Know anyone famous - Post your story thread

Shaun Livingston is a friend of mine. AJ Guyton—famous to B1G basketball fans over 35 or so—also a friend. Other than some sort of industry "famous" folks, plus some more names recognizable to basketball geeks, that's all I got.
I met Jake Gyllenhall and Chris Pine at my cousin's birthday party. Of course, this was about 30 years ago and neither was famous (Chris' dad was the st. on CHIPS)....they were 8 or 9. I also saw Kareem and Michael Cooper at that party when they came and picked up their boys. My aunt remains a very good friend of Pine's mom to this day.
I think you mentioned this when I posted a thread a while back, that's cool as shit. We go to Balboa Peninsula at least once/year. We were there in February and are probably heading back out the week after Labor Day, such a great area.
Yeah was in a group of guys that lived on the Peninsula or near it. Saturday morning runs were really good. Cherokee Parks, Sean Rooks (RIP), Scotty Brooks (Thunder, now Wizards coach), some overseas guys, local guys playing juco or whatever. White Mamba Brian Scalabrine showed up one Saturday. Rodman hardly ever played despite living three blocks from the court. But his condo was sort of open door policy people would just go there and hang out.
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Yeah was in a group of guys that lived on the Peninsula or near it. Saturday morning runs were really good. Cherokee Parks, Sean Rooks (RIP), Scotty Brooks (Thunder, now Wizards coach), some overseas guys, local guys playing juco or whatever. White Mamba Brian Scalabrine showed up one Saturday. Rodman hardly every played despite living three blocks from the court. But his condo was sort of open door policy people would just go there and hang out.

JFC Rudolph, are you a baller or what? Those are some pretty serious ball players. They would make a speed bump out of me.

Where was his condo? We normally stay right on the boardwalk somewhere between 24th and 30th street. If I remember correctly, you played ball somewhere around 38th?
I don’t know if they would be considered truly mainstream famous but I do kind of know a few big name MMA guys. Gilbert Melendez, Jake Shields, the Diaz brothers. They are actually quite different than their “personas.”

in a good or bad way? the diaz brothers really dont give a shit kinds of guys or is that persona?
Great. A name dropping thread. Not for me! Andrew McCutchen and Nick Saban both told me at Bradley Cooper's house how much they hate when me and Bob Baffert get going with the famous people lists and it just drives them crazy. Gruden is calling. Hold on.
I hate anything with Bob Baffert too
JFC Rudolph, are you a baller or what? Those are some pretty serious ball players. They would make a speed bump out of me.

Where was his condo? We normally stay right on the boardwalk somewhere between 24th and 30th street. If I remember correctly, you played ball somewhere around 38th?
I played in college. Freshman year walked on at Iowa then left to make a meandering mess of a "career". When I moved to SF and played in the Bay Area Pro Ams I had some agents try to set up tryouts overseas, but didn't pursue because, honestly, I was focused on a career in design. And I was 30 damn years old. Who the fück is going to take a crafty shooter 30 year-old white guy with one of their few slots for American players when there are like thousands of crafty shooter white dudes already in Europe? I was basically a cross between aging Andre Miller and Jokic. Now, mid-40s, I'm fully embracing that I am a 6'1" Jokic. Lumbering around like I'm a 7-footer but really just old let's do some handoffs I'll bump a dude to create space and make a play. Flat-footed playmaking is my shit now.

