

HB Heisman
Apr 21, 2017
Thought he deserved his own thread because there were several factors to talk about. For those that will eventual cite that welp, freestyle is different than folk, just know that Marinelli would have won a freestyle match as well against the U23 world champ. He kept center and was bullying Richie who btw, seemed as big as Marinelli. In fact, the Bull probably would have widened the gap since he doesn't have a lot of top game.

Marinelli came out shooting and with lots of aggression even though the score didn't show it. Richie is a dangerous guy in on his legs....a lot like IMar in that respect. I think Alex will get more comfortable there and finish more later on in the season. I think if the match had not had several lungers for Richie, score would have been worse.

Well Richie just wrestled and traveled from Poland. So did Imar and other he has had a few weeks. Alex pushed the pace and wore him down. Great game plan by the coaches. I thought there would be a little more respect or hesitancy from Marinelli but there wasn't and that is great to see.

Also remember that Alex had more working against him...his first college match coming off an injury, it was under the lights, and against a guy with big time momentum from a world title. He handled it like a vet. This week, guys on Flo were saying that Richie could beat Kemerer and give Nolf his toughest match.

I still like Richie Lewis though. This is where peaking vs not peaking comes into play. Yea, he was up a weight but he looks like a 165. With an extra cheeseburger this week, I expected more energy. Still way better than when he was facing The Coop and I think if he can hold 157, he will be a tough out for anybody...very dangerous.
Agree, Chief, that Alex deserves his own thread. That was a veteran-type performance, and the kid is just getting started. Love his confidence despite coming off injury, going against the U23 world champ, in hostile territory. None of that mattered to Alex -- he knew he had what it took to get the W and he took it. We talk a lot about the mental aspect of wrestling and Alex is a great example of a kid who has it -- that deep-down belief that he can get it done. Will be an absolute pleasure rooting for him over these next 4 years. And he couldn't be a nicer young man. Like so many others on the roster (basically the entire roster), just a stellar kid with a very bright future on and off the mat.
Agree, Chief, that Alex deserves his own thread. That was a veteran-type performance, and the kid is just getting started. Love his confidence despite coming off injury, going against the U23 world champ, in hostile territory. None of that mattered to Alex -- he knew he had what it took to get the W and he took it. We talk a lot about the mental aspect of wrestling and Alex is a great example of a kid who has it -- that deep-down belief that he can get it done. Will be an absolute pleasure rooting for him over these next 4 years. And he couldn't be a nicer young man. Like so many others on the roster (basically the entire roster), just a stellar kid with a very bright future on and off the mat.

When I first met Alex, I introduced him to my wife as the next 2 to 3 timer. He straight up corrected me and said, "You meant 4, right?"

We don't have a Gilman type this year so it looks like the anti Iowa guys and some of our fans are just going to have to stick it to Tom and Terry.
Lewis looked a solid 165 imo. Good for Bull. I suppose expectations get accelerated now?

I think expectations have always been high for Marinelli. 165 is a tough weight but I think he is an AA if he stays healthy and can finish top 4 if he keeps that pace up. That's how he is going to be some of the more elite guys. I hate IMAR as a match up but I feel more comfortable against Vincenzo Joseph. Its going to come to two bulls in that one. Against Michigan, he is going to have to wrestle a really high pace and beat the guy in the third. Had Bull went the other night against Rider, he would have won.
Alex was great. Lewis came in riding a hot streak and even with the knee issue, brace and though it was clear he’s missed mat time, he still pulled it out. That said, he isn’t a huge 165 and was noticeably bigger than Lewis.
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I loved finally getting to see the Bull in black and gold. I thought he did a great job. It does seem like he has trouble finishing shots against the top competition. Evidence being this match tonight, last years midlands vs IMar, numerous freestyle matches vs Hall. The Bull is slicker than hell getting in on legs and can seemingly get there vs anyone, but has to improve finishing.
Right after Bull won in OT.........

I got excited and thought "Pull the Shirts".....We got a chance....
I think expectations have always been high for Marinelli. 165 is a tough weight but I think he is an AA if he stays healthy and can finish top 4 if he keeps that pace up. That's how he is going to be some of the more elite guys. I hate IMAR as a match up but I feel more comfortable against Vincenzo Joseph. Its going to come to two bulls in that one. Against Michigan, he is going to have to wrestle a really high pace and beat the guy in the third. Had Bull went the other night against Rider, he would have won.

Imar is an enigma. I can't wait to have him join the dark side next year.
Right after Bull won in OT.........

I got excited and thought "Pull the Shirts".....We got a chance....

It’s not rocket science. Start adding up names and projecting their end-of-season ranking, based on how well they are wrestling now, or how well they were wrestling the last time you saw them. Vodka (and others) are spot on—it’s a helluva lineup.








