Koehn's Range


HB Heisman
Nov 13, 2014
After the Illinois State game, the fake FG was being discussed and someone questioned whether a 48-yarder would have been well within Koehn's range.

I think we have a resounding answer to that question. Based on last night's kick, that range probably extends to about 60. Obviously, no FG is a lock, and they get tougher the longer they are, but this kid may have the strongest leg of any Iowa kicker I've ever seen -- and I've been around a while. Yes, Nate Kaeding included.
When CJ went down on his last run it never even occurred to me Iowa was within field-goal range.

Good thing I'm not standing on the sidelines.
After the Illinois State game, the fake FG was being discussed and someone questioned whether a 48-yarder would have been well within Koehn's range.

I think we have a resounding answer to that question. Based on last night's kick, that range probably extends to about 60. Obviously, no FG is a lock, and they get tougher the longer they are, but this kid may have the strongest leg of any Iowa kicker I've ever seen -- and I've been around a while. Yes, Nate Kaeding included.
Lol, see my previous posts on this topic. Totally agree with you. Range has always been koehn's strong suit, but until the conference season began last year, accuracy was his problem. I recollect the interview he gave last year, after the ball state game I believe, where he accepted personal responsibility for his poor performance and said that he must improve. Well, he sure did!

In practice, Koehn has hit from 72 yards on sticks (no holder or snapper).
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After the Illinois State game, the fake FG was being discussed and someone questioned whether a 48-yarder would have been well within Koehn's range.

I think we have a resounding answer to that question. Based on last night's kick, that range probably extends to about 60. Obviously, no FG is a lock, and they get tougher the longer they are, but this kid may have the strongest leg of any Iowa kicker I've ever seen -- and I've been around a while. Yes, Nate Kaeding included.

If memory serves, in the Illinois State game, they were playing into a head-wind at the time, which may have played into that decision. Last night, there was virtually no wind to speak of.
Wind certainly can be a factor, but I don't recall much of a wind during the Illinois State game. Not enough to be a topic of conversation among the announcers, at least. There may have been some, though, and it's a valid point to raise.
Huge advantage when at the end of a half or the game all your offense has to do is get inside the opponent's 45 (when favorable wind obviously)
Koehn is the strongest FG kicker Iowa has had at least since Reggie Roby, who was known more for his booming punts. If Koehn, who has hit 15 of his last 16 FG attempts, isn't as good a kicker as there is in the country, I'd like to see the other guy. The kid was a nice get from that major metro area near Iowa City they call Solon.
Not sure how much of Koehn's success is raw ability and how much is talent. But, I would suspect that Nate Kaeding has had a lot to do with Koehn's success. Thanks Nate!
I have no doubt about that. Thanks to Nate, indeed. Imagine the confidence it must give a kid to have worked closely with a guy who was one of the best kickers in college and NFL ball during his career.

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