
We are absolutely at the point where we 100% give up on Spencer and look to the future of the QB position. Labas is in his second season - he's ready enough to start learning to take over for a few years.
I fundamentally disagree with that because of both my own experiences as a coach as well as what happened to Jake C when he was thrown to the wolves behind the atrocious 2007 OL.
We are absolutely at the point where we 100% give up on Spencer and look to the future of the QB position. Labas is in his second season - he's ready enough to start learning to take over for a few years.

It. Doesn't. Get. Any. Worse. Look to the future and stop with this LOYALTY bullsh*t
Exactly. If you are afraid to throw in an 11/25 109 yards 0 TDs and 1 INT effort from your 3-year senior starter because of fear of the unknown, then it’s time to hang it up. This isn’t even about having the stones to play a young quarterback. This is about establishing a belief that mustering a 109 yard passing effort against an FCS team is not as good as it gets at Iowa.
I fundamentally disagree with that because of both my own experiences as a coach as well as what happened to Jake C when he was thrown to the wolves behind the atrocious 2007 OL.
Frosty! It can't get any worse! Spencer is absolutely NOT doing anything out there that any of our other QBs can't do.

If the other guys - who are more fleet-footed by the way - can go out there and completely suck as Spencer does/ least they're mobile....

I can't comprehend how you agree with the idea of moving forward with Spencer Petras. Just doesn't make sense.
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Frosty! It can't get any worse! Spencer is absolutely NOT doing anything out there that any of our other QBs can't do.

If the other guys - who are more fleet-footed by the way - can go out there and completely suck as Spencer does/ least they're mobile....

I can't comprehend how you agree with the idea of moving forward with Spencer Petras. Just doesn't make sense.
Stop putting words into my mouth. I did not say "move forward with Petras". I want Padilla to be given the reins.

But throwing a young QB into the fire before he's ready, especially behind a suspect OL, is a surefire way to stunt their development.
Frosty! It can't get any worse! Spencer is absolutely NOT doing anything out there that any of our other QBs can't do.

If the other guys - who are more fleet-footed by the way - can go out there and completely suck as Spencer does/ least they're mobile....

I can't comprehend how you agree with the idea of moving forward with Spencer Petras. Just doesn't make sense.
Frosty is KF's burner account. It's the only way he makes sense as a person.
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Stop putting words into my mouth. I did not say "move forward with Petras". I want Padilla to be given the reins.

But throwing a young QB into the fire before he's ready, especially behind a suspect OL, is a surefire way to stunt their development.
Stop putting words into my mouth. I did not say "move forward with Petras". I want Padilla to be given the reins.

But throwing a young QB into the fire before he's ready, especially behind a suspect OL, is a surefire way to stunt their development.
So we wait and wait and wait...and then figure out no development ever occurred.

Might as well try now. This is not trying to throw a 16-year-old into the collegiate ranks. This is a second year college player.

Jesus Christ why do our recruits need so much time to "develop???" Pathetic. Three-year linemen are young?? Get the fu** out of here.
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Ah yes, the standard message board binary thought of "hurr durr burner account", even when I've posted in this very thread how SP sucks.
Finally changing your tone huh, well good for you for seeing the light. Even if it took you this long.
Finally changing your tone huh, well good for you for seeing the light. Even if it took you this long.
Bro I was saying last year that I didn't think Petras was all that good and BF was backsliding as a playcaller.

But because HR is a never ending shitshow of who can be more outraged than each other, dipshits who can only envision two extremes constantly misunderstand.
Bro I was saying last year that I didn't think Petras was all that good and BF was backsliding as a playcaller.

But because HR is a never ending shitshow of who can be more outraged than each other, dipshits who can only envision two extremes constantly misunderstand.

Dude. You have been the biggest defender of the people in charge of this shitshow. Own it.
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Bro I was saying last year that I didn't think Petras was all that good and BF was backsliding as a playcaller.

