The Americans

To think, the country once produced men like that, men who could think with conviction and be sober about the fragility of democracy.
The founders themselves warned the system only works as long as the people are basically good. (paraphrasing). Corrupted people corrupt any system. We need only look to Rome to see what happens when a state grows fat and lazy.
To think, the country once produced men like that, men who could think with conviction and be sober about the fragility of democracy.
Pretty much the fountainhead of the GOP too.

What it has become is one of the greatest tragedies of American history and will be studied by scholars for centuries.
How many have ever watched this show?

Years ago, during Vietnam, my dad said many of the MIA’s were in Russia. They lived in designed communities to grow Russian spies, teaching the kids how to be American.

I listened. I wondered as I got older, that the reason he told me those things was that no one would believe them anyway. (Honestly I don’t know how the intelligence community viewed it at the time, but now I think they felt it was okay, for the reason I stated. They wanted the younger generation to be aware of possibilities).

Just like the military brass felt we should study about National Liberation Fronts. It was so we would be able to recognize it when we were confronted with it.

The sad thing today, and evidence of how far we have shifted to the Hitler and Mussolini forms of facism, shows me why they wanted us to learn about these things, so history would not be repeated.

Yet, here we are today. There is no SDS, no far left wing party doing the things they did in the ‘60’s. No Green Peace blowing up stuff.

Instead we have Christian fascists, following blindly people that would destroy everything this country was founded on. Lemmings that do what the red hats tell them to do.

People that barely know the history of this country. People that don’t understand why we have Episcopal churches instead of Anglican churches. People that disrespect certain churches because they’re inclusive.

This is not what the country was founded on. It’s true, getting destroyed from the inside. It’s a known political ploy by Putin, the way to destroy the US is from the inside.

All are witnessing as we speak. But some seem to really think it’s cool because they can get their white man power back.

That’s all for now.
Nikita Khrushchev said the United States would be destroyed internally, and here we are, getting destroyed by the braindead magats who have no knowledge of our history.
i've been watching this show over the last few months making slow progress. first 3 seasons were absolutely brilliant. just started watching the 4th season -- have to say it's far slower paced and seems to have taken a couple steps back...hope it doesn't end with a fizzle.
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Nikita Khrushchev said the United States would be destroyed internally, and here we are, getting destroyed by the braindead magats who have no knowledge of our history.
One could argue we are being destroyed by the extremism on both ends of the spectrum....the everything is racist, blame the white patriarchy, soft libs....MAGA
wish one of the sides would proudly and openly try to represent and benefit the middle 80%
no shit. Lets lower the 22 and 24 percent tax bracket to 15 and 17 respectively, bump a new tax bracket in for 500K plus of say 40, and 50 on 2 million plus. Leave the bottom brackets be. WE, the middle class will spend the saved money and boost tax revenues, and still keep the wealthy, well...wealthy. I like the destruction of USAID...after looking at all the waste and fraud. Now, attack the militaries wasteful spending and spend it on infrastructure and health.
no shit. Lets lower the 22 and 24 percent tax bracket to 15 and 17 respectively, bump a new tax bracket in for 500K plus of say 40, and 50 on 2 million plus. Leave the bottom brackets be. WE, the middle class will spend the saved money and boost tax revenues, and still keep the wealthy, well...wealthy. I like the destruction of USAID...after looking at all the waste and fraud. Now, attack the militaries wasteful spending and spend it on infrastructure and health.
Starving and sick kids in The Sudan disagree with you.
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Clearly some do not understand the colonization of North America. I suggest reading Albion’s seed. It is not fiction.

It’s about the 4 I initial migrations to the colonies.

Just for the record, I specialize in Colonial History. I have studied at the National Archives and lectured on Virginia.

