Meanwhile in South Carolina

Thanks to my teachers and parents working together, we made up our losses academically. And we don’t even talk about gender preferences. If you have an issue with kids learning about that, go after social media and YouTube, that’s where they are learning about it…but go ahead and blame the schools it’s just easier to do that.

And I deal with more issues from several MAGA teachers than any other staff. I was told by them that they are ‘morally opposed’ to teaching about respectful behavior. I can’t wait to retire.
I’m sorry but I cannot believe any teacher could be
“Morally opposed” to instilling respectful behavior unless it means something entirely different than what the words describe.
I’m sorry but I cannot believe any teacher could be
“Morally opposed” to instilling respectful behavior unless it means something entirely different than what the words describe.
How in the world would I make that up? We paid a consultant to come in and teach teachers how to lead classroom meetings and pillars of character. I had two teachers come to me and ask if going to the training was mandatory because ‘we morally oppose having to teach our kids respect’.
How in the world would I make that up? We paid a consultant to come in and teach teachers how to lead classroom meetings and pillars of character. I had two teachers come to me and ask if going to the training was mandatory because ‘we morally oppose having to teach our kids respect’.
Sounds like some respectful college graduates that had their student loans paid off for them.
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Not reading the whole thread but book bans this day and age is incredibly stupid and unnecessary. How hard would it be for the parent to sign up to get notification that their child checked out a book and then the parent can decide for themselves whether they want their child to read it or not? Maybe I'm missing something but this seems like an easy solution and the party that is always clamoring about parental choice should gladly sign up for this.
Sounds like some respectful college graduates that had their student loans paid off for them.
One is in her 50s and the other in her 30s. These are the same two that tried to organize a teacher walk-out because they didn’t like taxpayer $ going toward assistant principals (neither lives in the community that we work in). Not a single teacher agreed to walk/out. The 50 year-old just sent a letter to our school board wishing we didn’t hire our current superintendent (he’s black) and curriculum director (she’s Hispanic).
lol so 40 years ago it was fine yet you’re still living here.
Make sense.

Braindead and The Dim One ruined this State.
Gaining the super majority was much of the reason, aka, abuse of power.
The best Governor in the last 40 years was Robert Ray.
Not reading the whole thread but book bans this day and age is incredibly stupid and unnecessary. How hard would it be for the parent to sign up to get notification that their child checked out a book and then the parent can decide for themselves whether they want their child to read it or not? Maybe I'm missing something but this seems like an easy solution and the party that is always clamoring about parental choice should gladly sign up for this.
Books aren’t flat out banned. Books that are age appropriate are placed in the library that serves the age of the readers.
Kindergartners aren’t all universally ready to read books about how little Johnny had an operation to become little Janie, but junior high students are more ready to have access to that material in the school library as part of the Sex Ed curriculum. If their parents feel differently they can access that material at the public library or at a bookstore. Or allow access to online material. Then it’s a parental decision and no one’s business.
How in the world would I make that up? We paid a consultant to come in and teach teachers how to lead classroom meetings and pillars of character. I had two teachers come to me and ask if going to the training was mandatory because ‘we morally oppose having to teach our kids respect’.
I’m sorry you had two idiots on your school staff.
Books aren’t flat out banned. Books that are age appropriate are placed in the library that serves the age of the readers.
Kindergartners aren’t all universally ready to read books about how little Johnny had an operation to become little Janie, but junior high students are more ready to have access to that material in the school library as part of the Sex Ed curriculum. If their parents feel differently they can access that material at the public library or at a bookstore. Or allow access to online material. Then it’s a parental decision and no one’s business.

This bill bans books for K through 12 that contain any “sexual conduct.”

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