Kate Middleton, if you have time to waste today.

If she's had that done and is still going through chemo that isn't good. Means the cancer likely spread.
Most cancers in that region spread. Aggressively. They operate to debulk or reduce the tumor burden. The rest of the tumor can be treated with HIPEC, in which chemo is directly introduced into the abdomen during surgery. Depending on the tumor, this approach probably has been employed. All in all, it's terrible. And it reminds me of people I've lost including my own mother.
I was thinking more along the lines of pancreatic cancer in comparison. My mom had cervical cancer 60 years ago and passed in 2020.
Pancreatic cancers usually don't present like this and had she had it, they would have done a whipple. That surgery, while major, is much less invasive than what this appears to be. Whipple patients go home far sooner than she did.
Most cancers in that region spread. Aggressively. They operate to debulk or reduce the tumor burden. The rest of the tumor can be treated with HIPEC, in which chemo is directly introduced into the abdomen during surgery. Depending on the tumor, this approach probably has been employed. All in all, it's terrible. And it reminds me of people I've lost including my own mother.

How bad do you think it is?

I heard chemo sucks, too.
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How bad do you think it is?

I heard chemo sucks, too.
How bad? If it's really bad, state of the art says 2 year survival rate. My mom did 52 chemo sessions, got 8 months of good life, 1 year of endless pain and succumbed.
So, like 2 years from date of operation unless some major therapy comes onboard. Of course, as a scientist in this field, we dream of that happening just like it did for AIDS patients.

Just a coincidental footnote. My colleague is now on hospice for bile duct cancer. He got less than a year and nothing they did tamped it down. Generally speaking, no surgeon will touch that cancer. It spreads to any and everything so surgery is pointless.
You must have read something I missed. What presented itself.? I thought that it might be something "female" though.
I'm just saying, based on what she's gone through, if I was a betting man, I wouldn't lay down the money on pancreatic cancer.
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How bad? If it's really bad, state of the art says 2 year survival rate. My mom did 52 chemo sessions, got 8 months of good life, 1 year of endless pain and succumbed.
So, like 2 years from date of operation unless some major therapy comes onboard. Of course, as a scientist in this field, we dream of that happening just like it did for AIDS patients.

Just a coincidental footnote. My colleague is now on hospice for bile duct cancer. He got less than a year and nothing they did tamped it down. Generally speaking, no surgeon will touch that cancer. It spreads to any and everything so surgery is pointless.

Sorry for your loss. I'll say a rosary for your Mother.

What age was she?
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@Moral no offense was meant to your grandad. I have worked most of my adult life to help cancer patients. I have foresaken jobs that would have paid me much more to be a lab slave working 24/7. Yet, I could not save my mom and for that matter, her own oncologist who died at 43 and was my clinical collaborator. You have my deepest sympathies and condolences. However, there are aholes on here who need a reckoning. Not everything is funny. This news makes me very very sad.

Anyone disagree with me that she looks sick and sounds somber. This sounds pretty serious.

This sucks that her kids might lose their mom early. Her husband went through that and now their kids might as well.

She doesn't look that sick to me. If you're talking about how thin she looks, here are some pics of her from 2020.

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My grandpa died of colorectal cancer and ended up on a colostomy bag. This is very offensive to me.

@Moral no offense was meant to your grandad. I have worked most of my adult life to help cancer patients. I have foresaken jobs that would have paid me much more to be a lab slave working 24/7. Yet, I could not save my mom and for that matter, her own oncologist who died at 43 and was my clinical collaborator. You have my deepest sympathies and condolences. However, there are aholes on here who need a reckoning. Not everything is funny. This news makes me very very sad.
Doing the old moonwalk I see.
Who gets early testing for pancreatic cancer?

I’m genuinely curious, because I’d want it. The only people I know who have survived it were diagnosed very early while getting treated for other things (endometriosis and back issues)
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Why all the smoke and mirror stuff trying to hide this? The photoshopped picture, the body double? They had to know keeping it a secret would just feed the conspiracy theories. What not come clean from the start?

I heard Dr. Sanjay Gupta of CNN say that is confusing since chemo isn't usually done for preventative reasons, it's only done if someone has cancer. He said he's not an oncologist, though.

If I had cancer, I'd give a 5 hour press conference about it, but the Royal Family has a different style.
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