Just 14% of Americans have received the updated covid vaccine.

Sure, Jan.

Lots of actual immunologists and virologists have compiled far better data than what she "accumulated". But she won't read any of it, because she's gone down the Rabbit Hole

Well over a hundred years of vaccine immunization and disease control and we have a covey of right-wing nut cases seeing, of all things, a political weapon by endangering human lives.

And hard to imagine a population, and by its extension a voting base vulnerable to its propaganda. 30 years ago I would not have thought this possible. How could the people of this country have become so dumb?
Credit Limbaugh, Gingrich, Fox News and the other jerks that sucked the juices from the willing mindless dopes.
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Not to mention today's medicine is basically a correlation chart.

Disease/Illness | Pill A
Disease/Illness | Pill B
Disease/Illness | Pill C
Disease/Illness | Pill D

You have to hold a PCM interview to find a holistic physician who will be knowledgeable enough to help get a patient healthy rather than just throw a pill at symptoms in a med journal...then throw a 2nd pill to combat the side-effects of first pill, etc. etc.

Americans, for the most part, don't want to change their lifestyle. More that half of what is killing Americans could be rectified with diet and exercise, but we just keep on shoving chemicals, GMOs, artificial flavors/colors, etc. into our bodies and sit back wondering why in the hell auto-immune diseases, diabetes, and autisim is on the rise.

...about 4% of the World's population has some sort of auto-immune disease, BUT dumbass Americans said hold my beer, and doubled the number with 8%.

The best guess that current research literature has is that an estimated 4 percent of the world’s population has at least one autoimmune disease. In the United States, that number may be closer to 8 percent—and those rates aren’t static. Experts say they’ve been increasing for decades.

So, in summary, Americans LOVE to fill their brains and stomachs with garbage. Except for this Joe guy, his is a superior intellect. I think I'll start calling him Khan.
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Well over a hundred years of vaccine immunization and disease control and we have a covey of right-wing nut cases seeing, of all things, a political weapon by endangering human lives.

And hard to imagine a population, and by its extension a voting base vulnerable to its propaganda. 30 years ago I would not have thought this possible. How could the people of this country have become so dumb?
All vaccines aren't created equal.

It's already been shown the original narrative on COVID vaccines was a lie, and the CDC and FBI were involved in suppressing truth and labeling it false information. The real problem is people continuing to trust the government even in the face of massive proven lies.

Did you get vaccinated? Were you told that getting vaccinated wasn't to protect you, but your neighbors? Were you told that getting vaccinated would keep you from getting infected? Were you told getting vaccinated would prevent spread? Were you told the efficacy against infection was 94% to 96%? Were you told that safe distancing was 6 feet? Were you told that spread was primary from large droplets and not aerosol? Were you told up to 2.5 million people would die in the US in the first year?

Did you get COVID?
Did you get vaccinated? Were you told that getting vaccinated wasn't to protect you, but your neighbors? Were you told that getting vaccinated would keep you from getting infected? Were you told getting vaccinated would prevent spread? Were you told the efficacy against infection was 94% to 96%? Were you told that safe distancing was 6 feet? Were you told that spread was primary from large droplets and not aerosol? Were you told up to 2.5 million people would die in the US in the first year?

I was told these things.

Raise Hand GIF by Nick Jonas
All vaccines aren't created equal.
All viruses aren't created equally.

Respiratory viruses (like influenza) mutate rapidly, and in multiple mammalian/avian reservoirs.

Measles does not mutate, and has no other mammalian reservoirs to mutate in - it is referred to as a STATIC VIRUS, which you can Google if you want to learn what that means.

Covid mutates 2x-5x FASTER THAN influenza, if you want to have a minimal level of comprehension as to what we are up against AND it has multiple other species it can mutate within.

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All viruses aren't created equally.

Respiratory viruses (like influenza) mutate rapidly, and in multiple mammalian/avian reservoirs.

Measles does not mutate, and has no other mammalian reservoirs to mutate in - it is referred to as a STATIC VIRUS, which you can Google if you want to learn what that means.

Covid mutates 2x-5x FASTER THAN influenza, if you want to have a minimal level of comprehension as to what we are up against AND it has multiple other species it can mutate within.

Cool. I don't disagree with any of that. Do you actually have some point that's relevant? Would you like to start another argument with yourself?
Thanks a lot, a$$holes. This evening I have body aches, slight cough and a 100.5 temp.

I knew I should have stayed out of this thread.

Yall suck!
Wasn't me. I'm fully vaccinated and get my boosters every month. I can't catch it or spread it.

Besides you should have been wearing multiple masks and standing 6 feet back from this thread when you read it.

I have a list of names on here who I think are the spreaders. Let me know if you want their names.
All vaccines aren't created equal.

It's already been shown the original narrative on COVID vaccines was a lie, and the CDC and FBI were involved in suppressing truth and labeling it false information. The real problem is people continuing to trust the government even in the face of massive proven lies.

Did you get vaccinated? Were you told that getting vaccinated wasn't to protect you, but your neighbors? Were you told that getting vaccinated would keep you from getting infected? Were you told getting vaccinated would prevent spread? Were you told the efficacy against infection was 94% to 96%? Were you told that safe distancing was 6 feet? Were you told that spread was primary from large droplets and not aerosol? Were you told up to 2.5 million people would die in the US in the first year?

Did you get COVID?
I was told HCQ was a treatment, and to wait for the Duke ivermectin study that would show benefits…by you of all people.
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My buddy just got covid. :(

He's vaxxed but I'm not sure how vaxxed.
Well that sucks. Hope he gets better.

Now for the sarcasm: I'm sure the severity of the virus is much less than if he hadn't gotten the jab. No idea how we would ever know or prove that? But it's a fact, I think?
Home rapid test is negative; however, when I had it in 2022 both of my home tests were negative and one Urgent Care rapid test was negative. It took the PCR test to register that I had covid.
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It wasn't. Flu B.


Normal value: Negative / Not Detected

Influenza A, PCR​

Normal value: Negative

Influenza B, PCR​

Normal value: Negative/ Neg
Positive Abnormal

Rsv, Pcr​

Normal value: Negative/ Neg
Thanks for letting everyone know.
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Almost 4 years later and you guys are still arguing about the same shit.
