Mack Brown and Booger McFarland were terrible

Mack and Booger were awful.
They talked, as if we were listening to the game on radio, without pictures, and ALWAYS TALKING.

Yes, the bench at ESPN is not as good as it used to be but Adam Amin, Jason Benetti, and even Beth Mowins are miles better than these 2.
Yes, I know they are play-by-play, and not commentators, but the PBP guy at the Pinstripe was steamrolled all afternoon by Mack and Booger, and at least Adam, Jason and Beth, would keep them, in check.
Good grief, a few brain cramps and mispronounciations of players' names.

I liked that they kept it loose and coversational and DIDN'T try to oversell the game. It's just the Pinstripe Bowl.

I think the networks generally favor announcers who DO try to overhype the game or the teams, hoping to hook the casual viewer.

Thankfully, a grizzled war dog like Brown, and his partners, didn't go for that.
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them eye-wah guys have some decent players like that parker hess and noah font!

nothing annoys me more than listening to announcer pretend they know all about our players, when they don't even know how to pronounce their names!

stay in tx you redneck hick :) thanks....
I'm probably an oddity in that I don't really mind Beth Mowins nor did I particularly mind Mack or Booger and they were entertaining. Booger keep in mind is an SEC homer but I thought they were fairly complementary of KF & they even mentioned once how athletic Iowas & BC's defensive lines were. Which is a rarity for teams like ours. Both teams.

Now to be fair I didn't get a chance to watch much of the game live & therefore I found them somewhat entertaining. I can't watch a game live and listen to the Announcers if I have any sort of rooting interest because their propensity to make every moment even "bigger" than it already is drives me nuts. It's like they have to pretend they're doing real news. I get in trouble from my family regularly for watching a live broadcast with the sound down LOL

As an aside I do not like ESPN nor do I watch anything on ESPN other than game broadcasts. They are exceedingly left leaning politically and I care not to support them anymore than I need to.
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Right in the head and Booger can eat his own Boogers.. he sounded like a real Jackass

Earlier in the game Mack Brown called Brian Ferentz "Brent." In the 4th quarter, when we got that 5 yd delay of game penalty, he said "you're looking at all the defensive movement of Syracuse...." Uh, we were playing Boston College, Mack.

Booger used words that probably are not even real words. And he agreed with Mack a lot, which said a lot.

This is what ESPN is now, I guess.
I thought they made a good point about the grass not being heated like a typical football field. They missed commenting on the slippery nature of the painted logo which to me was a bigger point.

They had no other insight and it was obvious they had not done their homework. It was their goal to show up, grab a paycheck, and go home. They acted like covering this game was beneath them.
I cringed every time the grown ups said the word "booger". I knew a "booger" and the reason behind his nickname is pretty gross.
Mack had some familarity with Iowa. I loved when Booger made a reference to the Patriots scheme without, as it seemed, knowing that 1. KF used to work for Belichick and 2. BF was a position coach for the Pats. Mack at least corrected the situaton by enlightening Booger. Do some homework!!!
I thought they made a good point about the grass not being heated like a typical football field. They missed commenting on the slippery nature of the painted logo which to me was a bigger point.

They had no other insight and it was obvious they had not done their homework. It was their goal to show up, grab a paycheck, and go home. They acted like covering this game was beneath them.

They mentioned the slippery logo after the BC running back lost his footing on it.
If Booger and Mack would stay focused on the game they are calling it would work out much better for everyone.