Looks like I am a Breakthrough Case for COVID

I had a breakthrough infection as well. I don't think it was even as bad as yours. Very mild cold symptoms for a couple days that didn't interrupt anything, one day of feeling kind of cruddy, one day of feeling better but a little tired. I didn't think I had it, I just did an at home test because I was going to travel with some people. The weird thing is I didn't really have the main symptoms other than some sinus congestion. No fever, no sore throat, etc.

It is what it is. I'm 50 and overweight, so I'm within the range where it has been problematic for people, so glad I was vaccinated whether or not it saved my life.

I also accompanied vaccination and the peace of mind knowing I was protected with not giving a shit about COVID any more in terms of going where I want, eating inside, not masking, visiting family, etc. Immediate payoff for me to be vaccinated. Not one of those people who are going to be vaccinated AND still living a lifestyle of panic and mitigation. Getting vaccinated and getting back at it was a no brainer for me.

Exactly this for me as well.
Then people should really stop counting the cases going up and down. If the vaccines aren't designed to keep people from being infected. Especially if they are proving unable to do that very well and getting worse at it with each day people as get further from their initial vaccination.


Problem solved.
Given all the breakthrough cases we hear about I suspect that the vaccinated / reinfected are becoming a significant problem,.. Most that I've become aware of have basically treated it like a cold or the flu, don't get tested and just go on about their lives...
I’m vaxxed and was set to get my booster but then my daughter (lives with me) got a breakthrough and was sick enough to need the Regeneron treatment. She felt better within 36 hours. I thought I had escaped it but then I lost my sense of smell and got a weird hacking cough and headache. I ended up getting a Regeneron treatment too and bounced back within 24 hours as well. The only negative is that I’m not supposed to get any boosters for at least 90 days so fingers crossed that I don’t get the Omicron variant.
Still glad I got the jabs but like everyone else I am frustrated because of these variants and boosters. How many will it take? 🙁

Pic of daughter.
I also accompanied vaccination and the peace of mind knowing I was protected with not giving a shit about COVID any more in terms of going where I want, eating inside, not masking, visiting family, etc. Immediate payoff for me to be vaccinated. Not one of those people who are going to be vaccinated AND still living a lifestyle of panic and mitigation. Getting vaccinated and getting back at it was a no brainer for me.

I wish I were allowed to do this. But, in this town you still cannot. It's illegal.
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Given all the breakthrough cases we hear about I suspect that the vaccinated / reinfected are becoming a significant problem,.. Most that I've become aware of have basically treated it like a cold or the flu, don't get tested and just go on about their lives...

Yes...I do not think enough people stay isolated-ish, I may go grab a drive through cheeseburger (I just bought a new Beamer and it is fun to drive...sue me), but I won't be around anyone until Wednesday of next week. I was going to work concessions at a wrestling meet this weekend, not happening now and I think others are a little ticked they have to take my spot but it is what it is.
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If covid vax are so great then what has happened in VT seems nonsensical. 🤔

If covid vax are so great then what has happened in VT seems nonsensical. 🤔

Probably syrup induced diabetes.
Yes...I do not think enough people stay isolated-ish, I may go grab a drive through cheeseburger (I just bought a new Beamer and it is fun to drive...sue me), but I don't be around anyone until Wednesday of next week. I was going to work concessions at a wrestling meet this weekend, not happening now and I think others are a little ticked they have to take my spot but it is what it is.

Have a friend who suspected he was positive but since he was also fully vaccinated saw no reason to be tested as he saw himself as hospital proof...
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Then people should really stop counting the cases going up and down. If the vaccines aren't designed to keep people from being infected. Especially if they are proving unable to do that very well, and getting worse at it with each day, as people get further from their initial vaccination.
The thing is, the vaccines DO slow spread, because the time period that an infected person is contagious is significantly decreased, due to the antibodies and T-Cells rapidly eradicating the virus and eliminating it from the system.

Studies have shown that in vaccinated individuals, the virus typically does not migrate beyond the nose/throat area (backed up anecdotally by OP's experience and many others') and is significantly less transmissable than the virus in unvaccinated people.

If we had, say, 75-80 percent vaxxed, the numbers of infected and hospitalizations and deaths would all decrease dramatically. Unfortunately, there is so much misinformation being spread now (this thread being a perfect example) that we have missed the opportunity to do so.

This notion that the vaccine has to work perfectly - prevent all infection, all spread, all illness or it is worthless - is frankly asinine and only spouted by the ignorant, of which there are unfortunately tens of millions.
The thing is, the vaccines DO slow spread, because the time period that an infected person is contagious is significantly decreased, due to the antibodies and T-Cells rapidly eradicating the virus and eliminating it from the system.

