and 2021, recent data indicates that COVID-19 remains more serious than influenza.

Key Highlights:
  • Seniors who contract COVID-19 are much more likely to experience serious illness, hospitalizations, or death.
  • The rates of hospitalizations for individuals over the age of 65 is nearly 10x greater than those with influenza (see figure 1).
  • Among individuals over 65 they are 3-4x more likely to die from COVID-19 compared to influenza (see figure 2).
Thanks for verifying your cherry picking.

You do not appear to understand what "cherry picking" is, Cletus

Here's another link:

In the first half of 2023, COVID-19 killed 42,670 people in the United States, while the flu killed about half that amount. Yet half as many people received the updated COVID booster as those who got the flu shot — even though COVID is twice as deadly as influenza.

In all, around 22% of people have received the new COVID booster, while 47% of people have had a flu vaccine. Experts said much of that COVID-shot resistance is due to the continued polarizing nature of the pandemic and of the COVID vaccine, which has been shown to reduce the risk for long COVID as well as serious acute viral infections and deaths.

42,000 deaths in the first half of 2023.
Sept-Dec = 17 weeks at >1000 more deaths/week.

So, that'd put 2023 totals at well north of 60,000 due to Covid. That's equal to a very very bad flu year.
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Covid-19 was created in the Wuhan lab funded by grants to EcoHealth Alliance

See - you're not really serious about understanding how severe Covid risks still are (compared to flu, etc). You just want to regurgitate MAGA talking points about Wuhan.
Joe has to use the stats from covid deaths in people older than 65, just to try to make the numbers look worse than they really were.
This was never a significant threat to younger, healthy people. But they certainly had to pay the price.
Joe has to use the stats from covid deaths in people older than 65, just to try to make the numbers look worse than they really were.
This was never a significant threat to younger, healthy people. But they certainly had to pay the price.
IF there was some honesty about it and a sense of calming rather than panic I wouldn't give Joe's nearly as much crap.

Joe's (and the rest of the panic porn inducers) made it seem like Covid Deaths are the Big House for everyone... but when you remove already close to death old people (those who are already passed the life expectancy of the average American) and those with an existing medical condition that life insurers would disqualify you for... the threat level was more like Northwestern's stadium.

They made it seem like hospitalization and death were the norms, and survival and complete recovery within a few days were the outliers. Joe continues to help spread his panic and fear for money.
Your parents/grandparents don't matter to you?
ffs, man. that's what you got out that? Fatsos and elderly people were the most susceptible to this thing whereas the majority of kiddos weren't. I get this is an act of hindsight, but schools should have never been shut down. I see the advantage of keeping our distance from the grandparents and seeking to protect them. Hell, the main reason I got that damn jab was for them, not me or my children.
I know of a child who had their first, and only, seizure after they had been vaccinated.
Another that developed an autoimmune condition. Maybe just a coincidence...but nobody knows for sure.
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It came from

We report a favourable safety profile of COVID-19 vaccination in under-18s.
The risk-benefit profile of COVID-19 vaccination in children remains uncertain.

Isn’t that something ‘scientists’ usually determine BEFORE they inject millions of children?
No; they established an appropriate safety profile.

Whether the benefits to kids in preventing illness, Long Covid or Covid spread are apparent can only be established over time.
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No; they established an appropriate safety profile.

Whether the benefits to kids in preventing illness, Long Covid or Covid spread are apparent can only be established over time.
Also, the potential long term effects of said injection can also only be established over time. But that doesn't seem to matter to some people.
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