Looks like I am a Breakthrough Case for COVID

Solid argument unless you consider the massive strain on the healthcare system, damage to the economy, needlessly putting immunocompromised people at risk, and creating a massive nationwide incubator for the virus to mutate into something more deadly and contagious. So yeah, other than that, real solid argument.

From what I understand, virus mutations do not usually make a virus more deadly. More contagious, yes. Usually less deadly.

If I’m wrong I’ll expect to get blasted by the usual crowd.
From what I understand, virus mutations do not usually make a virus more deadly. More contagious, yes. Usually less deadly.

If I’m wrong I’ll expect to get blasted by the usual crowd.
Every story I've read on the variant they do the doom and gloom of it being more contagious. Then at the very end say the symptoms are mild. Almost trying to hide that.

Time will tell if the early reports of being less deadly are true. But there are some acting like that's not even a possibility.
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So basically we're coming around to the unvaccinated getting what they were willing to accept,.. Sort of like the flu always used to be, and I'm okay with that,.. So let's just add one more item to the list of things that can kill us and proceed with life...

I think we should be able to economically shame the unvaccinated through bc statistics are showing that vaccinated do much better than the unvaccinated AND they cost society a lot less.

My vaccination = $40.
Monoclonal antibody treatment = $1,100
Pfizer/Merek Pill = $700
Ivermectine = $30 - $70 (and is a joke that some are taking seriously)
Bleach is really cheap.

An ounce of prevention ends up costing you and taxpayers a whole lot of dough and time away from work.
I think we should be able to economically shame the unvaccinated through bc statistics are showing that vaccinated do much better than the unvaccinated AND they cost society a lot less.

My vaccination = $40.
Monoclonal antibody treatment = $1,100
Pfizer/Merek Pill = $700
Ivermectine = $30 - $70 (and is a joke that some are taking seriously)
Bleach is really cheap.

An ounce of prevention ends up costing you and taxpayers a whole lot of dough and time away from work.

Trump was way ahead of you in this one. Could've saved a lot of money listening to him
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From what I understand, virus mutations do not usually make a virus more deadly. More contagious, yes. Usually less deadly.

If I’m wrong I’ll expect to get blasted by the usual crowd.

In the long run they trend that way, yeah. Which makes me wonder about the wisdom in trying to contain every variant we run across...
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Then people should really stop counting the cases going up and down. If the vaccines aren't designed to keep people from being infected. Especially if they are proving unable to do that very well, and getting worse at it with each day, as people get further from their initial vaccination.
Yep. Should only be counting deaths. But, you see, this isn’t all about the number of folks dying. If we counted that only, the narrative must change as we are doing well in that regard. This is now about control. Once the elite realized they could use this as an excuse for you name it, it’s about blame and holding on to power.
Yep. Should only be counting deaths. But, you see, this isn’t all about the number of folks dying. If we counted that only, the narrative must change as we are doing well in that regard. This is now about control. Once the elite realized they could use this as an excuse for you name it, it’s about blame and holding on to power.

Control for what purpose?
Because they are putting a completely preventable and dangerous strain on our healthcare system through their base ignorance.

"Every time we go through a surge like we are now, it becomes increasingly difficult to have the resources to care for all the patients in our community," Dr. Andersen said. "The saddest part of this and the most frustrating part of this for health care providers is we know that many of the patients we're taking care of in the hospital could have avoided hospitalization through vaccination," Dr. Andersen said.

I agree with this. BUT….the other strain on the healthcare system is the mandate and the fear. We have lost a lot of staff for these two reasons and that hasn’t helped either. I’d put it at 50/50 at this point. But I’m also not privy to all our in house staffing metrics either.
Solid argument unless you consider the massive strain on the healthcare system, damage to the economy, needlessly putting immunocompromised people at risk, and creating a massive nationwide incubator for the virus to mutate into something more deadly and contagious. So yeah, other than that, real solid argument.
Immunocompromised are always at risk just so you know. It’s right there in the word. They should be and should have been careful pre and post COVID. This is simply another bug to add to the list.