Studies have shown that in vaccinated individuals, the virus typically does not migrate beyond the nose/throat area (backed up anecdotally by OP's experience and many others') and is significantly less transmissable than the virus in unvaccinated people.

If we had, say, 75-80 percent vaxxed, the numbers of infected and hospitalizations and deaths would all decrease dramatically. Unfortunately, there is so much misinformation being spread now (this thread being a perfect example) that we have missed the opportunity to do so.

This notion that the vaccine has to work perfectly - prevent all infection, all spread, all illness or it is worthless - is frankly asinine and only spouted by the ignorant, of which there are unfortunately tens of millions.

It doesn't have to work perfectly. But, how about people stop overselling it's effectiveness? Or, that 100% vaccination (which is impossible) would even lead to an end of the pandemic (it clearly wouldn't, we see the number of breakthroughs and variants).
But, too many pretend masks and vaccinations are some magic bullet that they should know really isn't true by now. Just look around.
It doesn't have to work perfectly. But, how about people stop overselling it's effectiveness? Or, that 100% vaccination (which is impossible) would even lead to an end of the pandemic (it clearly wouldn't, we see the number of breakthroughs and variants).

Or the fact that there are parts of the globe that will never see a vaccine, or that the virus has already infected the animal kingdom,... This thing is never going to be totally gone and we just need to accept that.
The thing is, the vaccines DO slow spread, because the time period that an infected person is contagious is significantly decreased, due to the antibodies and T-Cells rapidly eradicating the virus and eliminating it from the system.

Studies have shown that in vaccinated individuals, the virus typically does not migrate beyond the nose/throat area (backed up anecdotally by OP's experience and many others') and is significantly less transmissable than the virus in unvaccinated people.

If we had, say, 75-80 percent vaxxed, the numbers of infected and hospitalizations and deaths would all decrease dramatically. Unfortunately, there is so much misinformation being spread now (this thread being a perfect example) that we have missed the opportunity to do so.

This notion that the vaccine has to work perfectly - prevent all infection, all spread, all illness or it is worthless - is frankly asinine and only spouted by the ignorant, of which there are unfortunately tens of millions.

I agree with almost all of this. But we're up to 80% of adults with at least one dose. I think we're past the point that the outlook is going to change all that much from what it looks like today. Vermont is at a super high vaccination point, as are other countries, and still seeing surges.

What it looks like now is pretty much what it's going to look like, even if another 10% of people get vaccinated. I'm not saying we shouldn't still be working vaccinations, we should for all the reasons you mentioned, but COVID going away isn't one of them. That dream is dead, and we should probably move beyond painting a picture (and moving the goalposts) that there's a vaccination point at which COVID goes away. It's keeping people in a state of anxiety, and anger, to no good end.

At least until there's a new version of the vaccine that legit stops the spread.
Lol... guy that's vaxed gets exact same symptoms as those who weren't. Makes it through it like the other 99% of people who've had it. Thanks the vaccine for saving him.

I'm not an anti vaxer, have had covid and vaccine. Just hilarious how brain washed people have become.

I’ve never been a huge get the vaccine poster.

However, I know 6 people (3 married couples) all the same age somewhat recently get COVID.

Two couples were vaccinated, one not.

The couple not vaccinated spent close to a week in the hospital. Those vaccinated were fine and spent zero time in the hospital.

That’s enough evidence for me.
So basically we're coming around to the unvaccinated getting what they were willing to accept,.. Sort of like the flu always used to be, and I'm okay with that,.. So let's just add one more item to the list of things that can kill us and proceed with life...
I agree with almost all of this. But we're up to 80% of adults with at least one dose. I think we're past the point that the outlook is going to change all that much from what it looks like today. Vermont is at a super high vaccination point, as are other countries, and still seeing surges.

What it looks like now is pretty much what it's going to look like, even if another 10% of people get vaccinated. I'm not saying we shouldn't still be working vaccinations, we should for all the reasons you mentioned, but COVID going away isn't one of them. That dream is dead, and we should probably move beyond painting a picture (and moving the goalposts) that there's a vaccination point at which COVID goes away. It's keeping people in a state of anxiety, and anger, to no good end.

At least until there's a new version of the vaccine that legit stops the spread.
Mostly agree. But keep in mind, the initial question asked was why people "hate" the unvaxxed. To be clear, I don't HATE the unvaxxed, but I am deeply disappointed and disheartened by their choices. They have prolonged and worsened a global health crisis and deserve criticism.

