Miami vs KC

I wouldn’t recommend attending the game in person but it’ll be fine for the players they’ll have plenty of heating options on the sidelines.
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I went to the NFC Championship game in Lambeau 2007 Packers vs Giants. Google says it was -4 and -24 wind chill. We went to Shopko the night before and bought 3 pairs of long johns eachs. We probably had 7 totals layers on each on GameDay. I tried drinking a beer in the parking lot and it froze , it was miserable. /csb the Dolphins are ****ed.
I went to the NFC Championship game in Lambeau 2007 Packers vs Giants. Google says it was -4 and -24 wind chill. We went to Shopko the night before and bought 3 pairs of long johns eachs. We probably had 7 totals layers on each on GameDay. I tried drinking a beer in the parking lot and it froze , it was miserable. /csb the Dolphins are ****ed.
I had a good friend go to that game. Big giant fan. He said when it went to overtime he couldn’t feel his feet and just wanted the game to end quickly.
I had a good friend go to that game. Big giant fan. He said when it went to overtime he couldn’t feel his feet and just wanted the game to end quickly.
I had my Giants friends texting me after the game ended. The pixelation on my old flip phone was frozen and it took about 20 minutes after we got back to the hotel for it to thaw out so I could read their shitposting.
One thing I will never forget about that game was James Jones, really solid WR for the Packers for many years. He was a rookie out of San Jose st that year. He, more than anyone was hating the cold. He sprinted straight to those big giant jet engine looking heaters that they had on the sideline every time he left the field.
1. NFL is a business so shell out the peacock 💰

My bet is that's why KC-Miami got the Peacock slot (or maybe Peacock could pick the game they wanted).

Cleveland-Houston probably doesn't move the ratings needle (and what amounts to being one time purchases) all that much by comparison.
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My bet is that's why KC-Miami got the Peacock slot (or maybe Peacock could pick the game they wanted).

Cleveland-Houston probably doesn't move the ratings needle (and what amounts to being one time purchases) all that much by comparison.
I'll be watching the Hawkeye Women play Indiana, provided the game doesn't get cancelled.
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My bet is that's why KC-Miami got the Peacock slot (or maybe Peacock could pick the game they wanted).

Cleveland-Houston probably doesn't move the ratings needle (and what amounts to being one time purchases) all that much by comparison.

Peacock had the Saturday night game before it was determined who would play in that game based on the on-field results.
-30 with sustainable 20 mph winds tonight. F$ck that! Can get tix for under $50 which is wild, but with those temps there’s zero way I’d go sit in that for 3 hours. Some call it soft… I call it smart.
The air temp at game time tomorrow is supposed to be -4. Before any wind chill. I don’t know how they can play this game in good conscience
Because they are hard men, not soft ass bitches.

Watching Yellowstone 1883 last night it occured to me how soft this country has gotten and how we have somehow put the weak, loser, skyscreamers in charge. Back in 1883 the people in charge of everything today, from the top down, the country, the states, your local city council or school board, on to your local sports clubs, would have just died on the prairie.

You weak people can go ahead and cancel life because it is not optimal conditions out there but the strong will carry on.
Because they are hard men, not soft ass bitches.

Watching Yellowstone 1883 last night it occured to me how soft this country has gotten and how we have somehow put the weak, loser, skyscreamers in charge. Back in 1883 the people in charge of everything today, from the top down, the country, the states, your local city council or school board, on to your local sports clubs, would have just died on the prairie.

You weak people can go ahead and cancel life because it is not optimal conditions out there but the strong will carry on.
So you live in a log cabin, piss in an outhouse, use oil lamps and ride your horse into town to the country store?
Some clown was on twitter was suggesting they move the game to Indianapolis in the dome because it is too cold. We have become a soft sad society.
Yeah one person really is the spokesperson for society, huh? One person suggested it, therefore we as a society are screwed!
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Because they are hard men, not soft ass bitches.

Watching Yellowstone 1883 last night it occured to me how soft this country has gotten and how we have somehow put the weak, loser, skyscreamers in charge. Back in 1883 the people in charge of everything today, from the top down, the country, the states, your local city council or school board, on to your local sports clubs, would have just died on the prairie.

You weak people can go ahead and cancel life because it is not optimal conditions out there but the strong will carry on.
JFC…making this call from a fictional show?
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Because they are hard men, not soft ass bitches.

Watching Yellowstone 1883 last night it occured to me how soft this country has gotten and how we have somehow put the weak, loser, skyscreamers in charge. Back in 1883 the people in charge of everything today, from the top down, the country, the states, your local city council or school board, on to your local sports clubs, would have just died on the prairie.

You weak people can go ahead and cancel life because it is not optimal conditions out there but the strong will carry on.
First of all it’s a football game. And they’re still playing. So since we’re missing the point please explain.
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Any bets on seeing the fans with no shirts on?
I doubt any do it for expenses period of time. If they do the following days will not be kind to them.

Many players will have chemical warmers in their shoes and wear wetsuit type material as a base layer.
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So they delayed the Bills/Steelers game from Sunday to Monday because of extreme weather but they can’t switch the game in KC to daytime?
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