Marinelli's match was definitely the highlight of the dual for me. Thought he looked great, the positions he struggled to finish in were just great defensive efforts by Lewis. Marinelli is a guy who's going to take 10 shots and convert on 3-4 of those, love that and he never stops moving forward looking to score. Great debut by the Bull and another breath of fresh air into the Iowa lineup.
It’s not rocket science. Start adding up names and projecting their end-of-season ranking, based on how well they are wrestling now, or how well they were wrestling the last time you saw them. Vodka (and others) are spot on—it’s a helluva lineup.









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The Bull looked great he was bigger and stronger than Lewis and more impressive he looked quicker. His knee looked really solid especially fending off that initial single leg and when lowering his level to his attacks. His hands are very quick and his set ups are really solid. Lewis even if he is true 57lber is not far from 65 and is most likely a high AA this makes the win very impressive in my eyes. I on the edge of my seat to see how the guys look at the UNI.
I really liked what I saw from the bull last night. He was very physical and extremely aggressive. I thought he was significantly bigger than Lewis, but that is a good thing considering he was a small 165 last year.

I’m not going to change my prediction about his year after just one match, but I’m pretty close to moving him up big time. Just want to see it more than once.

Can we also start calling him by the name PD3 gave him? I think it’s hilarious.
I didn't think Alex looked bigger than Lewis at all.

Look at their legs and torso. Our guy was clearly thicker.

The Bull looked great he was bigger and stronger than Lewis and more impressive he looked quicker. His knee looked really solid especially fending off that initial single leg and when lowering his level to his attacks. His hands are very quick and his set ups are really solid. Lewis even if he is true 57lber is not far from 65 and is most likely a high AA this makes the win very impressive in my eyes. I on the edge of my seat to see how the guys look at the UNI.

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I really liked what I saw from the bull last night. He was very physical and extremely aggressive. I thought he was significantly bigger than Lewis, but that is a good thing considering he was a small 165 last year.

I’m not going to change my prediction about his year after just one match, but I’m pretty close to moving him up big time. Just want to see it more than once.

Can we also start calling him by the name PD3 gave him? I think it’s hilarious.

Yeah, that's a great plan...Alienate/insult one of our bright futures for the humor of a potential one year transfer.
PD3 is such a natural leader, an inspiration who gets along and motivates others, and has been a great team asset....NOT!!!!!! I would do the opposite of anything he suggests off the mat. He can wrestle but thus far the kid is a loser at life. He is an antisocial narcissist who is now trying to self promote (through controversy) to make an MMA career. If he can get it together to to finish his degree then maybe he gets yet another chance. I doubt he has the self discipline to finish.
Yeah, that's a great plan...Alienate/insult one of our bright futures for the humor of a potential one year transfer.
PD3 is such a natural leader, an inspiration who gets along and motivates others, and has been a great team asset....NOT!!!!!! I would do the opposite of anything he suggests off the mat. He can wrestle but thus far the kid is a loser at life. He is an antisocial narcissist who is now trying to self promote (through controversy) to make an MMA career. If he can get it together to to finish his degree then maybe he gets yet another chance. I doubt he has the self discipline to finish.

Holy crap dude, it's just a nickname. I'm sure the guys in the room have plenty of nicknames for each other. I have zero inside knowledge, but I took that tweet as a typical inside joke between teammates that you find on every team, in every sport. Completely harmless. Relax.
Rewatched it, still not seeing a clear distinction either way. You must be confusing the knee the brace.

One of us is seeing what they want I guess. Lol But I firmly believe Alex’s thighs and butt show the difference between the two. Fairly evident around the 52:20 mark of the vid.
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Holy crap dude, it's just a nickname. I'm sure the guys in the room have plenty of nicknames for each other. I have zero inside knowledge, but I took that tweet as a typical inside joke between teammates that you find on every team, in every sport. Completely harmless. Relax.

There are formal leaders and informal leaders. PD3 is a toxic informal leader. I would give him ZERO credibility or chance to affect others on the team until he proves himself. It is the role of true leadership to know this and adjust accordingly otherwise there will be dissent in the ranks.
Yeah, that's a great plan...Alienate/insult one of our bright futures for the humor of a potential one year transfer.
PD3 is such a natural leader, an inspiration who gets along and motivates others, and has been a great team asset....NOT!!!!!! I would do the opposite of anything he suggests off the mat. He can wrestle but thus far the kid is a loser at life. He is an antisocial narcissist who is now trying to self promote (through controversy) to make an MMA career. If he can get it together to to finish his degree then maybe he gets yet another chance. I doubt he has the self discipline to finish.

I’m an outspoken opponent of taking on Downey but JFC, man. You don’t know squat about their personal relationship.
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