But, go ahead and tell me that the version of history that you’ve gotten from your MAGA masters is correct, especially from the son and grandson of immigrants, and his co president, the immigrant from the most racist country in the world. South Africa.
You sound angry. 😳
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Didn't even need to fire a missile. We got long-gamed.
How did “we” destroy our country? You mean by tightening up our southern and northern border security, attempting to cut fraud and frivolous costs from government, trying to increase manufacturing in this country, and reducing crime in some of our decaying cities. Those all seem quite “American”. 😉
Abe also wanted and ran on as a senate candidate, repatriating slaves to Liberia. Had the civil war been won by McClellan earlier, this would likely have happened as slavery would have been phased out over time, only after the 7 days that Lee routes McClellan and gave the copperheads more venom, did Lincoln go so far right with his emancipation. It was gloves off and total destruction at that point.
He also investigated Panama and other areas in Central America as well as actually sending former slaves to Haiti. That is, if my recollection is correct.
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One could argue we are being destroyed by the extremism on both ends of the spectrum....the everything is racist, blame the white patriarchy, soft libs....MAGA
You will never convince me that a few far left extremists has done as much damage as the magat movement. And I laugh at many of the so-called libertarians who scoff at the appointment of women, minorities, gays, or trans to any kind of position, but applaud many unqualified appointments by this so-called administration.
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How did “we” destroy our country? You mean by tightening up our southern and northern border security, attempting to cut fraud and frivolous costs from government, trying to increase manufacturing in this country, and reducing crime in some of our decaying cities. Those all seem quite “American”. 😉
By electing nazis, who are only enriching themselves and not doing anything they are telling the feeble minded magats, like yourself.
I lift weights while listening to the history books, trying to strengthen the mind too. What other books don you recommend? I’m a little tired of Washington, Adams, Franklin, Jefferson and Lincoln.
It really depends on your interests.

Anything by David Hackett Fischer.

I read “The French Wars of Religion “, which was very interesting. It led me to studying the deMedicis.

One thing leads to the next. So I went back to the “Norman Invasion “, watched all the Alfred the Great series then read about it.
William actually did have a claim to the English throne. And it affected the development of the English language. 40% of English comes directly from Norman French.

Then. We can do Ireland. Most people think that the Irish immigration was during the famine years, but a lot of immigration was earlier, due to the “planting” of lowland Scots in Ireland.

Too bad we don’t live close by. I could spend days discussing history.
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Really? I would never have expected this from you.

Did you all miss the news when we did the prisoner exchange last year with Russia? American kids, or so they thought, found out they were Russian on the plane.
I was just jack'n with you, nothing personal. Just thought it was funny someone pointed out you'd already started this conversation, then completely forgot about it.

call the midwife GIF by PBS
You are evidently unaware of the Russian spies sent back to Russia in a prisoner exchange last year. That’s not fiction.
I am aware. I remember the story from about 10-20 years ago. I also remember their operations being fairly benign. Not even close to the cloak and dagger stuff from The Americans.
I am aware. I remember the story from about 10-20 years ago. I also remember their operations being fairly benign. Not even close to the cloak and dagger stuff from The Americans.
So last year, when the kids found out on the plane, was 10-20 years ago?

Go back and re read the news.
Oh, and regarding your overall premise, no surprise that Abraham Lincoln - an actual GOP patriot - warned us exactly how this would happen:

At what point shall we expect the approach of danger? By what means shall we fortify against it?-- Shall we expect some transatlantic military giant, to step the Ocean, and crush us at a blow? Never!--All the armies of Europe, Asia and Africa combined, with all the treasure of the earth (our own excepted) in their military chest; with a Buonaparte for a commander, could not by force, take a drink from the Ohio, or make a track on the Blue Ridge, in a trial of a thousand years.

At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide.

I hope I am over wary; but if I am not, there is, even now, something of ill-omen, amongst us. I mean the increasing disregard for law which pervades the country; the growing disposition to substitute the wild and furious passions, in lieu of the sober judgment of Courts; and the worse than savage mobs, for the executive ministers of justice. This disposition is awfully fearful in any community; and that it now exists in ours, though grating to our feelings to admit, it would be a violation of truth, and an insult to our intelligence, to deny.
The woke want schools to change their name away from Lincoln. Shame on you. I thought you were woke.
”The Americans” was inspired (partly) by events in 2010 and prior. I’d say that falls into the “10-20 years ago” window, eh professor?
Except that was when they discovered them. They observed them for about 14 years, so they could catch more of them.

Do your homework student. You received an incomplete.
Dude. They were sent back to Russia last year in a prisoner exchange. Man, you are dense.
Wait a minute. Now you’re moving goal posts. Insofar as the news story goes, it happened in 2010. I was right all along. And again, at the time the story broke, the “experts” were all saying that but for the fact they were Russian agents, there really wasn’t anything significant. Like I said, relatively benign. You are the dense one who keeps dodging an issue that you can’t even identify.