Louisiana GOP scores BIG in off-cycle election....

The Tradition

HR King
Apr 23, 2002
Louisiana voters took a significant step to the right on Saturday, as Republicans notched wins up and down the ballot, giving their party an outside chance of sweeping to power just ahead of a crucial redistricting cycle that could cement their control of the state for years to come.

Amid record turnout for what is usually a sleepy off-year, irregular election, Louisiana Republicans locked up enough seats in the state Senate to amount to a super majority. The party came within seven seats of winning a super majority in the state House, too, with eight runoff elections to come in November.

Gov. John Bel Edwards (D) easily led the field of candidates running for the state’s top office, but he did not win a majority of the vote, which would have allowed him to avoid the Nov. 16 runoff.

Instead, his two leading opponents — businessman Eddie Rispone (R) and Rep. Ralph Abraham (R) — captured a combined 52 percent of the vote. That gives Rispone, who finished about 4 percentage points ahead of Abraham, a path to win the runoff.

“You can turn this state around with the right team and the right attitude, and you can shake up this state and make it great again,” Rispone said Saturday at his victory party.

Edwards’s campaign on Monday released an internal survey, conducted before Saturday’s all-party primary, showing the governor leading Rispone 52 percent to 36 percent. But most, if not all, Abraham voters are likely to coalesce around Rispone.

“While Governor Edwards has a strong, bipartisan record to advertise to voters over the next five weeks, Eddie Rispone is as phony as they get. While he’s trying to sell himself as an outsider now, the truth is, Eddie Rispone’s the ultimate insider,” Edwards’s campaign manager Richard Carbo wrote in a post-election memo.

Edwards will not have the benefit of facing a Republican opponent hindered by internal party divisions, like he did in 2015. That year, the two Republicans who finished behind then-Sen. David Vitter (R) declined to endorse him.

On Saturday, despite an at-times bitter primary fight, Abraham endorsed his former rival.

The Republican gains in the first round, and their potential to pick up the supermajority in the House, could be a serious setback to Democratic efforts to draw more favorable legislative and congressional maps after the 2020 census.

If Republicans hold such substantial control over the legislature, they would be able to draw maps and override any vetoes Edwards would make — assuming he holds onto his job.

“Today was a great day for Republicans all the way down the ballot,” Andrew Bautsch, the executive director of the Louisiana Republican Party, said in a statement late Saturday. “Louisiana voters just elected the most Republican legislature in the state’s history.”

Also on the ballot on Saturday, Lt. Gov. Billy Nungesser (R) and Attorney General Jeff Landry (R) easily won reelection. Republicans won the treasurer’s office, and two Republicans will face each other in a runoff for insurance commissioner. Republican candidates led the initial round of balloting in races for agriculture commissioner and secretary of state, too.

John Couvillon, a Louisiana-based pollster who surveyed the field extensively, said Republican gains came in districts that had long voted for Democratic legislators, even as they became more culturally conservative — so-called ancestrally Democratic regions in rural areas north and west of Lafayette.

“These parishes had never before given Republicans legislative candidates serious consideration,” Couvillon wrote, even though President Trump won all three with more than 60 percent of the vote in 2016.

The results suggest voters are wildly enthusiastic about casting their ballots, ahead of a presidential contest that is likely to produce the highest turnout in more than a century. More than 1.3 million voters cast their ballots on or ahead of Saturday’s election, 200,000 more than the number of voters who cast a ballot in the 2015 primary.

Edwards grabbed about 91 percent of the African American vote, according to Couvillon’s estimates, a solid and necessary performance for any Democrat who hopes to win statewide office in a conservative Southern state.

But worryingly for the Democratic incumbent, African Americans made up a smaller percentage of the overall electorate than they have in past elections.
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I am telling you, Republicans are energized because of the left's bullshit. 2020 will be quite a year.

