I have a close friend who subscribes to some kind of belief that... the brand escapes me... but, it's a newer belief that insists it is based on old, literal, OT translations. Anyway, these people are ADAMANTLY fearful of Catholics. I had no idea how bad until I made the mistake of asking "Why do you have a menorah on your table?" one day.
These people are strict adherents of the "Torah" and... somehow they pick and choose from the New Testament. But, "Yeshuah" is of utmost importance. But, Catholics are, in their opinion, Satanic. I had to break it to him one day that: "Dude, without the Catholic Church, the Bible as you know it and read it, would not exist." He refused to accept it right away, but finally realized it was true. I felt bad, in a way. It's amazing the kinds of pillars people build their beliefs.