I am not aware of any data that immunocompromised patients are dying at a rate in excess of pre pandemic.
Spent all last week traveling Missouri between St Louis and Osage Beach and it appears I picked up the COVAIDS, here is what I experienced to date (I was vaccinated with Novavax in February):

Monday - Day 1 (although I didn't know this was day 1 at the time): Feeling a bit groggy and general muscle soreness (worked on my baseball facility all day moving stuff, laying flooring, etc so chalked it up to being old and out of shape plus the whole week of being on the road just before). A few random sneezes out of no where.

Day 2: Something definitely something not right, sinuses starting to tighten to 50%, a bit tired but nothing major and a sight cough here and there but in the realm of nothing burger.

Day 3: Low grade fever, energy low, headache, mother of all sinus pressure (100% shut can't breath in or out of my nose at all), a bit disoriented in the morning but chalk that up to crushing some NyQuil night before, I always feel floaty with morning after NyQuil. I use a CPAP and it is ineffective that night as nasal passage is inflamed shut so awful night sleep but I did get some rest (not much production from nose just ultra tight...that seems to be where the COVID battle is being fought). Bizarre dreams with all of your moms that evening, it was freaky exciting stuff.

Day 4: No fever, no aches, full energy. 50% sinus blockage.

Day 5 (today): Great sleep night before, full energy, no headache very slight sinus issues but nothing one would really notice. Seems like taste buds are operating at 50% capacity (I believe the loss of taste smell is one of the trailing markers of infection so it appears I am over the worst of it). Will have freak dreams about all your moms tonight.

Thankful for being vaccinated as imagine it could have been much worse than one day of not feeling great. Assuming waning floating antibodies is what got me but memory T and Bs must of been there waiting even 10 months post vaccination. I give Novavax vaccine a 10 out of 10 for doing its job.

I seem to be color blind but always have been so that hasn't changed and I still have a huge peen so all is well.

Out of COVAIDS jail on Wednesday.

If everyone would get vaccinated there would be fewer breakthrough cases
Sure, but we need to acknowledge the collateral damage their poor choices and steadfast ignorance engendered.
Sure. Agreed. But you need to acknowledge the huge role that shaming and finger pointing has had in the intransigence of the unvaccinated. The approach we choose to take in this regard did irreparable damage to the get vaccinated efforts. This should have been a carrot not a stick effort.

This is one time that acknowledging one’s reasons for not getting vaccinated and attempting to put together a WWII like ‘we are all in this together’ patriotic effort would have been a better strategy. The ‘we are losing patience’ and ‘I wouldn’t take a vaccine that Trump developed’ mixed message for political reasons have severely hampered efforts. I also believe that Trump should have come out with a PSA asking his supporters to get the jab.

So much could have been better here. Being mad at the unvaccinated should also cause one to take a long look at why they didn’t get vaccinated not simply that they didn’t. This isn’t a matter of those dumb republicans. As you know, the unvaccinated are a diverse group. Excusing one group and shaming another looks a lot like opportunism and a fall back to base dislike of those not of your political ideals. Not calling you out but personally just the concept generally.

Everyone should get vaccinated. Save our healthcare system and the lives of your friends and neighbors. If you’re sick, stay home. Test early. Keep messaging fact based and positive. Explain what vaccines do and what they don’t. Etc etc.
But you need to acknowledge the huge role that shaming and finger pointing has had in the intransigence

also believe that Trump should have come out with a PSA asking his supporters to get the jab.

Good luck with that
Reports are he offered but the admin declined.
Hmmm...hadn't heard that, so I really don't know what happened here. BUT, IF Trump truly did volunteer to do so and was rebuffed, it would be yet another example of the DEMS letting their political feelings guide their COVID response. In other words, "politicizing" it.