Court is at 38th Street Park. I'm not going to say exactly where I remember Rodman's condo being, but it's close. You're close.
I know Mitch Easter pretty well...he was a couple of years ahead of me in high school. Not a household name but well known in the music industry. He produced R.E.M.'s first albums and his band. Let's Active, was influential though not a commercial success. I went to college and was on speaking terms with Wayne Tolleson who played MLB for 12 years - mostly with the Rangers and the Yankees. Incredibly humble guy, super athlete, top student, had an absolutely stunning childhood sweetheart who he married. To poach on the Endgame thread, Tolleson would be a guy who would be worthy to carry Mjolnir. And, of course, Chris Paul grew up right around the corner so we know him and his parents really well. He used to ride his bike on our little cul-de-sac.
I once ran into Paulie Shore at a bar in the Burbank airport. He was suppose to be dating Tiffany Amber Theisan at the time but was flying out to Vegas with some skank. Anyway, I used to be a regular in a DC area watering hole and the insane bar manager there used to claim that Shore was his cousin. So when he and the skank sat next to me I mentioned that I knew he cousin. Yeah, no. He looked at me like I was insane. I apologized and went back to my book.
I don't know anyone famous or even semi-famous personally, but when I was still in college I got a summer gig through my girlfriend's dad where I demonstrated what was then pretty unique and rare digital cameras for Kodak during the Summer Olympics in Atlanta. I gave demos at both Centennial Park and CNN mainly to the rich and famous clientele. So I got to meet a ton of 80s and 90s celebrities, not just athletes where I obviously met all of the Dream Team and other Olympians as well as hangers on like Rodman, but a ton of music and Hollywood celebrities from Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake to Bruce Willis and Arnold Schwarzenegger. I also met a ton of political celebrities like both Hillary and Bill Clinton (separately), King Faud of Saudi Arabia and more. It was a great time and 99% of the names I can drop are from that summer.
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Before the FSU / Alabama game in 2017 I was hanging out at my buddy's country club and we saw Bobby Sura a couple tables over. Pretty empty room, so we got to chatting with him and wound up ripping a good luck shot (that absolutely did not work) together.

After the game we were on a practically empty MARTA train and who do we meet but Marcus "The Rooster" Outzen! He and his less-than-amused friends wound up tagging along with us to Brickstore Pub in Decatur where we had several beers and listened to stories about his playing days and how much of a pussy, in his opinion, Mark Richt is.
Two of my cousins are cousins (on the other side) with the wife of Sean Astin.

Can't say I know him but he's been to a couple family events.
Before the FSU / Alabama game in 2017 I was hanging out at my buddy's country club and we saw Bobby Sura a couple tables over. Pretty empty room, so we got to chatting with him and wound up ripping a good luck shot (that absolutely did not work) together.

After the game we were on a practically empty MARTA train and who do we meet but Marcus "The Rooster" Outzen! He and his less-than-amused friends wound up tagging along with us to Brickstore Pub in Decatur where we had several beers and listened to stories about his playing days and how much of a pussy, in his opinion, Mark Richt is.

Bobby was a good dude while in school.He lived at Cash Hall while I was an RA there. His girlfriend was a piece of work though. Don't know if they ended up together, but I was happy to see Michael Polite and his ended up together. She was (and still is) a smoke show.
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I grew up 3 blocks from Ron Livingston (Office Space, Band of Brothers, etc...currently on Loudermilk on DTV). His dad worked at Rockwell. They moved to Marion and bought the city vet's house down our street.

He was 4 years behind me in school for a couple years. Nice kid, just an average ordinary kid in the neighborhood. I knew his sister was working in TV in Wisconsin (don't remember her at all from the neighborhood) but didn't know he was an actor until Office Space came out.

I remember seeing him in it, recognized the name and the face, and being stunned - that skinny little runt became an actor?

We've had a few known actors from the CR area. Livingston, Michael Emerson (mainly from Lost), Terry Farrell (modeled too, roughly my age), Ashton Kutcher (believe his twin brother still works downtown), Don DeFore, Elijah Wood...
I’ve given a couple of my personal recipes to Dorothy Hamill. She belongs to one of the same golf clubs as my employer and is invited to dinner a couple times every year. When she shows up, she usually sticks her head in the kitchen and says “hi” to me and asks what’s for dinner. Very nice lady, and no, she doesn’t have the same hair style she did in 1972.
Great. A name dropping thread. Not for me! Andrew McCutchen and Nick Saban both told me at Bradley Cooper's house how much they hate when me and Bob Baffert get going with the famous people lists and it just drives them crazy. Gruden is calling. Hold on.

