As usual, a well reasoned expression. ^^ FWIW, I see it very similarly.POY vs non-starter is a non-factor in a NBA decision. It's highly likely that Kris Murray is selected higher in the NBA draft than Garza was (2nd round) as their skills are different. It doesn't change what Garza was. It's just the skills required to be a potential really good player in the NBA are not an exact match to what makes a player really good in college.
I hope that Kris comes back to Iowa, has a great year and vaults himself into the top half of the NBA draft in 2023. But if he decides differently I will follow his career and wish him well. He is already 3 years out of his hgih school class (1 year at prep school, 2 at Iowa).
Personally, I have no idea what this young man is going to do, or should do, in this circumstance. BUT...even realizing that the NBA "is looking" for certain skills that may not be exactly the same thing as what distinguishes college players, I can't fathom that someone that was not a starter for their college team being a high NBA draft pick.
That is not intended to be a knock on Kris, he very well could blossom in the next year or so where he too is considered a high draft pick. But knowing how very competitive it is to even be selected in the NBA draft, I just don't see it.
But, I am just a casual observer, not an expert by any means on this. Good luck to him, either way, but it seems to me like at least another year of college would be good for him.