Majority of Hispanics now favor mass deportation.

FAUlty Gator

HB Legend
Oct 27, 2017

A recent poll found that a majority of Hispanic people favor the mass deportation of undocumented immigrants living in the U.S. illegally.

The CBS News/YouGov poll found that a majority of registered voters overall (62 percent) would favor the government starting "a new national program to deport all undocumented immigrants currently living in the U.S. illegally." Thirty-eight percent said they would oppose it.

The survey polled 1,615 registered voters between June 5 and 7, and had a margin of error of 3.8 points.

Notably, the poll found that mass deportation was popular with Hispanics, with 53 percent saying they would favor such a program and 47 percent saying they would oppose it. White people were more supportive of mass deportations, with 67 percent saying they would support the program, and 33 percent saying they would oppose it. Among Black people, it was 47 percent in favor and 53 percent opposed.

An Axios poll published in April also found that a majority of Americans support the mass deportations of undocumented immigrants, including 45 percent of Latinos who were in favor of such a measure.

The results of the latest survey indicate that many would back former President Donald Trump's plan to launch the largest deportation operation in U.S. history if he wins back the White House in November.

But a "much smaller portion of Americans who purport to favor mass deportation of undocumented immigrants would support what it would practically entail," Thomas Gift, an associate professor of political science and director of the Centre on U.S. Politics at University College London, U.K., told

Showing papers on-demand. Racial profiling. A huge increase in the number and scale of ICE raids. But the polling is reflective of just how dissatisfied American voters are with the failure of both Republicans and Democrats to secure the border. Immigration is again surging to the top of the 'most important problem' list because Washington has shown itself completely ill-equipped to execute common-sense immigration enforcement."

Immigration regularly ranks among voters' top issues ahead of November's election, set to be a rematch of the 2020 race between President Joe Biden and Trump.

Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee, has made cracking down on immigration a centerpiece of his campaign, repeating the strategy that fueled his previous rise to power. In speeches and online, Trump has ramped up anti-immigrant rhetoric, casting migrants as criminals who are "poisoning the blood" of America.

In a lengthy interview with Time magazine in April, Trump said he'd use the National Guard as part of efforts to deport millions of migrants across the country in a second term—and wouldn't be opposed to using active duty military.

"If I thought things were getting out of control, I would have no problem using the military, per se," he said. "We have to have safety in our country. We have to have law and order in our country. And whichever gets us there, but I think the National Guard will do the job."

Biden took executive action earlier this month that effectively halts asylum claims at the southern border, an effort to deflect attacks against him on his handling of immigration.

The order, which went into effect on June 5, limits asylum processing once encounters with migrants between ports of entry reach 2,500 per day. It immediately went into effect because the latest figures were far higher, at about 4,000 daily.

However, recent figures show that the order is having little effect on the number of illegal crossings at the U.S.-Mexico border. Meanwhile, immigration advocacy groups have sued the Biden administration over the action.

Biden has said that Republicans had left him with no choice but to take executive action after tanking bipartisan legislation that would have overhauled the asylum system to provide faster and tougher immigration enforcement at Trump's urging.
I assume they are. But if they had any sympathy they would realize better than most how insanely difficult the immigration system is to go through and should be the loudest about fixing the actual issue and not just being inhumane and shipping the problem off somewhere else.
When they've actually gone through that difficult system it's unrealistic to expect them to give a pass to folks that try to bypass that system.
Mass deportation isn't going to work unless we come up with a system to easily bring in seasonal agricultural farm workers. Too much of that is still done by illegal labor and that needs to be fixed.

Other issue is that it sounds all good but there are a lot of people who were brought here as small children, who only know this country as home. It's going to look bad when you start taking young adults who know no one in Mexico, some of whom might not even speak Spanish very well and start dumping them in Mexico.

Solving the problem here is going to take more than some meathead concepts like building a wall and mass deportations.

Biden is hemorrhaging minority voters. Hispanic and black vote is down double digits. Dems better hope the dead vote shows up again come November.
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When they've actually gone through that difficult system it's unrealistic to expect them to give a pass to folks that try to bypass that system.
I'm not saying they should want them to get a pass. But they are assholes if they think the way to fix it is just ship them off. They should be the first people demanding that an actual solution is put into place
I'm not saying they should want them to get a pass. But they are assholes if they think the way to fix it is just ship them off. They should be the first people demanding that an actual solution is put into place
Shipping them off is a perfectly valid solution.
They can start at the top and work their way down,.. Criminals, rejected asylum seekers, overstayed visas, etc., etc., etc...
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I'm not saying they should want them to get a pass. But they are assholes if they think the way to fix it is just ship them off. They should be the first people demanding that an actual solution is put into place
Imo, this is also a classic case of people liking a solution because it sounds simple and easy.

