Looks like another possible derecho event tonight

Omaha got it
Ill Allow It Spanish GIF
I like a nice green lawn through the 4th of july. I don't care as much with each subsequent day in July. Once August hits I am ready for it to scorch and go dormant.
I must suggest then Tenacious that you NEVER hire “Weed Nab” lawn service…. These guys are witches when it comes to growing grass, getting rid of weeds and keeping your grass green until it is covered by snow.
(My mow guy says he can tell which of his customers use “Weed Man” because their grass is thicker, greener and grows faster than most others.)
We were at Everett’s for wings last night when the storm hit 88th and Maple area. My middle daughter was freaking out especially when the power went out there. We decided to drive home which is 5ish minutes from there. It was like a movie with all the downed trees and power lines we saw to get back to our house. Had to drive through a couple yards to get to our house to asses damage. Luckily our trees survived can’t say the same for the house directly across from us or next door. Those trees were planted in the early 60’s. And of course the half dozen chainsaws we have are in the work garage 15+ miles from home. Gonna be a long clean up with this one
we are up north and I swear to god anytime over the summer we are at thr lake house Omaha gets hit by a storm. Neighbor sent a pic of a downed limb from one of our silver maples. Can’t wait to drive back tomorrow and assess the damage.

Lucky tho, we had the other silver maple taken down about 2-3 weeks ago. In retrospect the wind would done it for us but probably would have landed on our house
Storm had for the most part lined out here at CR. Got pretty windy as the gust front blew in, but nothing serious.

0.91 of rain, finished the month over 9" total at the airport. Been a LONG time since we had that kind of month here, and we're now nearing 5" over the average so far this year (most of eastern Iowa has had similar totals).

Last I saw, there's not one county in Iowa currently in any drought. Been quite awhile since we could say that.
we are up north and I swear to god anytime over the summer we are at thr lake house Omaha gets hit by a storm. Neighbor sent a pic of a downed limb from one of our silver maples. Can’t wait to drive back tomorrow and assess the damage.

Lucky tho, we had the other silver maple taken down about 2-3 weeks ago. In retrospect the wind would done it for us but probably would have landed on our house
Majority of what I have seen has been the silver maples down👎🏿 we have 2 of them on the south side luckily that survived
we are up north and I swear to god anytime over the summer we are at thr lake house Omaha gets hit by a storm. Neighbor sent a pic of a downed limb from one of our silver maples. Can’t wait to drive back tomorrow and assess the damage.

Lucky tho, we had the other silver maple taken down about 2-3 weeks ago. In retrospect the wind would done it for us but probably would have landed on our house
Those big maples near any building are time bombs IMO. The way that they grow, with giant, multiple trunks, makes them susceptible to rot at the confluence of the trunks and they are usually leaning more than other trees. They are going to come down sooner or later in my experience.

FWIW, I think this storm was a kitten by the time it got to IC. Just some moderate rain, no high winds that I know of.
Those big maples near any building are time bombs IMO. The way that they grow, with giant, multiple trunks, makes them susceptible to rot at the confluence of the trunks and they are usually leaning more than other trees. They are going to come down sooner or later in my experience.

FWIW, I think this storm was a kitten by the time it got to IC. Just some moderate rain, no high winds that I know of.
Exactly what happened to one of our two: internal rot. Wood was all “spongy” and gross. Expensive to take it down but glad we did when we did
Tuesday night had to get out the chainsaw to take care of some limbs from our last surviving tree and put all the bundles out.
This morning we have more limbs down.
We've lost 5 giant trees from our yard the past 5 years.
I do love the rain though, it's great to have actual rivers and lakes and ponds again. It was looking rough the past couple years around Des Moines.
We had 60 to 70 mph winds both Monday and Tuesday night, knocked over the basketball hoop, several trees down. Field with the corn flattened. Last night, maybe only 40-50 mph by the time it got to us. So far no hail so ultimately I will take that as a win. I really think if you can get away with no major hail damage in a 4-5 year period you should deem yourself lucky.
If we have another D-word, I'm quitting my job and finding a different profession.

Not going through that again.
We had 60 to 70 mph winds both Monday and Tuesday night, knocked over the basketball hoop, several trees down. Field with the corn flattened. Last night, maybe only 40-50 mph by the time it got to us. So far no hail so ultimately I will take that as a win. I really think if you can get away with no major hail damage in a 4-5 year period you should deem yourself lucky.
Lucky to not have major hail damage over 4-5 years? You need to move bro! Unless you are talking about acres and acres of farmland. Otherwise, we have been in Ankeny 20 years and while we have had a few hail storms, nothing was major.
Lucky to not have major hail damage over 4-5 years? You need to move bro! Unless you are talking about acres and acres of farmland. Otherwise, we have been in Ankeny 20 years and while we have had a few hail storms, nothing was major.
Lived, in my house since 2010, had 3 major hail or wind events events from 2010 to 2022. Since 2022 we have had 2. Basically 1 a year. Whether we didn't call wind events derechos in the past just think about Since 2022, we have had 4-5 massive derechos. Is this just a new phenomenon (fyi the derechos hit grimes as well).
Lived, in my house since 2010, had 3 major hail or wind events events from 2010 to 2022. Since 2022 we have had 2. Basically 1 a year. Whether we didn't call wind events derechos in the past just think about Since 2022, we have had 4-5 massive derechos. Is this just a new phenomenon (fyi the derechos hit grimes as well).
Damn. we took a direct derecho hit in 2020 that destroyed our fence, but not hail. This year there was a mini derecho a month or two ago which tipped over and wrecked one of my grills, and blew out part of my fence, but such that I could repair it Weather is pretty localized and Grimes is far enough away where we have different results. Or maybe we are nestled amongst enough other houses where we are relatively shielded?
Damn. we took a direct derecho hit in 2020 that destroyed our fence, but not hail. This year there was a mini derecho a month or two ago which tipped over and wrecked one of my grills, and blew out part of my fence, but such that I could repair it Weather is pretty localized and Grimes is far enough away where we have different results. Or maybe we are nestled amongst enough other houses where we are relatively shielded?
Damn. we took a direct derecho hit in 2020 that destroyed our fence, but not hail. This year there was a mini derecho a month or two ago which tipped over and wrecked one of my grills, and blew out part of my fence, but such that I could repair it Weather is pretty localized and Grimes is far enough away where we have different results. Or maybe we are nestled amongst enough other houses where we are relatively shielded?
Put a new roof on in 2021, Last April had 3+ inch hail put 1/2 inch indention and cuts in roof. Only the bottom tile of 3 was still intact.
We can call it something else then. Worst damage I have seen in my life minus tornadoes. Worst power outage ever for OPPD. Saying between 6-8 days before power is fully restored. Been 24 hours now for us
Anyone watch the show on Discovery called In the Eye of the Storm? Anyways, episode 2 is almost all about the 2020 derecho, with a ton of footage and interviews w/ folks from Eastern Iowa/csb
We can call it something else then. Worst damage I have seen in my life minus tornadoes. Worst power outage ever for OPPD. Saying between 6-8 days before power is fully restored. Been 24 hours now for us
We went without power in 2021 for 5 days. Not having it for 6-8 fuk that

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