They won't have supplies. The will is there but without arms they will fall. That is a fact. They can't destroy Russia with rocks and sticks.i actually think you're also selling the ukrainians short on that front.
They won't have supplies. The will is there but without arms they will fall. That is a fact. They can't destroy Russia with rocks and sticks.i actually think you're also selling the ukrainians short on that front.
What a piece of shit you are? Just like your lord and savior, trump.Anonymous internet bloviating...
What's stopping you now?
What a piece of shit you are? Just like your lord and savior, trump.
Have you served in the military? You could always make your own trek to the Rio Grande and put your life on the line protecting our border. Sounds like something you should do if you were really a patriot and firm in your convictions.Anonymous internet bloviating...
What's stopping you now?
FWIW, I realize you think you are slamming me because you hate women. But, only dim-witted, russia loving, spousal and children abusing maga scum like yourself agree. I feel sorry for the likes of you, as you belong in prison.Come on Carol. Other women are signing up. Why not you?
Weary but determined, women join Ukraine's fight against Russia in historic numbers
Weary but determined, women join Ukraine's fight in historic numbers
Two female soldiers told NBC News that, like their male comrades, they were exhausted as the war approaches the two-year mark. But unlike the men, the women said they were facing another challenge:
Tell that to Trump. He doesn’t want to fix the border or Johnson would have voted on it.Maybe you missed the memo but Republicans have not refused to supply Ukraine. They refuse to supply Ukraine unless Biden agrees to take concrete action to defend our southern border. That is the only way the Republicans feel they can get Biden to do the right thing to protect America. If Biden and the left were so concerned about Ukraine, why won't they agree to help solve our HUGE problem here? Sounds like Biden and the left don't care as much about Ukraine as they would like you to believe.
You’re a special kind of special.Anonymous internet bloviating...
What's stopping you now?
Have you served in the military? You could always make your own trek to the Rio Grande and put your life on the line protecting our border. Sounds like something you should do if you were really a patriot and firm in your convictions.
FWIW, I realize you think you are slamming me because you hate women. But, only dim-witted, russia love, spousal and children abusing maga scum like yourself agree. I feel sorry for the likes of you, as you belong in prison.
Just like they did in Afghanistan…a YUGE Russian victory!!!We're already out of money and borrowing more money to send elsewhere.
Also, check out the WW2 stats. Russia will throw millions of people into the grinder and not blink an eye.
I thought you just said you want quid pro quo: funds for border protection in exchange for funding for Ukraine. If the border isn't dangerous, then why does it need protection? If the border is dangerous, put your money where your mouth is and do your part.Processing sham asylum claims doesn't sound very dangerous.
Spousal abuseWhat's the offense?
So that's a no, you didn't serve.Anonymous internet bloviating...
What's stopping you now?
Trump calls Putin not a thug, a killer, or a war criminal, but rather brilliant, savvy, and a great leader.
It’s not that difficult. You enrich the powerful - including the military brass - and you kill anyone you don’t like. That doesn’t make him smart - just ruthless and greedy.I would say he is both.
And before someone comes and replies that I must like him or something...i am not saying I support where he has lead his country, just that I recognize that one has to be a strong leader to so effectively take over the country and stay in power while ****ing over so many.
It’s not that difficult. You enrich the powerful - including the military brass - and you kill anyone you don’t like. That doesn’t make him smart - just ruthless and greedy.
I just have a different definition of “brilliant leader”.Had to be smart enough to put himself in position to be able to be able to enrich the powerful....and extremely savy to know with whom to start with when you have limited resources.
Just like Hitler...brilliant leader. You can speak objectively about someone and still have the opinion that they are a piece of shit.
Intentionally ignorant, or just arguing for the sake of argument?I thought you just said you want quid pro quo: funds for border protection in exchange for funding for Ukraine. If the border isn't dangerous, then why does it need protection? If the border is dangerous, put your money where your mouth is and do your part.
What are you talking about? Of course the right won't accept a stand alone, that kind of defeats the purpose of tying the border and Ukraine aid together. Without tying the two, Biden and the left will let the border to continue to be a sive.This claim has already been destroyed. Rs blocked standalone bills, bills coupled with Israel, and even bills connected to the border. Rs have blocked it all.
The bill the senate passed was not a border bill. It should have been called "Let's make it look like we care about the border bill for the election."Tell that to Trump. He doesn’t want to fix the border or Johnson would have voted on it.
How? Do you really think Putin is stupid enough to widen this conflict into a NATO country?Pay now or pay later with American lives.
Life in the echo chamber must be wild. You really should educate yourself better with takes this badIt's a total coincidence that Russia is making gains right when the GOP won't help fund Ukraine, right?
Go on.Intentionally ignorant, or just arguing for the sake of argument?
Close our borders and aid is a done deal.Russia is making massive offensive progress while Ukraine's supplies dwindle as Republicans continue to refuse to supply aid. Can this be perceived any other way beyond the Rs wanting Russia to win?
You’re the one comparing defending Ukraine with defending our border. You go to Ukraine like the other poster mentioned, you will be using a weapon and fighting. You go to our border, like the other poster said, you’ll be filling out paperwork and waving goodbye to the illegal migrants as they continue on to their destination of choice.Go on.