While you are correct the barn door has closed after the horses have left at this point, there WILL be other major public health crises in the future and we very, very badly need to learn from the mistakes made handling this one. Because frankly, it's been a shit-show by governments, private citizens and many other groups.
So basically we're coming around to the unvaccinated getting what they were willing to accept,.. Sort of like the flu always used to be, and I'm okay with that,.. So let's just add one more item to the list of things that can kill us and proceed with life...
Sure, but we need to acknowledge the collateral damage their poor choices and steadfast ignorance engendered.
Sure, but we need to acknowledge the collateral damage their poor choices and steadfast ignorance engendered.

Wouldn't have mattered,.. The world is a very big place and this virus was going to have it's way no matter what any country, state, city or individual attempted to do to thwart it...
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Wouldn't have mattered,.. The world is a very big place and this virus was going to have it's way no matter what any country, state or city attempted to do to thwart it...
Bullshit. Faster and wider spread vaccine compliance in the U.S. would have dramatically reduced the number and severity of cases and also significantly reduced strain on the already overstretched health system.
Bullshit. Faster and wider spread vaccine compliance in the U.S. would have dramatically reduced the number and severity of cases and also significantly reduced strain on the already overstretched health system.

And then we get slapped in the face by a new variant out of India, South Africa, or some other unvaccinated shit hole location,.. Accept it, this thing has always been here for the long haul.
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And then we get slapped in the face by a new variant out of India, South Africa, or some other unvaccinated shit hole location,.. Accept it, this thing has always been here for the long haul.
You are objectively wrong. Look at Delta -- despite rapidly becoming the dominant variant everywhere, those who were vaccinated STILL had fewer serious illnesses, fewer hospitalizations and fewer deaths.

I'm sorry, but people like you spreading disinformation like you just did are a huge part of this problem and why it is taking so long to move forward and into a manageable endemic stage.
Then people should really stop counting the cases going up and down. I
What are you some kind of socialist commie? Do you want to take people's counting rights away? If I want to count stuff I can. If you don't like it...well then...You know the answer. Didn't the Russians and Nazis try to restrict information too? You Commie Nazi.
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If you get a breakthrough infection and you need a hospital bed you should get the Hospital bed. Unvaxxed covid case idiots who need a hospital bed should be sent home and told to sniff glue. Plain and simple. It's the perfect solution. No vax? Go home and GFY.
And then we get slapped in the face by a new variant out of India, South Africa, or some other unvaccinated shit hole location,.. Accept it, this thing has always been here for the long haul.
I'm all for refusing unvaxxed covid cases that need admission to the hospital to be refused. Let them go home and sniff glue.
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You are objectively wrong. Look at Delta -- despite rapidly becoming the dominant variant everywhere, those who were vaccinated STILL had fewer serious illnesses, fewer hospitalizations and fewer deaths.

I'm not disagreeing with that at all,... What I am disagreeing with is the mistaken belief that if only we were able to adequately vaccinate enough of the US population this could somehow all be controlled and kept away from our doorstep,... That story line has always been bullshit.
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So basically we're coming around to the unvaccinated getting what they were willing to accept,.. Sort of like the flu always used to be, and I'm okay with that,.. So let's just add one more item to the list of things that can kill us and proceed with life...

Solid argument unless you consider the massive strain on the healthcare system, damage to the economy, needlessly putting immunocompromised people at risk, and creating a massive nationwide incubator for the virus to mutate into something more deadly and contagious. So yeah, other than that, real solid argument.
Spent all last week traveling Missouri between St Louis and Osage Beach and it appears I picked up the COVAIDS, here is what I experienced to date (I was vaccinated with Novavax in February):

Monday - Day 1 (although I didn't know this was day 1 at the time): Feeling a bit groggy and general muscle soreness (worked on my baseball facility all day moving stuff, laying flooring, etc so chalked it up to being old and out of shape plus the whole week of being on the road just before). A few random sneezes out of no where.

Day 2: Something definitely something not right, sinuses starting to tighten to 50%, a bit tired but nothing major and a sight cough here and there but in the realm of nothing burger.

Day 3: Low grade fever, energy low, headache, mother of all sinus pressure (100% shut can't breath in or out of my nose at all), a bit disoriented in the morning but chalk that up to crushing some NyQuil night before, I always feel floaty with morning after NyQuil. I use a CPAP and it is ineffective that night as nasal passage is inflamed shut so awful night sleep but I did get some rest (not much production from nose just ultra tight...that seems to be where the COVID battle is being fought). Bizarre dreams with all of your moms that evening, it was freaky exciting stuff.

Day 4: No fever, no aches, full energy. 50% sinus blockage.