I feel like you haven't read this thread because it is not exactly a who's who of hollywood friends
Don't know if politicians count, but minor leader Kevin McCarthy is an old family friend. He and my brother rose up through the ranks as aides (Kevin with Bill Thomas and my brother with assemblyman Trice Harvey). We even knew Kevin when he won the lottery and used his winnings to be open his own sandwich shop.
I almost had dinner with Danny Bonaduce. His aunt was a professor of mine at Temple U. in Philly. This was late 80s when he was a DJ on Philly radio. He lived with his mom and the professor. She would invite her class of grad students to her home for dinner at the end of the semester. Danny was there, strumming a guitar. He stayed for a half hour or so and talked about his radio gig.
  1. I sat on a panel with Hillary Clinton in the 90's
  2. I played golf with Bing Crosby's son Nathanial who is a former US Amateur Champion. I couldn't stand him and he didn't like me, but we had a good mutual friend. We were even through 14 holes and it was driving him nuts. (I did not play the last 4 holes.) Art Rooney's daughter was playing behind us and thought we were playing 5. She came up to chew our asses and backed down when she saw it was Crosby. Pretty funny. She and her girls did play through. Fast women golfers I've ever seen.
  3. I got to know Doug Williams from the Redskins pretty well. We hung out at a trade show and he started calling me. His Ebonics were so bad at that time that I could hardly understand him on the phone and after several calls he quit contacting me. His speech is much better now and he is a terrific person.
  4. I knew Payne Stewart a little. Enough that we'd have little conversations when we saw each other. And enough to see him as a total arrogant prick and as a really good guy.
  5. I know quite a few former Hawkeye players. One of the most notorious players continues to stay in touch with me for some crazy reason.
  6. I served on a panel with Donna Shalala. She wasn't very engaging and I found her to be rather odd. I have no idea how she headed two major universities.
  7. My dog was babysat by a Court of Appeals Judge who was strongly considered for the US Supreme Court
  8. I've hung with famed sports psychologist Dr. Bob Rotella. He signed a photo for me that said, "You are a loser, you will always be fat." True story. LOL
  9. Scott Horsley, NPR's Chief Economics Correspondent has stayed in our home. Really good guy.
I've got more, but those are kind of interesting.
I was a PA on Love's Christmas Journey (trailer below). It was a blast - shot on the same set as Deadwood, total trip walking from basecamp where all the trailers and craft services was onto the lot where everyone was dressed in old west garb and cowboys were running horses up and down the road between buildings.

I was Jobeth Williams's driver during (pictured below, 30 years ago ;) ) the shoot so I'd pick her up every morning at her house in Bel Air and we'd drive out to the desert. Sometimes we'd chat. Sometimes she'd memorize her lines and I'd just sit there silently. Overall, she was pretty nice.

Once I got there on time and waited for 5 or so minutes and she didn't come out, so I called her. No answer. Then ten minutes later I called again - no answer. I called the set and asked what I should do and they're like "ring the door and keep calling her. We need her on set!" so I did that. Finally she comes out LIVID at me - "WHEN I'M RUNNING LATE AND YOU CALL ME, IT TAKES EVEN MORE OF MY TIME TO LOOK AT MY PHONE! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" Sheesh, that was an uncomfortable ride up the 405 that morning.

Then another day she was in the backseat memorizing lines and drinking her coffee, and I'm just driving, minding my own business when all of a sudden a total funk envelopes the car. She dropped straight chemical weapons grade ass on me. I acted like I didn't notice, but man, I wanted to crack a window so bad! But she's the head of the Screen Actor's Guild and a pretty accomplished actress in her own right, and I'm lowly Flick who needed the money, so I suffered in silence until we got to set. That morning I told the other PA's about Ms. Williams's breaking wind and by lunch, everyone on the crew and a few of the actors had heard and kept bringing it up to me and I was like "STFU! You trying to get me fired?"

