Kim Reynolds declares that she believes in the Tooth Fairy.

It's hard to care about the corn-to-ethanol folks.

The principle of adding ethanol to gas has merit, although the green benefit is modest at best. And the specific use of corn to produce ethanol is not a particularly good way to do that. A decade or so ago, that route released more carbon than it saved, but I don't know if that's still true. Perhaps we've gotten better at it.

Trump, of course, isn't doing this to be a good steward of the environment. And certainly not to be nice to farmers.

So why is he doing it? Anybody know? Could it be to benefit Big Oil? Nah, that can't be it.
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To be fair, it's not like Trump has gone back on his word once it's been given.
If Kim was younger and hotter she could be Trump's 4th wife when he trades Melanie in. Women seem predisposed to believe Trump when he promises to be true to them.
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