Were you good at sports in school?

I was absolutely cheeks in most things. I really liked hockey but my family didn't want to commit to the travel when I got old enough for that level of the sport so I quit. I didn't play basketball then because I thought I was too far behind.

I really regret it now, because when I got to college I didn't really think things through as far as what I would actually do when I got there, found out I just loved playing rec basketball and played basically every day of college. I'm 43 now and I play 2-3 times a week when I'm not injured which is basically constantly.

I also was like 6'1" my freshman year, which sounds great, until you consider the fact that I was about 120 pounds and just got crushed in any sport that had any level of physicality.

My kids do a lot of sports but I don't push anything and they can stop anything they don't like anytime.
I was above average in every sport I tried when young but at about age 12 found my calling, diving.

I was state champion my senior year after having finished 6th and 3rd the prior years so fairly dominate. Was All-American my senior year which led to division 1 scholarship (guess where) which is when any sort of dominance ended.
based on your handle i take it that you aren't the guy with whom the hc of said division 1 school (while wearing khaki pants) jumped in the pool :)
4 sport athlete in a small town (FB, BB, Golf & Baseball). Pretty much sucked at FB, but I was pretty good at all the rest. Baseball was my best - all-conference my Sr year. Got 9 Varsity letters.

Gotta love small town athletics when you're growing up!
I got knocked loopy tackling Mike Busch on a catch over the middle v North Scott back in 1984.

That’s my claim to fame 😢

As far as the OP….average at best, but I tried hard. Kind of like my posting. 😄
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Played catcher for summer and fall softball and basketball back in the 6 on 6 days. I certainly wasn't a star, but I loved playing and being a part of the team. Most of my HS memories revolve around sports.
I was an unremarkable, decent but quite average athlete at an Iowa 2A school.

I loved football but only when I was running with the ball. I was arguably the worst tackler to play at any level in the history of the game. I was the backup RB for a classmate who won the 100, 200 and 400 at State track my senior year so I was essentially mop up duty or if he needed a blow or got dinged up. I still got a lot of playing time because we routinely blew out our opponents and I managed to average nearly 9 yards a carry my last season but most of that credit goes to our OL who were dominant.

Basketball was my primary sport and I had my moments but unfortunately I missed the first half of my senior season due to injury and I was never 100% after coming back into the rotation. I was a high jumper in track and would routinely win at most meets but not good enough to get to the Drake standard. My senior year I got invited to the Dickinson Relays and watched the high jumper from Manly set the new HS indoor record of 7'2" at the time which was amazing and a foot higher than my PR.
I was skinny as a rail in high school so only played basketball past freshman year. I went to a very small school and started my junior and senior years. I was solid for what it was and being able to jump pretty high definitely helped. With only being 6'1'', I knew there was nothing after high school.