Megan Gustafson Pro Career

That’s a long winded way of saying you’re pathetic and ignorant.

You're super smart... you've said so yourself on numerous occasions.

So please point out where I'm wrong (as opposed to ignoring my arguments and flaccidly vomiting out an ostensible insult). You compiled a list of colored inventions that is SEVERELY lacking. Yet I'm the "ignorant" one?

I'll wait, Smart Guy...
That’s a long winded way of saying you’re pathetic and ignorant.

That's what I thought, you judgemental ****er.

I've got no problem w pathologically stupid people, as it's not necessarily their fault. But I've got a major problem w pathologically stupid people who are 1000% certain of their own moral superiority and limitless intelligence. You fall in the latter category, Little Man.

Now do the world a favor and shut the **** up until you become better informed on these complex issues. Dbag.
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On CBS now. With Griner out and Phoenix struggling early, Gustafson came on and got a lot of minutes first quarter. An offensive rebound and a put back on her only shot attempt. Had a block too, but also got called for a moving pick and once got caught high on a pick and roll, leaving an easy lay in.

EDIT: Right when I post that, hits a beautiful hook from the top of the lane to beat the shot clock.

And now they’re starting center, with Griner out, just got clocked by the NY center who got away with murder on Gustafson and calling the foul on MEG. Expect even more minutes for Meg now.
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That's what I thought, you judgemental ****er.

I've got no problem w pathologically stupid people, as it's not necessarily their fault. But I've got a major problem w pathologically stupid people who are 1000% certain of their own moral superiority and limitless intelligence. You fall in the latter category, Little Man.

Now do the world a favor and shut the **** up until you become better informed on these complex issues. Dbag.
feel better???

and what exactly does any of what you are posting in your last several posts have to do with Megan Gustafson?
feel better???

and what exactly does any of what you are posting in your last several posts have to do with Megan Gustafson?

Since Menace finally threw in the towel and failed to engage, yea, I suppose I do feel better. He's out of his league and is surprisingly intelligent enough to realize it.

And sorry, I have no clue who Megan Gustafson even is.
Then why did you get in a thread about her? Unless you just wanted to get into an argument.

When I was flipping through topics on the main page, it listed your name as the last one to post under this particular thread.

So in truth, YOU'RE the reason I "got into a thread about her." Was simply curious what pearls of wisdom you had to say this time 🥰
When I was flipping through topics on the main page, it listed your name as the last one to post under this particular thread.

So in truth, YOU'RE the reason I "got into a thread about her." Was simply curious what pearls of wisdom you had to say this time 🥰
Glad you think so much of me to look me up.
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Glad you think so much of me to look me up.

Lol even this you can't get right. I didn't "look you up." On the main board, at the end of each thread it says who commented last. Hardly went searching you out.

Although I do confess, your nuanced political-oriented comments always get me rethinking my own opinions and biases. You definitely missed out on a lucrative journalism career.
If the shoe fits .....................................


Who's more likely to not get out much: a grown ass man dedicated to his WNBA fandom; or a dude who hasn't watched a single minute of the WNBA in its two-decade+ existence? Jesus Christ man.
On CBS now. With Griner out and Phoenix struggling early, Gustafson came on and got a lot of minutes first quarter. An offensive rebound and a put back on her only shot attempt. Had a block too, but also got called for a moving pick and once got caught high on a pick and roll, leaving an easy lay in.

EDIT: Right when I post that, hits a beautiful hook from the top of the lane to beat the shot clock.

And now they’re starting center, with Griner out, just got clocked by the NY center who got away with murder on Gustafson and calling the foul on MEG. Expect even more minutes for Meg now.

Back in 2014, I was at Carver during a women's basketball workout. I saw Samantha Logic miss four straight 1-on-0 remedial layups in a row. After the fourth miss, she stomped her feet on the ground and screamed "GO IN!"

I'm sorry if I don't have the same orgasmic affinity for women's basketball that you do.
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Back in 2014, I was at Carver during a women's basketball workout. I saw Samantha Logic miss four straight 1-on-0 remedial layups in a row. After the fourth miss, she stomped her feet on the ground and screamed "GO IN!"

I'm sorry if I don't have the same orgasmic affinity for women's basketball that you do.
So you were at a women's basketball "workout" 9 years ago but now don't know who Megan Gustafson is? Sure thing.

Who's more likely to not get out much: a grown ass man dedicated to his WNBA fandom; or a dude who hasn't watched a single minute of the WNBA in its two-decade+ existence? Jesus Christ man.
There is a reason WNBA isn't popular. It is 2nd rate compared to NBA. If you think that doesn't matter, then why not watch UNI. Or better still, go watch high school games. There is a reason the following is small and the pay is low.
Back in 2014, I was at Carver during a women's basketball workout. I saw Samantha Logic miss four straight 1-on-0 remedial layups in a row. After the fourth miss, she stomped her feet on the ground and screamed "GO IN!"

I'm sorry if I don't have the same orgasmic affinity for women's basketball that you do.
Haha! You are still going? I wasn’t even addressing you. So DESPERATE for attention. We get it: you’re a sad little joyless man with an inferiority complex, that lashes out at women and Blacks due to his own insecurities. Now it’s time to log off the internet, maybe get laid, and let others enjoy this inferior Hawkeye athlete that played on national television Sunday.
So you were at a women's basketball "workout" 9 years ago but now don't know who Megan Gustafson is? Sure thing.

