Leftist Pivot Has Begun, Sign Election Is Approaching

Steve dunce! LOL

With the POTUS, Senate and House elections in the bag, it's all about owning the Cons at this point. That's what this is about - just making it more fun.
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Now hold on a second. I just read a thread where everyone was condemning "Kimmy" for saying the schools should/will open in Iowa. She was heartless, pandering to the right, insults, etc. I haven't lived in Iowa for 20 years so i don't have an opinion of kimmy either way.

And now Cuomo and Schumer are saying the same thing...i know, i know, different restrictions, WAY smarter, and all that.

Does it not strike ANYONE that MAYBE they are changing their tune due to people in NY stating they cannot survive the economic impacts of schools being closed? Or can they do it because they are smarter than everyone else and suddenly they are able to control the virus in the most populated region of the country?

I wish to hell there was a good candidate to choose for POS, but the two guys we have are the result of the people who created them. For F sake, THINK FOR YOURSELF! Have an opinion and a discussion and work for common ground. It's unbelievable how hard this concept is for people anymore.