Kasich DNC Speech here 4:09

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He didn't issue DACA in direct contradiction to US law? His administration didn't look the other way for millions of illegal immigration violations? Catch and Release ring a bell? He didn't promote illegals voting in the 2016 elections by telling them they won't be bothered by anyone if they vote on National TV?

Choose a better example.

And none of those are the same as open borders.

I can sympathize that DACA was not approved via congress and is another example of president's having too much leeway with executive orders. But I also think DACA is a morally correct solution to the question of what should be done with people who were brought here as children and made a life here.
And none of those are the same as open borders.

Distinction without a difference. If we don't enforce our laws and encourage illegals to come here and abuse our policies, what is the God damned difference? You know better than that but won't admit it. That's fine.

Illegal immigration hurts working class Americans. Wages are depressed, how could they not be? Millions of off the books laborers do jobs that would otherwise be done by blue collar Americans. Less social services and resources go to where they are needed when they are diverted to the citizens of other countries and liberals wonder why there is income inequality. It is because of your policies you dunces.
Distinction without a difference. If we don't enforce our laws and encourage illegals to come here and abuse our policies, what is the God damned difference? You know better than that but won't admit it. That's fine.

Illegal immigration hurts working class Americans. Wages are depressed, how could they not be? Millions of off the books laborers do jobs that would otherwise be done by blue collar Americans. Less social services and resources go to where they are needed when they are diverted to the citizens of other countries and liberals wonder why there is income inequality. It is because of your policies you dunces.
STFU, idiot.
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Distinction without a difference. If we don't enforce our laws and encourage illegals to come here and abuse our policies, what is the God damned difference? You know better than that but won't admit it. That's fine.

Illegal immigration hurts working class Americans. Wages are depressed, how could they not be? Millions of off the books laborers do jobs that would otherwise be done by blue collar Americans. Less social services and resources go to where they are needed when they are diverted to the citizens of other countries and liberals wonder why there is income inequality. It is because of your policies you dunces.
No, they are not the same.
The individuals illegally brought to the US as children should not be treated the same as adults who illegally enter our nation. The biggest reason to me is, as children they were not legally capable of providing consent for entry into the US. Provide a path for them to stay in the US legally and allow them to contribute to the only nation most of these individuals know. If the GOP went for this action they’d have a whole lot of new voters in their corner.
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Distinction without a difference. If we don't enforce our laws and encourage illegals to come here and abuse our policies, what is the God damned difference? You know better than that but won't admit it. That's fine.

Illegal immigration hurts working class Americans. Wages are depressed, how could they not be? Millions of off the books laborers do jobs that would otherwise be done by blue collar Americans. Less social services and resources go to where they are needed when they are diverted to the citizens of other countries and liberals wonder why there is income inequality. It is because of your policies you dunces.

Then like I have said before I would suggest that the best way to tackle the problem is strongly increasing the policing and the penalties for hiring illegal labor. Make it an automatic 10 year prison sentence along with a fine of 3/4ths of the net worth of the guilty. Make it illegal for them to ever own a share of stock or be a corporate officer. Not only imprison them but financially end them. I would fine any corporations they work for to, maybe not enough to end them but enough to make sure the shareholders feel the pinch. 50% of after tax profits for the next 10 years with a freeze on pay increases for anyone in the company making more than 200k. Then we take those fine and distribute it among US households making less then say 40k.

Support that and I can believe that you actually want to take on this problem. Because lets be honest physically controlling a 1,000 mile border would take far more manpower. And I don't have a problem with deportations but that's a wack a mole approach to the problem. Why worry about trying to punish people who have very little left to lose when you can punish those with a lot to lose. Those with a lot to lose tend to respond better to punishments.

The real solution is shutting off the source of the spigot which is the available work.

The farmer that employed the illegal that killed that girl in Iowa. Why are he and his wife not in prison right now? Why hasn't the government seized his farm and sold it to someone who will only employ citizens. I find it hard to believe that they had no idea that he was illegal. Instead they will continue to be rich and continue to employ illegal labor.
No, they are not the same.
The individuals illegally brought to the US as children should not be treated the same as adults who illegally enter our nation. The biggest reason to me is, as children they were not legally capable of providing consent for entry into the US. Provide a path for them to stay in the US legally and allow them to contribute to the only nation most of these individuals know. If the GOP went for this action they’d have a whole lot of new voters in their corner.

Now ask yourself why wasn't this passed during Obama's first half of his first term? It has been a loophole issue / problem for decades. He had the House, the Senate and himself to sign it. Why wasn't it done? Who beside Obama and the Democratic party are to blame for their inaction from 2009-2010?

How to deflect.... how to deflect.. *checks liberal handbook* ah yes! Racism!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Evil Publicans!!!!!!!!!!!
Would he run as a Dem in 24? He's probably too decent of a guy to be successful in the modern day republican party. I think trump runs again after he loses

Gotta keep the graft going. Wants that sweet campaign cash.
Now ask yourself why wasn't this passed during Obama's first half of his first term? It has been a loophole issue / problem for decades. He had the House, the Senate and himself to sign it. Why wasn't it done? Who beside Obama and the Democratic party are to blame for their inaction from 2009-2010?

How to deflect.... how to deflect.. *checks liberal handbook* ah yes! Racism!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Evil Publicans!!!!!!!!!!!
Why didn’t Trump do something positive?

Oh yeah! He’s incapable of doing anything good for the country.
Really? All you guys here who’ve said over the years that you would have voted for Kasich in 2016 if you could, or expressed how you wish he would be Biden’s VP etc. and no reaction whatsoever?

Girly boy like FlickShagwell.
Why didn’t Trump do something positive?

Oh yeah! He’s incapable of doing anything good for the country.

Sweet sweet deflection. We could never hold Obama accountable, can we? Some call that soft racism you know. Not holding Obama to the same standard that you hold Trump.

Then there's this.....

“This bill in its entirety has been endorsed by the political spectrum of America,” said Senator Richard J. Durbin, Democrat of Illinois, who has led the push for changes along with two Republicans, Senators Charles E. Grassley of Iowa and Mike Lee of Utah. “I can’t remember any bill that has this kind of support, left and right, liberal and conservative, Democrat and Republican.”