List of *alleged* compromised GOP Politicians/Hosts

Dec 31, 2014
Twice Impeached Desecration Donald Trump (Hillary was correct)
Senator Mitch McConnell
Senator Marco Rubio
Senator Steve Daines
Scott Walker
Lindsey Graham
Senator Rand Paul

TV Hosts
Tucker Carlson
Laura Ingraham

Former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani

Former US Rep Tulsi Gabbard - (Hillary was correct)

Feel free to add and I will update the OP.
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Consider the source but this is pretty concerning for TULSI GABBARD. Her friend and donor is accused of literally being a Russian agent that reported to Vladimir Putin.

“Tulsi Gabbard, a former Democratic congresswoman from Hawaii and 2020 presidential dark horse candidate, has long perplexed U.S. officials and observers with her seemingly inexplicable pro-Russian positions. And a new development this week is sure to reinforce the half-jokes that Gabbard is a “Russian asset”; as it turns out, her campaign took money from one.

That agent—dual Russian-American national Elena Branson, also known as Elena Chernykh—stands accused of illegally pushing pro-Russia policies in the United States for nearly a decade, at the direction of top Kremlin officials, without registering under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), according to a criminal complaintfederal prosecutors filed this week in the Southern District of New York.”
Consider the source but this is pretty concerning for TULSI GABBARD. Her friend and donor is accused of literally being a Russian agent that reported to Vladimir Putin.

“Tulsi Gabbard, a former Democratic congresswoman from Hawaii and 2020 presidential dark horse candidate, has long perplexed U.S. officials and observers with her seemingly inexplicable pro-Russian positions. And a new development this week is sure to reinforce the half-jokes that Gabbard is a “Russian asset”; as it turns out, her campaign took money from one.

That agent—dual Russian-American national Elena Branson, also known as Elena Chernykh—stands accused of illegally pushing pro-Russia policies in the United States for nearly a decade, at the direction of top Kremlin officials, without registering under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), according to a criminal complaintfederal prosecutors filed this week in the Southern District of New York.”
Does that mean I could have bought Tulsi Gabbard for $59.95? Because that would totally be worth it.
her support for Russian intervention in Syria

Is this a bad take?

while defending dictator Bashar al-Assad.

Is Tulsi Gabbard Right About Syria? She’s Not Wrong.​

Washington should not bother to claim to want Assad gone if it is unwilling to do anything to make it happen.’s-not-wrong-73526

Is Tulsi Gabbard an “apologist” for the Syrian regime? How about a “stooge” of the Kremlin? These are just some of the questions being asked of the congresswoman from Hawaii as she bids to become the Democratic nominee for president, but they are entirely the wrong ones. Media outlets and Gabbard’s political rivals should, instead, consider the arguments that have led this veteran of the Iraq War to recommend against removing Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad from power. Better yet, they could explain how an alternative set of policies would promote U.S. interests and improve the lot of the long-suffering Syrian people.

Of course, it is fair to ask any presidential hopeful why they would agree to meet with a murderous despot like Assad, as Gabbard did in January 2017. It is also reasonable to question whether Gabbard’s rejection of military interventions as a tool of statecraft is the right approach to U.S. foreign policy (she once tried to legislate against regime change in Syria). But it is unhelpful at best to insinuate that Gabbard’s foreign-policy positions are cynical or anti-American. They are neither.

Gabbard’s approach to Syria is built upon two core beliefs about U.S. foreign policy. First, the United States must leave behind its recent history of engineering the downfall of foreign regimes. Second, the U.S. military’s top priority should be to eliminate terrorist groups such as ISIS and Al Qaeda. From these two premises, a third foundation of Gabbard’s foreign policy can be inferred: that the United States must sometimes tolerate the existence of brutal foreign governments, especially if they share a common interest in fighting the same terrorist groups as America.

None of these are radical assumptions about American foreign policy. Indeed, Gabbard’s anti-interventionism is tightly aligned with the prevailing zeitgeist in U.S. politics. According to polling data, voters today are opposed to U.S. involvement in Yemen, supportive of a withdrawal from Afghanistan, and roughly evenly split on the question of whether the United States should cease operations in Syria. Military veterans are among those most critical of the so-called “forever wars” in Afghanistan, Iraq, and elsewhere.
her support for Russian intervention in Syria

Is this a bad take?

while defending dictator Bashar al-Assad.

Is Tulsi Gabbard Right About Syria? She’s Not Wrong.​

Washington should not bother to claim to want Assad gone if it is unwilling to do anything to make it happen.’s-not-wrong-73526

Is Tulsi Gabbard an “apologist” for the Syrian regime? How about a “stooge” of the Kremlin? These are just some of the questions being asked of the congresswoman from Hawaii as she bids to become the Democratic nominee for president, but they are entirely the wrong ones. Media outlets and Gabbard’s political rivals should, instead, consider the arguments that have led this veteran of the Iraq War to recommend against removing Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad from power. Better yet, they could explain how an alternative set of policies would promote U.S. interests and improve the lot of the long-suffering Syrian people.

Of course, it is fair to ask any presidential hopeful why they would agree to meet with a murderous despot like Assad, as Gabbard did in January 2017. It is also reasonable to question whether Gabbard’s rejection of military interventions as a tool of statecraft is the right approach to U.S. foreign policy (she once tried to legislate against regime change in Syria). But it is unhelpful at best to insinuate that Gabbard’s foreign-policy positions are cynical or anti-American. They are neither.

