Michelle Obama only Democrat to beat Trump in new poll


HR Legend
Jan 19, 2004
Can you imagine if if she ran and Trump lost to her?

Former first lady Michelle Obama is the only Democrat to beat former President Trump in a new poll Tuesday.

The survey, conducted by Reuters/Ipsos, found Obama was the only Democrat with a lead on Trump in a hypothetical match-up, garnering 50 percent support to his 39 percent. Only 4 percent of respondents said they would not vote at all.
Meanwhile, the poll found, President Biden and Trump are neck and neck in a head-to-head match-up. They each received 40 percent of the vote, while 8 percent said they would vote for someone else, and another 8 percent said they would not vote.

Obama was the top choice among Democrats to replace Biden on the 2024 ticket, according to a Rasmussen Reports poll released in February. Despite her popularity, the former first lady has repeatedly said she will not be pursuing a bid for the White House.

She would take my vote over Biden or Trump but that's off the low bar of having a still functioning brain.

Other than that I don't see what she's done to qualify for the job. She's a nice lady, she was an excellent first lady, I have a great amount of respect for her. I don't mean this as a dig against her in any way. It's just that she has no relevant experience other than being the wife of a president. I just don't think that qualifies unless we are playing a little game where Michelle is the president by name and Barrack is the person making the decisions.

But yes she has a functioning brain so she'd be better than both Biden and Trump.

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Anything in the Constitution about Barack not being able to be her VP running mate?

That one is up in the air but I would argue he can't.

I would also argue he shouldn't.

You shouldn't have a VP that is married to or in the same family as the president. The main reason is that means they spend a lot of time together. The point of a VP is a backup president. If something happens and they both die it creates a big problem where the speaker is now the acting president.
most if not all political moves and countermoves become transparent to avid watchers of (star wars) clone wars. :)
She would take my vote over Biden or Trump but that's off the low bar of having a still functioning brain.

Other than that I don't see what she's done to qualify for the job. She's a nice lady, she was an excellent first lady, I have a great amount of respect for her. I don't mean this as a dig against her in any way. It's just that she has no relevant experience other than being the wife of a president. I just don't think that qualifies unless we are playing a little game where Michelle is the president by name and Barrack is the person making the decisions.

But yes she has a functioning brain so she'd be better than both Biden and Trump.
This. There is zero reason to want her as president, other than who she is married to. If her name was Michelle Jones anyone who suggested her would be laughed it.
There really is this bizarro obsession with Michelle Obama. No matter how many times she says she has no interest in politics, particularly running for office, she keeps getting brought up in polls like this.
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She would take my vote over Biden or Trump but that's off the low bar of having a still functioning brain.

Other than that I don't see what she's done to qualify for the job. She's a nice lady, she was an excellent first lady, I have a great amount of respect for her. I don't mean this as a dig against her in any way. It's just that she has no relevant experience other than being the wife of a president. I just don't think that qualifies unless we are playing a little game where Michelle is the president by name and Barrack is the person making the decisions.

But yes she has a functioning brain so she'd be better than both Biden and Trump.

No experience beats bad experience (Trump) in my book.
There really is this bizarro obsession with Michelle Obama. No matter how many times she says she has no interest in politics, particularly running for office, she keeps getting brought up in polls like this.
It'd be funny if the sole reason they did it was to troll Trump. Because we all know if/when he sees this, he'll be ****ING PISSED

Ketchup alllllll over the walls
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Why can't Michelle run then resign on her first day with the excuse that the old man stink from two straight geezers in the Oval Office was just too much for her?
I would vote for Michelle in a heartbeat.
I would but I’m not a big fan of “first families” getting repeat members running for President. I didn’t like multiple Bush’s. Or Clinton’s. Pretty sure Chelsea will run if it’s allowed down the road. Now Michelle. Will I vote for her? Yes. Would I prefer someone from a family that hasn’t been in The White House? Yes.
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