Lou Dobbs gets canceled...

Joes Place

HB King
Aug 28, 2003
Yep, that'll be a "mea culpa" come trial time.

Dobbs will sue and say he was canned because of age discrimination. This comes on the heels of being fired from CNN for his narrative on immigration years ago.

Pirro is probably on a huge "bender" tonite knowing she's likely the next to go.

BTW: As I type this, not a word on the Fox website.:cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool:
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Didn't the Judge read a retraction on air. Maybe Lou refused to.
No... the retraction you are referring to had to do with Pirro's accusation that Pelosi was vacationing in Puerto Rico during the government shutdown. Completely unrelated to the current controversy.
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No... the retraction you are referring to had to do with Pirro's accusation that Pelosi was vacationing in Puerto Rico during the government shutdown. Completely unrelated to the current controversy.
Hard to keep track of the lies. All of these opinion shows should have banners underneath them saying for entertainment purposes only.
Imma guess there are 2.7B reasons why...

🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
sounds like Fox attorneys think there is some meat on that lawsuit bone
The lawyer that won the largest defamation suit in US history (against ABC News for the “pink slime” story) has taken the case and was on the NPR’s NYT The Daily tonight, carefully going over all the merits of this case in terms of violating the law. Fox is absolutely screwed.
Lou Dobbs became a liability to FOX when they were
sued for lies about election machines.
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20 years ago he was a decent business show host. Even before Trump he was getting weird, then he went full Trump cult. Pirro is a hack, but Dobbs and Bartiromo are sad cases. Both were respected at one time.
Pirro's husband got one of those last minute pardons from Trump. Pure coincidence, I'm sure.

The hacks at Fox are feeling the effects of their unconditional loyalty to Turd.

Dobbs got canned by CNN, now Fox. I wonder if he's gonna make the trifecta and apply for a job at NBC?
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