But because HR is a never ending shitshow of who can be more outraged than each other, dipshits who can only envision two extremes constantly misunderstand.
You've consistently said he's our best option and are always quick to defend the coaches decisions. Glad you realize it's time for a change though.
Well, it could actually be much worse but I doubt that will happen with a change of QB. I think Alex is probably worse than Spencer but, at this point, we know we are going to get shit with Spencer. This wasn't his first start it was like his 19th start. We know what we are getting.

The learning the offense excuse needs to end; it no longer matters. If knowledge of the entire offense is necessary and a guy starting for the third year delivers a game like today that knowledge is wasted on an inability to execute.

Maybe Labas just runs the plays that are called. Maybe we shrink the package of options Joe can call. The two QBs before him have sucked in most games they played, although to give Spencer credit, he was better a year ago until the wheels came off against Purdue. Had the entire off season to fix his problems. He regressed instead.

Joe seems like a pretty cocky kid. I don't think the shitty line play will shell shock him. He might turn some of the broken backfield situations into downfield gains. Spencer cannot do that and Alex has never looked better at it than Spencer-his long run last season was a measly 6 yards-either.

This really says it all. Whatever comes next,

It’s time to move on from Petras.
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You've consistently said he's our best option and are always quick to defend the coaches decisions. Glad you realize it's time for a change though.
Best does not always mean good. But thanks for proving exactly what I said about HR not being able to understand nuance in the slightest.
The one thing I keep seeing about Padilla is how everyone is saying he is the same or not as good as Petras. To be fair to Padilla That was his first game action last year and theoretically he should have improved and got better for this season. I would like to see what Padilla has and his growth this past off season before we move on to Labas.
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Best does not always mean good. But thanks for proving exactly what I said about HR not being able to understand nuance in the slightest.
I understand it just fine. I also never said you thought Petras was good, just that you were a defender of the decision to start him. Which I've thought was flat out wrong since mid way though last season.

Hawks won today though, I don't want to keep going back and forth on semantics.
You've said this time and time again and every time I ask you to prove it you back away like a pussy.

Well, let's see. You just posted an excuse for why the OL sucks. Too young. Again. They were too young last year. Why have they been "too young" two conecutive years?When was the last time they put even an average O line on the field? You admit DeJong shouldn't be starting. You even admit Petras shouldn't be starting. So why are they?
Did you or did you not argue that making BF the QB coach was the right decision?
You defend KF EVERY TIME in any discussion.
The one thing I keep seeing about Padilla is how everyone is saying he is the same or not as good as Petras. To be fair to Padilla That was his first game action last year and theoretically he should have improved and got better for this season. I would like to see what Padilla has and his growth this past off season before we move on to Labas.

I would like to see SP have the same length of leash Padilla did last year.
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And you know what? Spencer Petras tore it up in high school too, breaking a bunch Jared Goff’s records IIRC.

At some point, you have to put the bulk of the blame on quarterback development and coaching. And maybe the Iowa offensive scheme and system in general. I don’t know. While I obviously think Petras is not a B1G Ten quarterback, I don’t think his struggles are all on him. I’m not suggesting Petras shouldn’t have been pulled today, because he should have, if for no other reason than his mental health, but the idea that Labas is going to come in and light the world on fire is laughable. Granted, I’m for him getting his shot because I think it’s high time to move on from Petras and look toward the future by letting Labas come in and learn by taking his lumps, but I’m under no illusions that Labas would be anything close to a panacea for what ails this offense and no other Iowa fan should either.

D lineman were smaller than Petras on the teams he played against in highschool. Zero threat to run, just highlights of deep throws.

Not saying Labas would be better, but how much worse can he be?

Agreed that much of the blame is on or unqualified OC and QB coach. Maybe he'll add "kicking coach" to his list of titles
If Spencer is truly the best option, then the recruiter for QBs should be dismissed.
If Spencer isn't truly the best option, then the decision maker/evaluator should be dismissed.
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Labas still needs a couple years to learn the offense. Patience.
Nah ... I think that it has more to do with having a competent surrounding cast around him before throwing him to the wolves.