When in reality, we’re talking about the mass deportation of likely well over 15? Million people?

Does anyone really have any idea the level of coordination between law enforcement at all levels, how many cops would have to be dedicated to this over other priorities, the logistics, etc? I know I sure as heck don’t.
This should be interesting; please expound on tenet 5 and how it relates to this poll of 1600+ people.
The critique of liberalism says any majority in voting will always vote in its best interest even if it thinks it's helping the minority. This does have some merit as often times there is a negative relationship between the perceived value of what is being voted on and the actual impact for the minority. And, sometimes, people really are assholes. The layman's way of saying it would be a majority can never really know what it's like to be in a minority and thus never actually represent them.

I'll allow you to see how this is applicable and decided what position you would like to take.
This should be interesting; please expound on tenet 5 and how it relates to this poll of 1600+ people.
The critique of liberalism says any majority in voting will always vote in its best interest even if it thinks it's helping the minority. This does have some merit as often times there is a negative relationship between the perceived value of what is being voted on and the actual impact for the minority. And, sometimes, people really are assholes. The layman's way of saying it would be a majority can never really know what it's like to be in a minority and thus never actually represent them.

I'll allow you to see how this is applicable and decided what position you would like to take.
I assume they are. But if they had any sympathy they would realize better than most how insanely difficult the immigration system is to go through and should be the loudest about fixing the actual issue and not just being inhumane and shipping the problem off somewhere else.
Why would they want more competition?

It human nature to resent people who are given an easier path when others have had to do it the right way.
The critique of liberalism says any majority in voting will always vote in its best interest even if it thinks it's helping the minority. This does have some merit as often times there is a negative relationship between the perceived value of what is being voted on and the actual impact for the minority. And, sometimes, people really are assholes. The layman's way of saying it would be a majority can never really know what it's like to be in a minority and thus never actually represent them.

I'll allow you to see how this is applicable and decided what position you would like to take.

Thank you for allowing me to digest why this would be applicable. It appears a better opening may have been , what do you feel is Tenet 5? What is your resource for the 5th tenet so we can further this conversation?
The illegal immigration issue is going to cost the Dems the Presidency imo. The polling is overwhelming, voters want these people deported.
Thank you for allowing me to digest why this would be applicable. It appears a better opening may have been , what do you feel is Tenet 5? What is your resource for the 5th tenet so we can further this conversation?
The tenets were created to separate CRT from CLT, it's predecessor, law theory, by the founder whose name I'm blanking on right now.

You'll have to allow "my grad school text book" as my source as a proper APA citation isn't in the mix right now.
The tenets were created to separate CRT from CLT, it's predecessor, law theory, by the founder whose name I'm blanking on right now.

You'll have to allow "my grad school text book" as my source as a proper APA citation isn't in the mix right now.

What grad school and what subject material?
I can work back from there to find source material?
What grad school and what subject material?
I can work back from there to find source material?
I can probably find the books if you'd like.

These conversations would have been happening while completing a masters in arts in counseling and God knows what the class title was.

You have the information you need to provided a reasonable stance on how critical race theory may or may not be applicable here. If you feel you need more information regarding the specific tenets I have given you the name of the one most relevant.
I assume they are. But if they had any sympathy they would realize better than most how insanely difficult the immigration system is to go through and should be the loudest about fixing the actual issue and not just being inhumane and shipping the problem off somewhere else.
So in your mind, because the immigration system is difficult to navigate, it gives license to those who choose to break our laws and stream across our border illegally? Navigating our tax system can be so difficult that many need to hire accountants, lawyers, etc. so using your logic, should it be okay to simply ignore our tax laws due to the arduous system?
I can probably find the books if you'd like.

These conversations would have been happening while completing a masters in arts in counseling and God knows what the class title was.

You have the information you need to provided a reasonable stance on how critical race theory may or may not be applicable here. If you feel you need more information regarding the specific tenets I have given you the name of the one most relevant.

Interesting, now I am fascinated by what Masters degree program in counseling would have covered CRT.
Was this at an HBCU? What years, fascinated why this would have been included in your curriculum.

But I digress

Tenet 5 has varying definitions, one is:
(5) the notion that whites have actually been recipients of civil rights legislation.