Otherwise though, things were pleasant; she told me stories about The Big Chill - Jeff Goldbloom is awesome in real life, all the chicks wanted to bang him, Tom Berenger didn't fit in on set. She told me stories about Gene Wilder and Richard Pryor that were hilarious. Talked about Poltergeist and shooting that and how freaky it was, and told me she worked with Lyndsay Lohan as a child and thought she was the most talented actress she'd ever been around, but her parents were nightmares and she saw LL's troubles coming years before.

Also Sean Astin was in the movie and I talked to him a few times - super nice guy. There was a "day" where we were shooting all nighttime shots and up in the Simi Valley, it gets cold AF when the sun goes down, so with his own money, he hired a coffee truck to come up and fix everyone anything they wanted all night. He autographed my copy of Rudy on his last day, and I told him the final scene is the only part of a movie that ever chokes me up and he told me that he hears that all the time.


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If it's Bob Dylan, Barack Obama, Jimmy Carter, Mikhail Gorbachev or Desmond Tutu, then sure ... otherwise, not so much.

Darn, briefly met Rosalyn Yalow when she was an invited speaker at a clinical chemist meeting.

If you ever get the opportunity to hear a nobel laureate speak, take it. They are entertaining and confident speakers.
I was a PA on Love's Christmas Journey (trailer below). It was a blast - shot on the same set as Deadwood, total trip walking from basecamp where all the trailers and craft services was onto the lot where everyone was dressed in old west garb and cowboys were running horses up and down the road between buildings.

I was Jobeth Williams's driver during (pictured below, 30 years ago ;) ) the shoot so I'd pick her up every morning at her house in Bel Air and we'd drive out to the desert. Sometimes we'd chat. Sometimes she'd memorize her lines and I'd just sit there silently. Overall, she was pretty nice.

Once I got there on time and waited for 5 or so minutes and she didn't come out, so I called her. No answer. Then ten minutes later I called again - no answer. I called the set and asked what I should do and they're like "ring the door and keep calling her. We need her on set!" so I did that. Finally she comes out LIVID at me - "WHEN I'M RUNNING LATE AND YOU CALL ME, IT TAKES EVEN MORE OF MY TIME TO LOOK AT MY PHONE! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" Sheesh, that was an uncomfortable ride up the 405 that morning.

Then another day she was in the backseat memorizing lines and drinking her coffee, and I'm just driving, minding my own business when all of a sudden a total funk envelopes the car. She dropped straight chemical weapons grade ass on me. I acted like I didn't notice, but man, I wanted to crack a window so bad! But she's the head of the Screen Actor's Guild and a pretty accomplished actress in her own right, and I'm lowly Flick who needed the money, so I suffered in silence until we got to set. That morning I told the other PA's about Ms. Williams's breaking wind and by lunch, everyone on the crew and a few of the actors had heard and kept bringing it up to me and I was like "STFU! You trying to get me fired?"

Otherwise though, things were pleasant; she told me stories about The Big Chill - Jeff Goldbloom is awesome in real life, all the chicks wanted to bang him, Tom Berenger didn't fit in on set. She told me stories about Gene Wilder and Richard Pryor that were hilarious. Talked about Poltergeist and shooting that and how freaky it was, and told me she worked with Lyndsay Lohan as a child and thought she was the most talented actress she'd ever been around, but her parents were nightmares and she saw LL's troubles coming years before.

Also Sean Astin was in the movie and I talked to him a few times - super nice guy. There was a "day" where we were shooting all nighttime shots and up in the Simi Valley, it gets cold AF when the sun goes down, so with his own money, he hired a coffee truck to come up and fix everyone anything they wanted all night. He autographed my copy of Rudy on his last day, and I told him the final scene is the only part of a movie that ever chokes me up and he told me that he hears that all the time.