Gabbard’s approach to Syria is built upon two core beliefs about U.S. foreign policy. First, the United States must leave behind its recent history of engineering the downfall of foreign regimes. Second, the U.S. military’s top priority should be to eliminate terrorist groups such as ISIS and Al Qaeda. From these two premises, a third foundation of Gabbard’s foreign policy can be inferred: that the United States must sometimes tolerate the existence of brutal foreign governments, especially if they share a common interest in fighting the same terrorist groups as America.

None of these are radical assumptions about American foreign policy. Indeed, Gabbard’s anti-interventionism is tightly aligned with the prevailing zeitgeist in U.S. politics. According to polling data, voters today are opposed to U.S. involvement in Yemen, supportive of a withdrawal from Afghanistan, and roughly evenly split on the question of whether the United States should cease operations in Syria. Military veterans are among those most critical of the so-called “forever wars” in Afghanistan, Iraq, and elsewhere.

We are all deeply shocked that you’re defending her.
Twice Impeached Desecration Donald Trump (Hillary was correct)
Senator Mitch McConnell
Senator Marco Rubio
Senator Steve Daines
Scott Walker
Lindsey Graham

TV Hosts
Tucker Carlson
Laura Ingraham

Former US Rep Tulsi Gabbard - (Hillary was correct)

Feel free to add and I will update the OP.
Everyone who spent July 4, 2018 in Russia. Especially Ron Johnson.

We are all deeply shocked that you’re defending her.
I agree with her on foreign policy.
America’s ‘regime change’ efforts the last 30 years and constant warring overseas hasn’t served the interests of the American people.
It has resulted in the deaths of multiple hundreds of thousands of people, and trillions in debt for which we must eternally carry the debt servicing costs.
Do you think it’s been worthwhile?

I’d love to talk the meat and potatoes of her policy differences with the neocons. I realize that’s unlikely to occur in this thread.
Always right in front of our eyes. Some of us could see it. Some simply wouldn’t. Such easy marks, too. No morality. Just greed, sloth, etc. And so much of it blanket-enabled by that ever present drumbeat: No matter what, Dems are worse.
Do you concur with the ‘morality’ of the regime change wars America has waged the last 30 years?
Has it been worth it?
Always right in front of our eyes. Some of us could see it. Some simply wouldn’t. Such easy marks, too. No morality. Just greed, sloth, etc. And so much of it blanket-enabled by that ever present drumbeat: No matter what, Dems are worse.
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Thanks for the thread.

Is there anyone alive that believes Donald Trump would be willing to turn away a Russian agent prostitute given the fact he is a notorious hound dog that slept with a porn star? Stormy Daniels?

Raise your hand. Donald Trump had to be the easiest mark in the free world.
Thanks for the thread.

Is there anyone alive that believes Donald Trump would be willing to turn away a Russian agent prostitute given the fact he is a notorious hound dog that slept with a porn star? Stormy Daniels?

Raise your hand. Donald Trump had to be the easiest mark in the free world.
So because Trump ****ed a porn star he is a Russian agent...... you realize the entire porn industry, one of the largest in the world, is built of the premise of the consumer wanting to **** the porn star right?
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I agree with her on foreign policy.
America’s ‘regime change’ efforts the last 30 years and constant warring overseas hasn’t served the interests of the American people.
It has resulted in the deaths of multiple hundreds of thousands of people, and trillions in debt for which we must eternally carry the debt servicing costs.
Do you think it’s been worthwhile?

I’d love to talk the meat and potatoes of her policy differences with the neocons. I realize that’s unlikely to occur in this thread.

This is all true.

We need to focus at home and secure our own borders and help out own people before we play police captain for the world.
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Thanks for the thread.

Is there anyone alive that believes Donald Trump would be willing to turn away a Russian agent prostitute given the fact he is a notorious hound dog that slept with a porn star? Stormy Daniels?

Raise your hand. Donald Trump had to be the easiest mark in the free world.

I wouldn't argue against any of this as far as Trump is concerned.

For those in the thread that still believe that Tulsi Gabbard is a Russian Asset or in bed with the Russians, which night of the week is your turn to sleep with Hillary?
Always right in front of our eyes. Some of us could see it. Some simply wouldn’t. Such easy marks, too. No morality. Just greed, sloth, etc. And so much of it blanket-enabled by that ever present drumbeat: No matter what, Dems are worse.
Dems aren't worse, they're simply beholden to different masters, sort of.
Now let's do China and start with Joe Biden.

She was a Chinese Mata Hari — who allegedly slept with at least two Midwestern mayors while cozying up to a slew of pols across the country in a bid to infiltrate the US political system.

Fetching accused Chinese government spy Fang Fang, a k a Christine Fang, entered the US through California as a college student in 2011 — and spent the next four years wooing everyone from local politicos to US congressmen, said the Web site Axios, citing current and former US intelligence officials.

Among the pols who Fang got close to was California Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell.

Diane Feinstein had a spy on her staff!
Former FBI agent and KPIX 5 security analyst Jeff Harp said he was not surprised.

“Think about Diane Feinstein and what she had access to,” said Harp. “One, she had access to the Chinese community here in San Francisco; great amount of political influence. Two, correct me if I’m wrong, Dianne Feinstein still has very close ties to the intelligence committees there in Washington, D.C.”
  • Haha
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Twice Impeached Desecration Donald Trump (Hillary was correct)
Senator Mitch McConnell
Senator Marco Rubio
Senator Steve Daines
Scott Walker
Lindsey Graham

TV Hosts
Tucker Carlson
Laura Ingraham

Former US Rep Tulsi Gabbard - (Hillary was correct)

Feel free to add and I will update the OP.
That people still believe the Clintons after 30 years of corruption is beyond me.
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