Yes, is also true that there are plenty of examples of REPS politicizing this issue too. But for all of the tsk tskers out there towards the unvaccinated, this knife cuts both ways politically, whether you want to acknowledge that or not. ANY politicization of this issue, by EITHER party is foolish.
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Sure. Agreed. But you need to acknowledge the huge role that shaming and finger pointing has had in the intransigence of the unvaccinated. The approach we choose to take in this regard did irreparable damage to the get vaccinated efforts. This should have been a carrot not a stick effort.

This is one time that acknowledging one’s reasons for not getting vaccinated and attempting to put together a WWII like ‘we are all in this together’ patriotic effort would have been a better strategy. The ‘we are losing patience’ and ‘I wouldn’t take a vaccine that Trump developed’ mixed message for political reasons have severely hampered efforts. I also believe that Trump should have come out with a PSA asking his supporters to get the jab.

So much could have been better here. Being mad at the unvaccinated should also cause one to take a long look at why they didn’t get vaccinated not simply that they didn’t. This isn’t a matter of those dumb republicans. As you know, the unvaccinated are a diverse group. Excusing one group and shaming another looks a lot like opportunism and a fall back to base dislike of those not of your political ideals. Not calling you out but personally just the concept generally.

Everyone should get vaccinated. Save our healthcare system and the lives of your friends and neighbors. If you’re sick, stay home. Test early. Keep messaging fact based and positive. Explain what vaccines do and what they don’t. Etc etc.
It is a dumb decision to not get vaccinated. In my mind there are three main categories of people not getting vaccinated:
  1. Some people are just dumb and therefore make dumb decisions.
  2. Some people are not dumb, but they are ostensibly hesitant because of Tuskegee experiment considerations, which in turn is dumb, if you take a step back and look at all the affluent white people who tried to ace each other out to get it first.
  3. Some people are not dumb, but they won't take it if a commie lib thinks they should have it. They say they are not taking it for a variety of pretextual reasons, but really it comes down to owning the libs.
The second group makes me shake my head and it is very frustrating, but at least they perceive some physical threat. It is the latter group of people that drive me nuts because they are doing it out of spite, even though they are cutting off their noses to spite their face.
Hmmm...hadn't heard that, so I really don't know what happened here. BUT, IF Trump truly did volunteer to do so and was rebuffed, it would be yet another example of the DEMS letting their political feelings guide their COVID response. In other words, "politicizing" it.

Yes, is also true that there are plenty of examples of REPS politicizing this issue too. But for all of the tsk tskers out there towards the unvaccinated, this knife cuts both ways politically, whether you want to acknowledge that or not. ANY politicization of this issue, by EITHER party is foolish.
Why does trump need permission from democrats to tell his flock to get immunized?
Why does trump need permission from democrats to tell his flock to get immunized?
He did

He did again

Trump doesn't need anyone's permission to encourage the vax, and a 5 second Google search revealed that he did do so, at least at some level.

But...beyond that...if people are throwing stones at MAGA's for not getting vaxxed in sufficient numbers and the MAGA leader offers to, again, assist that let the name of getting more people vaxxed.
He has publicly come out for vaccination. He himself is vaccinated.
He did

He did again

Trump doesn't need anyone's permission to encourage the vax, and a 5 second Google search revealed that he did do so, at least at some level.

But...beyond that...if people are throwing stones at MAGA's for not getting vaxxed in sufficient numbers and the MAGA leader offers to, again, assist that let the name of getting more people vaxxed.
Well, that just makes the anti-vaxxer-stick-it-to-the-libs crowd even dumber.
He did

He did again

Trump doesn't need anyone's permission to encourage the vax, and a 5 second Google search revealed that he did do so, at least at some level.