Your logic is just absolutely excruciating man. I wasn't literally AT the women's workout. They just happened to be working out at the exact spot I happened to be in. I was always curious how good high-level/elite women's basketball players truly were, so I stood and watched for a cple minutes.

All it took was that cple minutes to see the most egregious display of pure basketball INEPTITUDE that I've ever ****ing witnessed. It was the athletic equivalent of your comments on this website. I can only imagine how bad it would've been if I'd watched for an hour.
Haha! You are still going? I wasn’t even addressing you. So DESPERATE for attention. We get it: you’re a sad little joyless man with an inferiority complex, that lashes out at women and Blacks due to his own insecurities. Now it’s time to log off the internet, maybe get laid, and let others enjoy this inferior Hawkeye athlete that played on national television Sunday.

Lmao Thanks for the dime store psychoanalysis, Dr. Freud.

It's fascinating you can ascertain all that about me from just a handful of anonymous message board posts. Although you're the one who completely botched a list of black inventions, an act which demands no such psychoanalysis. It was just objective dumbassery of the highest magnitude.
Lmao Thanks for the dime store psychoanalysis, Dr. Freud.

It's fascinating you can ascertain all that about me from just a handful of anonymous message board posts. Although you're the one who completely botched a list of black inventions, an act which demands no such psychoanalysis. It was just objective dumbassery of the highest magnitude.
Holy shit! Botched?!?! Because I said “transmission” instead of “gear shift”. Way to further discredit the contributions of Blacks to society. I won’t waste any more of my time on you. You are sad, and an absolute dolt. 😂

Please reevaluate your life. Good luck on that too. I really hope for you. Bye, man.
Holy shit! Botched?!?! Because I said “transmission” instead of “gear shift”. Way to further discredit the contributions of Blacks to society. I won’t waste any more of my time on you. You are sad, and an absolute dolt. 😂

Please reevaluate your life. Good luck on that too. I really hope for you. Bye, man.


You listed six things. Even if we give you a pass on the automatic transmission blunder, you also incorrectly listed the "modern toilet" and "thermostat" as black inventions. 66% accuracy is D- work my dude. Better luck next time.
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Your hatred of women's sports is pretty odd. Especially someone who posts on a sports message board. Certainly fits your personality, though.

Why is that "odd"? Female sports isn't sports. It's recreation, nothing more.

And what's wrong w my personality? You're the one who recently LIKED a post that included a violent threat against me.
Why is that "odd"? Female sports isn't sports. It's recreation, nothing more.

And what's wrong w my personality? You're the one who recently LIKED a post that included a violent threat against me.
Dean, if you would like to continue sharing your opinions about women's sports in general, could you please start your own thread devoted exclusively on that topic? It would be nice to keep this thread focused on Gustafson and her career.

Dean, if you would like to continue sharing your opinions about women's sports in general, could you please start your own thread devoted exclusively on that topic? It would be nice to keep this thread focused on Gustafson and her career.


@Menace Sockeyes called multiple users racist then @littlez supported my own mother beating me.

Your request was beyond nice (and probably nicer than I would've been to my own self lol; CERTAINLY nicer the those two absolute scumbags). So yea no worries man, after this message I won't post on this thread anymore 👍🏻
That, unquestionably, has to be the dumbest thing ever posted

Men protected women in tribal battle. The winners passed on their genes to the next generation. Sports is literally a more peaceful extension of tribal battle. Tribal battle=men played for keeps/women were on the sidelines. It's baked into everyone's DNA.

Simple Evolutionary Psychology. Read a ****in book sometime before stupidly running your mouth. I would recommend starting with chapters 7-14 of "The Red Queen" by Matt Ridley. Dbag
Men protected women in tribal battle. The winners passed on their genes to the next generation. Sports is literally a more peaceful extension of tribal battle. Tribal battle=men played for keeps/women were on the sidelines. It's baked into everyone's DNA.

Simple Evolutionary Psychology. Read a ****in book sometime before stupidly running your mouth. I would recommend starting with chapters 7-14 of "The Red Queen" by Matt Ridley. Dbag

Men protected women in tribal battle. The winners passed on their genes to the next generation. Sports is literally a more peaceful extension of tribal battle. Tribal battle=men played for keeps/women were on the sidelines. It's baked into everyone's DNA.

Simple Evolutionary Psychology. Read a ****in book sometime before stupidly running your mouth. I would recommend starting with chapters 7-14 of "The Red Queen" by Matt Ridley. Dbag
For your hopeful enlightenment. Over time there have been many female warriors that men should not have messed with.

A racist once said
For your hopeful enlightenment. Over time there have been many female warriors that men should not have messed with.

Ok, there's no way you read the actual article yourself LMAO. Cute little Google search and copy/paste though.

I stopped after just one, bc Joan of Arc never actually fought in battle 🤣🤣🤣 that's based on her very own testimony, Smart Guy. Find more adequate evidence, and I'm all ears. But I'm not gonna waste my time when this one is terminally flawed from the outset. You lose.

I won't respond anymore, since others want this thread to remain on topic. I can respect that... that gift of mine will help prevent you from future intellectual embarrassment as well. You're a ****ing lightweight.

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