Lets bust some myths today *NO POLITICS*


I really wasn't that upset about the call due to this reason. I would've rather taken the loss than having Kirk and Brian boast about the win that had nothing to do with our craptastic offense but was bailed out again by the incredible special teams play
When he returned the punt I started sobbing an yelled "WHY DO WE HAVE TO KEEP WINNING THIS WAY?" and then they overturned it and i got so mad and furious and blamed myself.

My therapist had quite the monday after that.

I really wasn't that upset about the call due to this reason. I would've rather taken the loss than having Kirk and Brian boast about the win that had nothing to do with our craptastic offense but was bailed out again by the incredible special teams play
Agreed, I just wish it was against Indiana or someone else. I cannot f'n stand PJ Fleck
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That there is a god.

cue @BrianNole777 with his eternity of bliss vs. Hellfire discussion
FSU is ranked higher than Iowa.

When I got into Iowa my mom kept telling people "Iowa is the harvard of the west" and I had to finally say "mom, I don't think that's true."
Sorry, I thought I was just being folksy.

And I have it on good authority that Kansas State is the Harvard of the Midwest.
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I really wasn't that upset about the call due to this reason. I would've rather taken the loss than having Kirk and Brian boast about the win that had nothing to do with our craptastic offense but was bailed out again by the incredible special teams play
Sorry, I’ll never be okay with taking the loss against Minnesota - particularly as long as Fleck is there.
I like to think of it this way: calling the punt return back and having Brian's lame offense not bailed out again by random lightning strikes may have been what Beth needed to terminate Brian. So, it was a fair trade, in my book.
I disagree. I think the decision on Brian was made after the 4th or 5th game of the season when it became clear that there was no way the offense was going to look any different than it had in previous seasons.
I disagree. I think the decision on Brian was made after the 4th or 5th game of the season when it became clear that there was no way the offense was going to look any different than it had in previous seasons.
Perhaps, but the timing would be quite the coincidence.
I always thought that Florida State was an inferior institution. But I have a really bright student who had many good options, but is choosing to attend FSU for computer science.
Heh heh. It is excellent for CS. It’s also excellent for a lot of things. It’s a DAMN TOP 20.
Sorry, I thought I was just being folksy.

And I have it on good authority that Kansas State is the Harvard of the Midwest.
I heard Kansas State is the ONLY place in the Midwest. They have indoor plumbing and plenty of parking for covered wagons.
I think some people knew, but after that game, someone in the know had to be like "ok, lets expedite this shit" and leaked it
Well, pressure from outside got louder and that's sure to bring a response out. If they do nothing then it gets out of hand and becomes an even bigger distraction. I mean, by that point of the season the offense was already a national laughing stock. It had become a symbol of ineptitude.
Lately I've been accused of being @JWolf74 and @Moral and "probably at least 5 other handles" on here by someone that operates 2 handles and posts with both of them throughout the day interacting with himself. BUT I am not Jwolf or Moral.

when I went to an iowa football game one time in like 2011, or 2012, I think it was penn st we played and they smoked us. Anywho I posted on here to meet up with DSM boys. A few of us met at Daytona's , which I have heard is no longer there. anyway, the steven patrick thing came up because A: people used to ask if I was steven. and B: he was supposed to be at the same game with torbee, anybody recall that? I told everyone at daytona's I would try and track those two down at the game. this was a friday nite before the game. I never saw those two the next day. I also recall torbee saying either they did meet or they did not, kind of heard it both ways. maybe he said not at that game but they did meet elsewhere. I dunno what happend there. steven patrick quit posting here.
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flex seal sucks I did buy some and all I did was deface my building and I inhaled some of that and now I will probably die of cancer. And I still have an exterior old window thing that isn’t completely sealed.
By building I assume you mean your cardboard box right?
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