I think that Labas CAN and WILL get his shot ... however, it has to be done correctly in order to appropriately set him up for success.
Well, let's see. You just posted an excuse for why the OL sucks. Too young. Again. They were too young last year. Why have they been "too young" two conecutive years?When was the last time they put even an average O line on the field? You admit DeJong shouldn't be starting. You even admit Petras shouldn't be starting. So why are they?
Did you or did you not argue that making BF the QB coach was the right decision?
You defend KF EVERY TIME in any discussion.
Lmao you're a ****ing dipshit. How is ANY of that "defense"?

I said the OL is young because they ARE. I didn't say it was an excuse.
Lmao you're a ****ing dipshit. How is ANY of that "defense"?

I said the OL is young because they ARE. I didn't say it was an excuse.

Who is responsible for not recruiting, training, and retaining O linemen? Who is responsible for keeping Petras and DeJong on the field?
Do Kirk and Mary let you stay up this late?
Who is responsible for not recruiting, training, and retaining O linemen? Who is responsible for keeping Petras and DeJong on the field?
Do Kirk and Mary let you stay up this late?
Contrary to what your video games may tell you, development isn't something you dump points into and it automatically happens at a pre-determined rate.
The one thing I keep seeing about Padilla is how everyone is saying he is the same or not as good as Petras. To be fair to Padilla That was his first game action last year and theoretically he should have improved and got better for this season. I would like to see what Padilla has and his growth this past off season before we move on to Labas.
Yeah, AP probably wasn't a whole lot better than SP was last year, but I agree that he had a much better chance of improving compared to last year vs. Petras, who obviously will not get any better from here on out. That was my main argument during the off-season - AP passing SP for the QB1 would have been best for the program. Unfortunately, he did not or was not allowed to.
Contrary to what your video games may tell you, development isn't something you dump points into and it automatically happens at a pre-determined rate.

I coached and officiated, too. You didn't answer my question: who owns the shitshow?
I coached and officiated, too. You didn't answer my question: who owns the shitshow?
It's a dumb question because we both know the answer.

I've never once insinuated KF is blameless or perfect. But because morons like yourself can't understand any argument that's not pure praise or unhinged rage, we get where we are now.
I mean, I also didn't think we were going to be missing 4 scholarship WRs and our starting running back.

Barnett still deserves more time, another year. Even with some experience this OL is still extremely young. The early losses of Ince, Kallenberger, and now Davidkov thrust a few guys into the lineup before they were ready.
In fairness the first two were one or two seasons ago, and Davidkov is in the same class as Colby, Stephens, and Jones. He probably be no more ready then they are......
Right, but at this point the latter isn’t necessarily relevant because of the former.

It’s time to move on from Petras. You can’t stick with a three-year starter who is that bad against an FCS opponent. I don’t care how green Labas is or how many mistakes he is going to inevitably make. If he is indeed the future, then that future needs to be now. The Iowa defense outscored the Iowa offense by way of safeties. Safeties. And the only reason the Iowa offense managed 3 points was due to a short field that IIRC didn’t even produce a first down.

In short, if the fear of playing Labas is that he might be worse than Petras, then it’s time to fire everyone responsible for recruiting quarterbacks and/or their development. Seriously.

Im still shaking my head about the absolute shit show we all witnessed by the offense today. What an embarrassment.

How the defense and offense can be so opposite skill/development wise
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The one thing I keep seeing about Padilla is how everyone is saying he is the same or not as good as Petras. To be fair to Padilla That was his first game action last year and theoretically he should have improved and got better for this season. I would like to see what Padilla has and his growth this past off season before we move on to Labas.
This. Petras gets three years to patiently develop and Padilla gets 3-4 series vs Nebraska and he will suck forever I guess.
Well Iowa needs to break whatever this frickin awful "mold" is that they've been using because it's an utter disaster. I just don't see how KF and BF can take a look at things and say "Yep, we're doing things our way and it works just fine." We are inbred by the true definition. Need to bring in outside help to fix this offense and KF needs to stay the f@ck out of it.
They did bring in the former Wisky guy and OCoord Budmayer but he cant overrule or change Brian.

And what kind of "mold" or you talking about, fungus type mold growing on the offense of this program or a mold of a great QB like Marino, Brady, Manning??