Legit/real or not, WH tweet leaks are fantastic entertainment...

Add up all the taxpayer-funded, illegal campaign rallies, and send him the bill on January 21, 2021. Seize properties as needed to pay back US Treasury.

When it's illegal, and he's doing it anyway, he needs to pay for at least a reasonable percent of the trip charges. Bottom end of that should be at least 50%.

Old, decommissioned stuff?

Or functional sorting equipment that was mandated to be dismantled and apparently destroyed?

These would be pertinent questions to ask DeJoy in a hearing, and for a sworn affidavit on their disposition in advance. If he directed the destruction of functional and needed equipment (rather than simply temporarily decommissioning), he probably should be put in jail for it.

Certainly, old sorting stuff is removed/decommissioned occasionally. So sort out the deets here.
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Old, decommissioned stuff?

Or functional sorting equipment that was mandated to be dismantled and apparently destroyed?

These would be pertinent questions to ask DeJoy in a hearing, and for a sworn affidavit on their disposition in advance. If he directed the destruction of functional and needed equipment (rather than simply temporarily decommissioning), he probably should be put in jail for it.

Certainly, old sorting stuff is removed/decommissioned occasionally. So sort out the deets here.



Indeed. They are preppin' for Godless, Commie reign under Biden.

Yeah....kinda looks like that moment the Nazi's faces just start to melt off after opening the Ark in Raiders
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DA has had the DeutscheBank records for months now; to prove fraud, he needs the Mazars stuff to delineate where valuations were fraudulently claimed and taxes were evaded. THAT is why Trump will go to the ends of the Earth to prevent disclosure. The criming is there and the only way out is to cover it up.

DeJoy and his buds need to go to jail. ASAP

It should be noted that sweeping changes, like DeJoy was "undertaking" RARELY IF EVER come from "the top", they are the result of recommendations from committees or studies for efficiency/streamlining improvements. The sheer chaos going on now is clearly the result of NONE of those processes being followed. Ergo: DeJoy is 100% culpable and should rot in a cell for 25+ years for this.
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