Phantom, I am not going to battle with you on this site, but you are like a virus that just won't go away and refuses to respond to treatment. Your non-stop degrading of Mike Gesell is not only unwarranted, it is mostly inaccurate. So far, you have managed to move to saying Mike is very, very average, and that is an upgrade from most other discussions. Assist/turnover ratios don't matter. Excellent on-ball and help defense by Mike is "average." He's a horrible free throw shooter, but yet he is third on the team of players with many minutes...
Repeatedly, you have basically blamed Mike for losses, some in which Mike was one of the main reasons Iowa was even in the game. Mike can play 30 minutes of great basketball, but if he then doesn't make the play to win it near the end of the game, even if he was basically left with the ball and no one else on the team doing much make themselves available, then we have to read how Mike blew it again. I have enjoyed watching Mike Gesell play, and Iowa has been very lucky that he put on an Iowa uniform.
At least my argument is based on emotionalism, as yours is, so sorry if that doesn't go with your opinion. According to advanced metrics, MG is avg (of course, you'd never know this because you don't look at any stat beyond assists/turnovers). I've never claimed he was anything less than avg. I've said in the past MG was avg/slightly above avg. I hate when people whine and bitch without providing any evidence to support their claim, or make falsehoods to support their hypothesis. Quote me accurately, don't make things up. Nowhere here have I said "assist/turnover ratios don't matter". What I said was assists are an overrated stat (they are), much like RBI in baseball. I didn't say he was a horrible FT shooter, I said he chokes down the stretch shooting FT's.
Repeatedly, you misstate my position and it's getting tiring correcting you. Either stick to the facts, using quotes from me or STFU because I don't have time constantly correcting your lies. You are like a pest who throws up strawmen to knock them down.
"Mike can play 30 minutes of great basketball, but if he then doesn't make the play to win it near the end of the game, even if he was basically left with the ball and no one else on the team doing much make themselves available, then we have to read how Mike blew it again."
And how often have we seen this happen? Once? Twice? And, since you seem to be oblivious to it the final 10 minutes are the most critical in a game. If a guy has a history of choking at the end of games, then he's going to draw attention. You continually give MG a pass, no matter how poorly he plays. There's always an excuse, and you cite your tired, "but look at his assists" as proof MG had a "great" game. You are like the baseball old timers who cite RBI and errors to "prove" their player is a great player. Stop getting so emotionally involved with a player you can't look at objective metrics which measure a players performance.
I like MG, but unlike you I'm able to call him what he is, an avg PG. This would be fine if Iowa didn't have an avg SG playing aside him who has the same skills deficit. Take the blinders off buddy. And please, stop with your misrepresentations of my comments. If you disagree with what I'm saying, then fine, make an argument based on what I said, not what you think I said. Then try to make a rebuttal argument based on something beside emotionalism.