Have you read the thread? Our own captain bone spurs was chastising libs (anyone how does not agree with him) for not going to fight in Ukraine if we think Ukraine is important. I merely turned the tables on him. His silence is deafening.You
You’re the one comparing defending Ukraine with defending our border. You go to Ukraine like the other poster mentioned, you will be using a weapon and fighting. You go to our border, like the other poster said, you’ll be filling out paperwork and waving goodbye to the illegal migrants as they continue on to their destination of choice.
Or maybe you don’t think allowing 8+ million illegal migrants into country without any real vetting is not a security issue for our country.
Your response to him was apples to oranges. Tell him to man up and go to Ukraine.Have you read the thread? Our own captain bone spurs was chastising libs (anyone how does not agree with him) for not going to fight in Ukraine if we think Ukraine is important. I merely turned the tables on him. His silence is deafening.
This sounds very similar to something Joseph McCarthy would say in the 1950s. We really have done a 180 in our political landscape over the past 75 years.Ukraine had Russia on the ropes until the Republicans loyal to Putin were able to stop the flow of supplies to them. The traitors in the GOP will give Alaska back to Russia if Putin asked them to.
Look, I’m not saying I have answers for the border or claim to understand all of the issues. What I do understand is a blowhard who thinks he’s putting libs (again, to him, anyone who disagrees with him) on blast, and I enjoy pointing out intellectual dishonesty. In doing so, if people want to push back and dance, I will dance. If I’m wrong, I will admit I’m wrong. But, I like my odds against most people here on most issues.Your response to him was apples to oranges. Tell him to man up and go to Ukraine.
I think we need to continue to supply weapons to Ukraine, and help Israel, so I’m furious with the House holding all this up. But I’m also furious with the administration for the way they’ve handled the border. Yes there is a bipartisan bill, but someone tell me what they mean by shutting the border down when thresholds are reached? How exactly does that work? Do they put enough border agents and military on the border and physically prevent migrants from crossing? Who oversees that they are in fact closing the border. Too many questions on that bill and not enough details.
Ok Huey... where are you willing to cut spending to provide foreign aid. We ran a $2 trillion deficit last year with unemployment below 4%. The D's had two years to raise taxes, but didn't do it.What I read is that Russia might have 2 maybe 3 years max before they are completely exhausted for tanks. War has already gone 2 years. It's very reasonable to think that if the US funded Ukraine for just 2 more years, Russia would have no ground capabilities and therefore a severely limited ability to keep the war going. So the talk that Ukraine can't push Russia out holds less water than some think.
Dick Cheney is that you?Wow isolationism . . . that never bit us in the ass before.
Spare us the “libs”victomhood. Anyone who questions all the money we are giving to Ukraine is automatically called a Putin sympathizer by every leftist on this board. Broadbrushing and hyperbolic rhetoric is a two way street.Look, I’m not saying I have answers for the border or claim to understand all of the issues. What I do understand is a blowhard who thinks he’s putting libs (again, to him, anyone who disagrees with him) on blast, and I enjoy pointing out intellectual dishonesty. In doing so, if people want to push back and dance, I will dance. If I’m wrong, I will admit I’m wrong. But, I like my odds against most people here on most issues.
Once Russia moves on Poland, or another Balkan….do we just move aside and let Putin be Putin? And then when China moves on Taiwan..,,..,we observe? Pretty soon there will be no more “America first” you phuquing bot morons!Bullshit....
2024's Polish military would annihilate what's left of Russia's rag-tag mob....probably would have before they were decimated in Ukraine....but you keep sputtering, Otis!Once Russia moves on Poland, or another Balkan….do we just move aside and let Putin be Putin? And then when China moves on Taiwan..,,..,we observe? Pretty soon there will be no more “America first” you phuquing bot morons!
Russia and Red phuquin’ China are NOT our friends.
This really is no different that “Sadaam has Weapons of Mass Destruction we have to do something” type rhetoric. Didn’t know you became a Dick Cheney fan Joel.Once Russia moves on Poland, or another Balkan….do we just move aside and let Putin be Putin? And then when China moves on Taiwan..,,..,we observe? Pretty soon there will be no more “America first” you phuquing bot morons!
Russia and Red phuquin’ China are NOT our friends.
I’m not a “lib” or claiming to be a victim. Like I have pointed out before, I find it hilarious I have been called a Romney loving republican and a Marxist, by both ends of the political spectrum. I am independent and call balls and strikes as I see them. I find the GOP leadership to be on the wrong side of history, at the moment, on ukraine. Simple as that.Spare us the “libs”victomhood. Anyone who questions all the money we are giving to Ukraine is automatically called a Putin sympathizer by every leftist on this board. Broadbrushing and hyperbolic rhetoric is a two way street.
I’m a realist. Putin is old school Russian Commie KGB. Those guys understand one thing hawkland..and it ain’t negotiation. Russia will push and bully those it can all the time. Trump’s approach to Russia/Putin was wrong from Day 1…..Putin played him like a chump every step of his 4 years…This really is no different that “Sadaam has Weapons of Mass Destruction we have to do something” type rhetoric. Didn’t know you became a Dick Cheney fan Joel.
They will now that they are NATO affiliated. But does Poland always have to be the catalyst for international confrontation?2024's Polish military would annihilate what's left of Russia's rag-tag mob....probably would have before they were decimated in Ukraine....but you keep sputtering, Otis!