Kids sleeping late


HR Legend
Mar 29, 2002
Ok, I was a late sleeping when I was young. I'd stay up late and sleep all morning.
Now my kids are doing it and it annoys me.
Both have jobs, both good students, but my son just rolled out of bed at 2pm and I'm starting to channel my dad.
My daughter actually got up at 9, had breakfast with a friend, and went back to bed when she got home.

Maybe I'm just jealous, I can't sleep much past 9 even on a weekend. Odds are I've been up to piss twice since 5 am those mornings.
Ok, I was a late sleeping when I was young. I'd stay up late and sleep all morning.
Now my kids are doing it and it annoys me.
Both have jobs, both good students, but my son just rolled out of bed at 2pm and I'm starting to channel my dad.
My daughter actually got up at 9, had breakfast with a friend, and went back to bed when she got home.

Maybe I'm just jealous, I can't sleep much past 9 even on a weekend. Odds are I've been up to piss twice since 5 am those mornings.
Kids need a lot of sleep. Unless it’s getting in the way of things they need to do or want to do, I don’t see it as an issue. My oldest is a soph in college and he’s really good about being up when he needs to be and he handles his business, but if he’s free on a Sunday he may sleep a long way into the afternoon. My middle is getting to that point now as a 16 yo and the youngest isn’t there, but he’s now sleeping until 10-11 when he used to pretty reliably be up by 8-9.
Kids need a lot of sleep. Unless it’s getting in the way of things they need to do or want to do, I don’t see it as an issue. My oldest is a soph in college and he’s really good about being up when he needs to be and he handles his business, but if he’s free on a Sunday he may sleep a long way into the afternoon. My middle is getting to that point now as a 16 yo and the youngest isn’t there, but he’s now sleeping until 10-11 when he used to pretty reliably be up by 8-9.
They're both out of HS. Both work, take care of what they need to do.
It's just weird to be eating lunch and neither is up yet.
They're both out of HS. Both work, take care of what they need to do.
It's just weird to be eating lunch and neither is up yet.
Just trying to understand the dynamic. Are they living at home while attending college? Or do they have jobs?
On my days off I used to sleep til noon. Until I was maybe 24 or 25.

Now at 41 I can barely sleep past 7.
Ok, I was a late sleeping when I was young. I'd stay up late and sleep all morning.
Now my kids are doing it and it annoys me.
Both have jobs, both good students, but my son just rolled out of bed at 2pm and I'm starting to channel my dad.
My daughter actually got up at 9, had breakfast with a friend, and went back to bed when she got home.

Maybe I'm just jealous, I can't sleep much past 9 even on a weekend. Odds are I've been up to piss twice since 5 am those mornings.
Listen to why we sleep, by Matthew Walker… they need it. On the same page with jealousy as you though, I need 8 hours and get 5
It’s bothersome, but if you’ve raised good kids (sounds like you did) then let it slide

My younger is like that, will sleep until (record is 4pm) whenever but handles their bidness so whatever
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For me it's WHY they sleep late. If they're up playing Xbox or something stupid like that til 4 in the morning then it does piss me off.

Also it depends what the attitude is like upon waking up. If the kids sleep til the afternoon and think the world suddenly needs to adjust to their schedule when their asses get out of bed then I'm also gonna be pissed off.
Ok, I was a late sleeping when I was young. I'd stay up late and sleep all morning.
Now my kids are doing it and it annoys me.
Both have jobs, both good students, but my son just rolled out of bed at 2pm and I'm starting to channel my dad.
My daughter actually got up at 9, had breakfast with a friend, and went back to bed when she got home.

Maybe I'm just jealous, I can't sleep much past 9 even on a weekend. Odds are I've been up to piss twice since 5 am those mornings.
Your tate might be swollen.
Paging @Urohawk
Maybe I'm just jealous, I can't sleep much past 9 even on a weekend. Odds are I've been up to piss twice since 5 am those mornings.

I think this is probably the root cause of your frustrations. Sleep until 9AM? Are you dead??

I'm up to pee around 3AM, and then my damn brain says "TIME TO START THINKING ABOUT EVERYTHING!". Weekends seem to be worse for getting up way to early.

Just revel that it will be their day sometime soon just like ours now or hope those little Fs are able to sleep like that for life 😍
When the daughter was home from school for the summer, I gave her till about 10am. Maybe 11am on the weekends.

But yeah, there was still a bit of "I'm up - you should be up too!"
Your weekend timing is completely wrong for a college kid. 7:00am on the weekend is when THE_LITTLE_DEVIL was awakened. Loudly and forcefully :) During the week who cares when he gets up.
For me it's WHY they sleep late. If they're up playing Xbox or something stupid like that til 4 in the morning then it does piss me off.

Also it depends what the attitude is like upon waking up. If the kids sleep til the afternoon and think the world suddenly needs to adjust to their schedule when their asses get out of bed then I'm also gonna be pissed off.
I can go with this. With mine, if we have a family activity or they have a work shift, extracurricular or some other obligation, they they need to ensure they’re up for it and go handle their business. If they have nothing and they’re hanging with friends (in person or online playing games) until the whatever hours, then I really don’t care. Responsible kids get a lot of leash with me. So far I’ve been lucky. The oldest always handled his business and the middle is super busy with stuff he loves doing, so no big issues. We’ll see where the 12yo goes.
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My kids never slept in to late when they lived with us. They all liked breakfast. I was happy with that because it would have bugged me. I have never been able to sleep past about 7 am, even as a high school kid. I'm just a terrible sleeper but I like getting things done in the morning. I used to joke with my wife we can't sleep our lives away!
My kids are still a little too young but I can totally see two of the three being late sleepers and it will for sure drive my wife insane. I remember one time in freshman year of college, I woke up at 5:15 and had to hurry not to miss dinner at the dining hall. 🤣
I'm a late sleeper, both of my parents were late sleepers, and my kids mostly take after me. It drives my husband batty. He's mostly learned to live with it and I think up to a point enjoys that he gets peace in the mornings.
I have a lot of trouble falling asleep at night. I can (and have) lay in bed for hours and hours and not fall asleep. If I am sleeping you are taking your life into your own hands waking me for no reason other than you think I should be up.
I sleep late whenever I can. I got on the school bus at 6:10 am in Jr high and HS. Jr and Sr year of HS I started driving my own car, I was staying out late and drinking on weekends, and my dad knew it, but had no proof.

Dad would fire up the ear corn grinder at about 530 am on Saturdays. The wire cribs were about 25 yds from my bedroom window

It was a 90hp tractor running wide open, powering a set of corn smashing hammers. Every time you threw a shovel full of corn, the tractor would bear down and you could hear the corn being smashed. It was a very loud and inconsistent pattern of noises that could drive you right out of your mind, even if you weren’t trying to sleep off a head-splitting hangover.
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