To an extent I agree with you. Trump will kill it in red states. However, I think his ceiling was hit in ‘16. He is really going to struggle to win Michigan and Pennsylvania, and he almost has to win one of those, unless he flips Minnesota. Point is, he has to basically win the board if his approval ratings hold true.
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To an extent I agree with you. Trump will kill it in red states. However, I think his ceiling was hit in ‘16. He is really going to struggle to win Michigan and Pennsylvania, and he almost has to win one of those, unless he flips Minnesota. Point is, he has to basically win the board if his approval ratings hold true.
honestly the dems' only hope is if michelle or oprah gets in
To an extent I agree with you. Trump will kill it in red states. However, I think his ceiling was hit in ‘16. He is really going to struggle to win Michigan and Pennsylvania, and he almost has to win one of those, unless he flips Minnesota. Point is, he has to basically win the board if his approval ratings hold true.
Thumps ass is grass in the rust belt states, and the dems are the mowers, important ? yep , that's where the big electoral votes are at. ABT, ABT,ABT,ABT.
Thumps ass is grass in the rust belt states, and the dems are the mowers, important ? yep , that's where the big electoral votes are at. ABT, ABT,ABT,ABT.

I'm sorry, is the rust belt not participating in the lowest unemployment rate since 1969?
I'm sorry, is the rust belt not participating in the lowest unemployment rate since 1969?
There are pockets in the big cities that have very good employment numbers , and then in the rural areas not so good,the jobs are low wages, no benefits . The city 12,000, I live in 6 months, the employment is 7% with no industry, so all low wage jobs,large number of retired. The kids graduate, go to college and move away. this is your typical mid size city in the rust belt states. The big cities vote strong DEM.
There are pockets in the big cities that have very good employment numbers , and then in the rural areas not so good,the jobs are low wages, no benefits . The city I live in 6 months, the employment is 7% with no industry, so all low wage jobs,large number of retired. The kids graduate, go to college and move away. this is your typical mid size city in the rust belt states. The big cities vote strong DEM.

So, BAU?
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My company has been increasing wages in our city locations and our very rural locations. I think you might be surprised how the rural vote goes despite what the "experts" are saying on NPR.
It's gonna be a red wave around the nation and across the board in 2020. The socialist media and their dregs of society groupies (the liberals) will dream up more fakes, cite more fake poll numbers and ignore everything our President is currently winning at.
My company has been increasing wages in our city locations and our very rural locations. I think you might be surprised how the rural vote goes despite what the "experts" are saying on NPR.

You are increasing wages because we have a labor shortage being caused by demographic shifts. Not Donald Trump.
Really? Why? My friend, who makes a lot of money. Owns his own company, etc. says stuff is just shuffled around and he came out no better.

He's not a "pocketbook voter". I'm talking about the people who did not have jobs four years ago who do have jobs today. I'm talking about the people who had low-paying jobs four years ago that have higher-paying jobs today.

You are correct that the president doesn't control this, but for right or wrong, the president gets credit or blame for it.
He's not a "pocketbook voter". I'm talking about the people who did not have jobs four years ago who do have jobs today. I'm talking about the people who had low-paying jobs four years ago that have higher-paying jobs today.

You are correct that the president doesn't control this, but for right or wrong, the president gets credit or blame for it.

The unemployment rate wasnt exactly high in 2015 either chief
CNN, MSNBC, WaPo, NYT, PBS, NPR, ABC, CBS, NBC, HuffPo.... all BS

NPR? Lol

Anything not named Fox news basically.

I know this is hard to admit; but just admit it was a mistake to vote for him. Hillary may well have not been a good president, we wont know, but she would have competent people in place. Also, there would be no Medicare for all talk.

Ted.....Just.Admit it
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NPR? Lol

Anything not named Fox news basically.

I know this is hard to admit; but just admit it was a mistake to vote for him. Hillary may well have not been a good president, we wont know, but she would have competent people in place. Also, there would be no Medicare for all talk.

Ted.....Just.Admit it

I listen to NPR all the time (did you know I travel for work?). They are absolutely slanted. Bigly.
CNN, MSNBC, WaPo, NYT, PBS, NPR, ABC, CBS, NBC, HuffPo.... all BS

The covers are pulled up so completely over your eyes, that your Nikes are showing, Trad.
Just asking. Do you think Democratic voters will be motivated to turn out in huge numbers to vote against Donald?

This will depend entirely on how you guys choose to motivate them,... If Elizabeth Warren is the selected motivation you better buckle up...

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