That's great stuff right there. Had to be really fun.
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Darn, briefly met Rosalyn Yalow when she was an invited speaker at a clinical chemist meeting.

If you ever get the opportunity to hear a nobel laureate speak, take it. They are entertaining and confident speakers.
I heard Carl Sagan speak once, that's as close as I got. Was pretty good though.
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Jim Courier also grew up in my hometown, a block down the road from where I live now. I know him, but not all that well (know his parents & sister quite well).
I was good friends with James Ferentz starting in junior high. Spent a fair bit of time at the Ferentz household and with them at bowl games and around Kirk. I was at their house when Chris Leak was being recruited and got to meet him.
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People that go to/used to go to my gym:
Ashley Judd
Kevin Dyson (Titans WR of Music City Miracle fame)
American Ninja Warrior Travis Rosen
Clay Travis

People that go to/used to go to my church:
Dave Ramsey
Curtis Rempel (High Valley)
Victoria Jackson (SNL), but just once
Ben Zobrist's sister
If you name a Christian artist, I probably have some connection to them.

When I was a kid, Bo Diddley lived in my home town and would come play at my school all of the time.
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I was a PA on Love's Christmas Journey (trailer below). It was a blast - shot on the same set as Deadwood, total trip walking from basecamp where all the trailers and craft services was onto the lot where everyone was dressed in old west garb and cowboys were running horses up and down the road between buildings.

I was Jobeth Williams's driver during (pictured below, 30 years ago ;) ) the shoot so I'd pick her up every morning at her house in Bel Air and we'd drive out to the desert. Sometimes we'd chat. Sometimes she'd memorize her lines and I'd just sit there silently. Overall, she was pretty nice.

Once I got there on time and waited for 5 or so minutes and she didn't come out, so I called her. No answer. Then ten minutes later I called again - no answer. I called the set and asked what I should do and they're like "ring the door and keep calling her. We need her on set!" so I did that. Finally she comes out LIVID at me - "WHEN I'M RUNNING LATE AND YOU CALL ME, IT TAKES EVEN MORE OF MY TIME TO LOOK AT MY PHONE! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" Sheesh, that was an uncomfortable ride up the 405 that morning.

Then another day she was in the backseat memorizing lines and drinking her coffee, and I'm just driving, minding my own business when all of a sudden a total funk envelopes the car. She dropped straight chemical weapons grade ass on me. I acted like I didn't notice, but man, I wanted to crack a window so bad! But she's the head of the Screen Actor's Guild and a pretty accomplished actress in her own right, and I'm lowly Flick who needed the money, so I suffered in silence until we got to set. That morning I told the other PA's about Ms. Williams's breaking wind and by lunch, everyone on the crew and a few of the actors had heard and kept bringing it up to me and I was like "STFU! You trying to get me fired?"

Otherwise though, things were pleasant; she told me stories about The Big Chill - Jeff Goldbloom is awesome in real life, all the chicks wanted to bang him, Tom Berenger didn't fit in on set. She told me stories about Gene Wilder and Richard Pryor that were hilarious. Talked about Poltergeist and shooting that and how freaky it was, and told me she worked with Lyndsay Lohan as a child and thought she was the most talented actress she'd ever been around, but her parents were nightmares and she saw LL's troubles coming years before.

Also Sean Astin was in the movie and I talked to him a few times - super nice guy. There was a "day" where we were shooting all nighttime shots and up in the Simi Valley, it gets cold AF when the sun goes down, so with his own money, he hired a coffee truck to come up and fix everyone anything they wanted all night. He autographed my copy of Rudy on his last day, and I told him the final scene is the only part of a movie that ever chokes me up and he told me that he hears that all the time.


JoBeth Williams hotboxed you? No one is going to top that.
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Oh and tim mcvey of "nibbler" video game fame -not the bomber. He went to grade school with me. And Billy mitchell king of kong hangs out with us in ottumwa.