Just a point of clarification, and feel free to educate me on this but how does someone not getting the vaccine cause this to mutate? What I’m told is it doesn’t need to mutate for them, it is actually the vaccine that causes the mutation, no? For the record, I think vaccines work and I have had vaccines, probably too many as I was in the military.
I just don’t like this agenda to push this on people that don’t want it. Right or wrong. While we have very smart doctors etc. they have been wrong many times in history.
A mutation is a random change in the of the virus usually during duplication of itself (an accident) ---- like randomly swapping computer or car parts. It will almost always make your computer/car/virus run slower or not at all. But if you do it often enough -Billions and billions of times, based on pure chance it MAY make it run better/faster. The more the replication of the virus ( more infected people) the greater the possibility of a mutation that is helpful vs destructive to your car/computer/virus. Some viruses mutate more than others. Mutations in Sars Covid-2 is not a major concern for mutation like influenza which does often by stealing host DNA and incorporating it to its next surface antigens. Covid Vaccines are effective on all known mutations.
Vaccine is being pushed to generate "herd immunity". If enough people get the vaccine the virus cannot move through the community.
some vaccine Facts:
You cannot get the virus from the vaccine. Think of your cells/body as your house. mRNA vaccines work by accessing your internet connection to send an email to Armory to send proper caliber ammunition for your rifle (antibodies). It does not change You -your computer (your DNA). It only sends a message hence the name mRNA-- "messenger RNA"
Overall, You have a 1% chance of death from the virus. Death rate varies with age and health (especially obesity- hear me ex hwts??) Healthy people usually die from blood clots.
Vaccine side effects are temporary and limited. Death/injury rates after vaccine are same as the general population and are less than for shingles, other vaccines. Media often misrepresents this-- I went to walmart and had a heart attack--- Walmart may cause heart attacks. If you have ever seen "people of walmart" this may be a poor example but you get the point.
You have an almost zero percent chance of death from the vaccine ( it is zero assuming you are healthy and do not have many severe allergies and carry an epi-pen ) . You are 30,000 x more likely to die in your car this year than from vaccine.
IMO if you have had the virus (lab proven) you do not need the vaccine.
I respect peoples right to say no and be left alone but please know the facts first. If you dont believe me find an informed professional you trust and listen (i.e. ask an M.D.) before you make your choice. Make sure your "professional" has looked at the data and it's not just opinions. Opinions are like a-holes---everyone has one and more $h1t comes from some..... but the data does not lie (but statistics do LOL). Everyone wants to be an expert.--- I want to go fishing.
I took the time to inform you because I respect the work you do. Be safe out there. below are some reference info.
Medical Grand Rounds at UCSF-- Lots of Doctor talk about the vaccine by expert in Virology from UPenn
Two shots can prime the immune system to fight the coronavirus.
Learn how mRNA vaccines trigger an immune response against COVID-19.