*****MAGA in disarray, who will be speaker of the House***** McCarthy REMOVED! Jim Jordan 0-3. Election denier Mike Johnson confirmed. Vote them out

Is it theoretically possible for any remaining reasonable GOP Representatives to get with their Democrat counterparts and elect a non-MAGA Speaker?
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Is it theoretically possible for any remaining reasonable GOP Representatives to get with their Democrat counterparts and elect a non-MAGA Speaker?
Yes...but it would come with serious conditions. There is no incentive for the Dems to save the GOP from themselves, otherwise. They could even elect Jeffries if they got enough GOP members to agree and then the concessions could go the other way.
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After all the bluster, McCarthy will be speaker.
This is the likely outcome. The HFC is overplaying their hand. They can prevent someone from becoming speaker but they don't have the power to select and vote in a speaker. And, they've extracted about as much as they can in the way of concessions.

In the end they'll probably settle on McCarthy.
Is it theoretically possible for any remaining reasonable GOP Representatives to get with their Democrat counterparts and elect a non-MAGA Speaker?

I read an article where a moderate Republican was threatening to do just that.

Honestly the Dems should do something like this. Talk with the moderates in the Republican party, pick a moderate Republican with a backbone to stand up to the HFC and elect that person speaker. It would be a massive embarrassment to the HFC and the Republicans in general.
It's absolutely insane just how much power the "Freedom Caucus" morons really think they have. This would be like AOC and her friends deciding the 5 of them could stall out Pelosi because they demanded the Democrats take a hard leap to the left.

That said, at some point the idiots like Gaetz and the rest will be pulled to heel. Gaetz isn't smart enough to do anything but follow someone else. He gets to go on OAN and Fox News and get his tv time blustering on about McCarthy, it plays well to the base here (Which still is maddening) and then he'll vote because it is obvious there's no other choice. At some point this is going to erupt. There are still enough moderates who refuse to play the crazy MAGA game beyond a bit of bluster here and there that a real war is going to erupt. I truly hope that we get a party split at some point. I'd love to one day see an actual moderate party rise to power.
This is absolutely awesome. I love that some of the GOP crowd has said they’d rather see Jefferies be speaker than vote for McCarthy.

What an absolute disaster for GOP leadership. And I’m loving it, yet another example why they can’t be trusted to govern.
This is absolutely awesome. I love that some of the GOP crowd has said they’d rather see Jefferies be speaker than vote for McCarthy.

What an absolute disaster for GOP leadership. And I’m loving it, yet another example why they can’t be trusted to govern.
They're all currently just a bunch of toddlers on the far right side who got elected because they were either "hot" or were best able to troll and playground bully others. I remember a time when Republicans used to claim to be the party of intelligence, of logic, who shed emotion, and who used only facts and science to lead. And they elected people who were actually very intelligent or who at least were able to appear to be. At some point they realized that science and facts weren't aligning with what they wanted to do any longer though and they started attacking those ideals...

Now it's like idiocracy has come to life.
Several non-MAGA republicans just announced that if you are GOP and don't vote for Kevin, and he wins, you will not be given a committee chair.

Trump card right bower played.
If Jeffries could somehow get a few Republicans and end up speaker I may never stop laughing.

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