Your comments
Whiskeydeltadeltatango said:
Perfect opportunity for the CRT advocates to use this as a proving point of Tenet 5.

My question is how does Tenet 5 relate to this conversation?
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Mass deportation isn't going to work unless we come up with a system to easily bring in seasonal agricultural farm workers. Too much of that is still done by illegal labor and that needs to be fixed.

Other issue is that it sounds all good but there are a lot of people who were brought here as small children, who only know this country as home. It's going to look bad when you start taking young adults who know no one in Mexico, some of whom might not even speak Spanish very well and start dumping them in Mexico.

Solving the problem here is going to take more than some meathead concepts like building a wall and mass deportations.
Really? How many of those "seeking asylum" are here to pick crops?
Interesting, now I am fascinated by what Masters degree program in counseling would have covered CRT.
Was this at an HBCU? What years, fascinated why this would have been included in your curriculum.

But I digress

Tenet 5 has varying definitions, one is:
(5) the notion that whites have actually been recipients of civil rights legislation.

Your comments
Whiskeydeltadeltatango said:
Perfect opportunity for the CRT advocates to use this as a proving point of Tenet 5.

My question is how does Tenet 5 relate to this conversation?
And I have answered by providing it's foundations. Here we have an example of a group transferring into the "majority" that's a good jumping off point for a conversation regarding a majorities ability to accurately represent a minority. Tenet 5.

No I did not attend a Historically black college and the relevancy of that is NIL.

I can lay both sides of the CRT coin until I'm blue in the face. Someone could look at this and say look here is an example of CRT having some validity, while another person could say, but, here it is unfolding itself.... feel free to pick which one you believe.
Really? How many of those "seeking asylum" are here to pick crops?

Mass deportation means everyone. Right now we have a problem with agricultural labor being done heavily by illegal labor.

We need to find a way to legalize that labor so that we can also put in place regulations on it which might include that the laborer must return to their home country after the harvesting season is over.
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So in your mind, because the immigration system is difficult to navigate, it gives license to those who choose to break our laws and stream across our border illegally? Navigating our tax system can be so difficult that many need to hire accountants, lawyers, etc. so using your logic, should it be okay to simply ignore our tax laws due to the arduous system?
Here’s the trick though - there’s really two groups we’re talking about here; illegal and undocumented. Undocumented is a very large group of the total number of illegals that get tossed around whenever this topic comes up, and applies to people who did come here legally, but stayed when their visas and such expired, and for reasons X Y or Z didn’t get renewed…often for bureaucratic reasons that should put no fault on them.

If people cross illegally, and have made zero effort to correct that, or do anything that would allow them to be here legally, I’m 100% okay with deporting them as they get identified/caught. If someone overstays their visa, and they made zero efforts to get that renewed, or begin process of applying for citizenship status, I’m also okay with deporting them as they get identified. If people have overstayed their visa, but they have made good faith efforts to get those renewed, but they expired thru no fault of their own, I’m okay with letting them stay.

the problem I have with the mass deportation rhetoric is that it’s painting with a very broad brush, and could very easily wind up with many getting deported who should not be.

Personally, my preferred solution is to provide a onetime opportunity to illegal immigrants come forward within say 1 year and identify themselves. They can apply for permanent green card or something like that….BUT, they can never apply for citizenship, and if they ever do something more serious than a traffic violation, they’re gone. If they came as a minor, I’m somewhat more lenient, and they would be allowed to apply for citizenship. If they don’t come forward within that 1 year, they can be deported at any time.
Mass deportation means everyone. Right now we have a problem with agricultural labor being done heavily by illegal labor.

We need to find a way to legalize that labor so that we can also put in place regulations on it which might include that the laborer must return to their home country after the harvesting season is over.

No, mass deportation simply means "large",.. stop with extension into infinity argument.
With mostly the same people who see every border security measure as unpopular.

Yes obviously they will remain unhappy, but after seeing what was at the time the single largest immigration raid in American history and hearing people's opinions on the subject change I'm pretty confident more would be uncomfortable with the realities of such an aggressive plan.
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Mass deportation means everyone. Right now we have a problem with agricultural labor being done heavily by illegal labor.

We need to find a way to legalize that labor so that we can also put in place regulations on it which might include that the laborer must return to their home country after the harvesting season is over.
John Deere is building unmanned machines as we speak.
No, mass deportation simply means "large",.. stop with extension into infinity argument.
When has Trump used rhetoric that makes that distinction? If nothing else, is it really a stretch to wonder at where the line is?

How many people see someone who is of Latino ethnicity, and just made that assumption?