Day 5 (today): Great sleep night before, full energy, no headache very slight sinus issues but nothing one would really notice. Seems like taste buds are operating at 50% capacity (I believe the loss of taste smell is one of the trailing markers of infection so it appears I am over the worst of it). Will have freak dreams about all your moms tonight.

Thankful for being vaccinated as imagine it could have been much worse than one day of not feeling great. Assuming waning floating antibodies is what got me but memory T and Bs must of been there waiting even 10 months post vaccination. I give Novavax vaccine a 10 out of 10 for doing its job.

I seem to be color blind but always have been so that hasn't changed and I still have a huge peen so all is well.

Out of COVAIDS jail on Wednesday.

you are obviously a liberal and a commie for making this all up just to scare the Patriot Party into submission. Just like the Democraps are conspiring with dictator racist CRT Obama (who was born in South Africa) to create the myth of the South Africa omicron variant. Do these China/Africa diseases originate in the White bastion of the American Redoubt? Nope!

Can’t have fascist commies like Germany locking down the freedom lovin Americans who actually have the BALLS not to get implanted with the Soros/Gates/AOC/jihad squad nanoprobes imbedded into the so-called vaccine submission procedure.

Don’t be a commie wantofbee!

I know I’m not letting that hideous Ocasio Cortez probe me! Id rather have Mitch McConnell. Or that hot governor of Florida, who’s gonna have his own state army now.
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Solid argument unless you consider the massive strain on the healthcare system, damage to the economy, needlessly putting immunocompromised people at risk, and creating a massive nationwide incubator for the virus to mutate into something more deadly and contagious. So yeah, other than that, real solid argument.

The marginal unvaccinated will eventually get processed, the economy can proceed if we just let it and the immuno-compromised can go back to looking after themselves like they always did,.. Oh, and it's a global incubator which we can't control anyway.
you are obviously a liberal and a commie for making this all up just to scare the Patriot Party into submission. Just like the Democraps are conspiring with dictator racist CRT Obama (who was born in South Africa) to create the myth of the South Africa omicron variant. Do these China/Africa diseases originate in the White bastion of the American Redoubt? Nope!

Can’t have fascist commies like Germany locking down the freedom lovin Americans who actually have the BALLS not to get implanted with the Soros/Gates/AOC/jihad squad nanoprobes imbedded into the so-called vaccine submission procedure.

Don’t be a commie wantofbee!

I know I’m not letting that hideous Ocasio Cortez probe me! Id rather have Mitch McConnell. Or that hot governor of Florida, who’s gonna have his own state army now.

Fascist commies, LOL. Good stuff.
The marginal unvaccinated will eventually get processed, the economy can proceed if we just let it and the immuno-compromised can go back to looking after themselves like they always did...

Marginal unvaccinated? Dude, it's like half the country.
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I'm not disagreeing with that at all,... What I am disagreeing with is the mistaken belief that if only we were able to adequately vaccinate enough of the US population this could somehow all be controlled and kept away from our doorstep,... That story line has always been bullshit.
I don’t think many, if any, make that argument. The issue is manageability and our country’s massive failure to do so well.
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Marginal unvaccinated? Dude, it's like half the country.

Not really,... Call it roughly 35% unvaccinated and perhaps 10% of those are at marginal risk due to existing health issues,.. Their choice, let's proceed.
Because they are putting a completely preventable and dangerous strain on our healthcare system through their base ignorance.

"Every time we go through a surge like we are now, it becomes increasingly difficult to have the resources to care for all the patients in our community," Dr. Andersen said. "The saddest part of this and the most frustrating part of this for health care providers is we know that many of the patients we're taking care of in the hospital could have avoided hospitalization through vaccination," Dr. Andersen said.

Why do you bother? The anti-vaxxers are bad at math.
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Not really,... Call it roughly 35% unvaccinated and perhaps 10% of those are at marginal risk due to existing health issues,.. Their choice, let's proceed.

That's actually higher than I thought. Thanks for accidentally giving me some hope.
Mostly agree. But keep in mind, the initial question asked was why people "hate" the unvaxxed. To be clear, I don't HATE the unvaxxed, but I am deeply disappointed and disheartened by their choices. They have prolonged and worsened a global health crisis and deserve criticism.

While you are correct the barn door has closed after the horses have left at this point, there WILL be other major public health crises in the future and we very, very badly need to learn from the mistakes made handling this one. Because frankly, it's been a shit-show by governments, private citizens and many other groups.

To be fair to the current paranoid antivaxers, there has always been silly paranoid antivaxers for all the previous pandemics.

Trump didn’t help by being his carnival barker self and Biden gives these nuts more fire by mandating it via a back door OSHA approach. Just so much govt executive level incompetence the past 5 years.
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