Just got back from Japan


HB Legend
May 12, 2009
North Liberty
Other than being an amazing country, there are so many things the U.S. could learn when it comes to efficiency in every day lives. For example: it only took me five freakin' minutes to get through customs. When I came back, I flew into Minneapolis and it took me over an hour to get through customs. Why? Even though there were over 400+ people in line, they only had six customs officers working the booths even though there were 18 total. And one of those customs guys was just for the foreigners. And there were a lot of them as well.

There were officials on the streets making sure cars were turning the right direction and minimizing traffic hassles, etc.

And the quality of the food was outstanding. You could eat VERY healthy even at the local 7-11s.
Other than being an amazing country, there are so many things the U.S. could learn when it comes to efficiency in every day lives. For example: it only took me five freakin' minutes to get through customs. When I came back, I flew into Minneapolis and it took me over an hour to get through customs. Why? Even though there were over 400+ people in line, they only had six customs officers working the booths even though there were 18 total. And one of those customs guys was just for the foreigners. And there were a lot of them as well.

There were officials on the streets making sure cars were turning the right direction and minimizing traffic hassles, etc.

And the quality of the food was outstanding. You could eat VERY healthy even at the local 7-11s.
I go over every year.
The engineering is amazing. Elevators, gps, etc.
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Other than being an amazing country, there are so many things the U.S. could learn when it comes to efficiency in every day lives. For example: it only took me five freakin' minutes to get through customs. When I came back, I flew into Minneapolis and it took me over an hour to get through customs. Why? Even though there were over 400+ people in line, they only had six customs officers working the booths even though there were 18 total. And one of those customs guys was just for the foreigners. And there were a lot of them as well.

There were officials on the streets making sure cars were turning the right direction and minimizing traffic hassles, etc.

And the quality of the food was outstanding. You could eat VERY healthy even at the local 7-11s.
They also aren't a nation of idiots.
My son went to Japan for two weeks. He was amazed at the efficiency. He needed to board the train that arrived at 5:17 pm. A train rolled in at 5:15 pm and he thought it was early, so he hopped on. Wrong train, when they say they will arrive at 5:17, it's 5:17 on the dot. He said everyone is super respectful, all of the cities are really clean and they are very welcoming to visitors. He can't wait to go back.
Other than being an amazing country, there are so many things the U.S. could learn when it comes to efficiency in every day lives. For example: it only took me five freakin' minutes to get through customs. When I came back, I flew into Minneapolis and it took me over an hour to get through customs. Why? Even though there were over 400+ people in line, they only had six customs officers working the booths even though there were 18 total. And one of those customs guys was just for the foreigners. And there were a lot of them as well.

There were officials on the streets making sure cars were turning the right direction and minimizing traffic hassles, etc.

And the quality of the food was outstanding. You could eat VERY healthy even at the local 7-11s.
Americans hate paying taxes and hate regulations.

That’s why.
Not more regulations, but more efficiency which means LESS government.

Anyway, how does a post about a trip to a country and how they operate become political for you?
How do you think the extra customs agents and traffic police are getting paid?

It’s not so much a “political” question at least in terms of partisanship/parties - but a general philosophy. If you want high level, high-touch service from government, you have to pay for it.
How do you think the extra customs agents and traffic police are getting paid?

It’s not so much a “political” question at least in terms of partisanship/parties - but a general philosophy. If you want high level, high-touch service from government, you have to pay for it.
The United States could have nice things but instead most of the tax dollars go to supporting worthless pieces of shit like yourself, little flick, Huey and other progressive losers. The people of Japan have a sense of pride and self respect to make their country as good as possible. The only thing you want to is be a burden and leech towards the United States.
The United States could have nice things but instead most of the tax dollars go to supporting worthless pieces of shit like yourself, little flick, Huey and other progressive losers. The people of Japan have a sense of pride and self respect to make their country as good as possible. The only thing you want to is be a burden and leech towards the United States.
My guess is @torbee makes minimum 10x what you make. Easy.
Not taking a chance with Godzilla still on the prowl…
Those Japs really know how to bass fish. No joke.

Many techniques used in the US currently were started over there.

They produce high quality gear as well. Lately I've been buying stuff directly from Japanese shops.

You can get gear not available in the US and can get more bang for my back compared to the Yen.
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Other than being an amazing country, there are so many things the U.S. could learn when it comes to efficiency in every day lives. For example: it only took me five freakin' minutes to get through customs. When I came back, I flew into Minneapolis and it took me over an hour to get through customs. Why? Even though there were over 400+ people in line, they only had six customs officers working the booths even though there were 18 total. And one of those customs guys was just for the foreigners. And there were a lot of them as well.

There were officials on the streets making sure cars were turning the right direction and minimizing traffic hassles, etc.

And the quality of the food was outstanding. You could eat VERY healthy even at the local 7-11s.
sounds like totalitarianism and anti-freedom

big brother is watching
Does everyone in Japan also argue nonstop over politics on an anonymous message board instead of going out in public and doing something that matters?