But...beyond that...if people are throwing stones at MAGA's for not getting vaxxed in sufficient numbers and the MAGA leader offers to, again, assist that let the name of getting more people vaxxed.
I agree that you get the message out as much as possible. If he was rebuffed by the administration that is disappointing.
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Well, that just makes the anti-vaxxer-stick-it-to-the-libs crowd even dumber.
I don’t think that group is as large as advertised. I ask people constantly why they didn’t get vaccinated and that hasn’t ever been a cited reason. Though people may be reluctant to admit it.

The most often cited reason, by far, is concerns about safety.
I agree that you get the message out as much as possible. If he was rebuffed by the administration that is disappointing.
I would be cautious of accepting a statement of a message board as factual. It’s the modern version of the telephone game.
I don’t think that group is as large as advertised. I ask people constantly why they didn’t get vaccinated and that hasn’t ever been a cited reason. Though people may be reluctant to admit it.

The most often cited reason, by far, is concerns about safety.
FWIW, and I don't know a lot of people who haven't taken the vax, but the ones that have shared their thoughts with me have not referenced anything MAGA, but rather concerns about vaxxes in general.

One family has a daughter that they are convinced was fine, fine as a youngster and then following some sort of a vaccination as a child, developed some form of autism, or something like that. I really don't know those details, but it is clear by looking at her that there is an impairment present today. According to the family, she was perfectly normal until the fateful vax. (I didn't know them then, so I really don't have the details on that, but they couldn't be more convinced at this point.)
I don’t think that group is as large as advertised. I ask people constantly why they didn’t get vaccinated and that hasn’t ever been a cited reason. Though people may be reluctant to admit it.

The most often cited reason, by far, is concerns about safety.
That's why I referenced them having pretextual reasons stated. But that is what is really going on.
Sure. Agreed. But you need to acknowledge the huge role that shaming and finger pointing has had in the intransigence of the unvaccinated. The approach we choose to take in this regard did irreparable damage to the get vaccinated efforts. This should have been a carrot not a stick effort.
People weren't avoiding the vaccine because they were pissed about being "shamed". They were avoiding it because they were getting the message that it was 1. unnecessary 2. dangerous 3. a plot. A lot of that has appeared here on HROT. You want to point fingers...point them the right way.

In my county they were offering a $100 gift card to anyone getting their first jab and ANOTHER $100 card to whoever drove them. Not a bad carrot. That was, of course, months after I had already had my first two. It barely moved the needle in terms of shots/day.
I don’t think that group is as large as advertised. I ask people constantly why they didn’t get vaccinated and that hasn’t ever been a cited reason. Though people may be reluctant to admit it.

The most often cited reason, by far, is concerns about safety.
And those concerns seem to be growing.
The wife is vaccinated and has a breakthrough case. She tested positive last Thursday. My daughter didn’t and mine came back inconclusive, so I took another test today and I’m waiting on results.
Seems like breakthrough cases aren't really a big deal at this point. Primarily because the vax was designed around "last year's" Covid.

I'm vaxed and I won't be surprised if I get it and recover, just like the first damn time.
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Immunocompromised are always at risk just so you know. It’s right there in the word. They should be and should have been careful pre and post COVID. This is simply another bug to add to the list.

I am not aware of any data that immunocompromised patients are dying at a rate in excess of pre pandemic.

But if you can do something to put them at leas risk, with no risk to yourself, why wouldn’t you? What kind of selfish asshole wouldn’t do that?
Is Trump without money and a pulpit? If he thinks it is the right thing he should just do it.

Once he found out that the vaccines were not going to be private labeled with his Trump Brand he decided they were stupid and wanted many other people to say the same, many many other people.
Literally every person I know who is vocally anti VAX is mega MAGA and has all of their other vaccines. They pretend it’s about safety concerns but throw out government control and Q insanity all the time. They also do their own research. And now that I’m going through the list not a degree among them. So I’m confident in their researching abilities.
I will find out this week how effective my vaccine is. The way we were packed into multiple bars in Indy I’d be shocked if we weren’t exposed.
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