Miller flashing White Power signs?

I thought that was the butthole sign. Just when I find something to like, you take it away. 2, 1.

BTW, this i what else the twink is know for. I'm telling you all, the GOP has a closet problem at the very least. Look at that gold on the stool. Where have we seen that sort of decorating before? Things that make you go hmmm...


God damn—how tall would Greg Brunner be in this photo!!
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Fareway was out of tin foil last time I was there looking for it. I now understand why.
You're pretty cool to be able to, with such conviction, assert that he is flashing the white power sign—from a photo. You work in some sort of crime lab doing photoanalysis?
I didn't assert that he is. I suggested that he might be.
This isn't some intense test of nuance—it's a simple and obvious difference.

But I bet the black power salute is ok.
Has this image, in its context, been proven to show that Obama was actually doing the BP salute? Or was he just fist pumping in response to some sort of "go get 'em" type of encouragement?

Goldmom? We need you.
I don't even care. We KNOW this guy is a loser by what comes from his own mouth. And two words: Dead. Eyes. Look at him. You can't convince me that guy has a soul. He's the American Goebbels, and I don't need any hand gestures to confirm it.
Has this image, in its context, been proven to show that Obama was actually doing the BP salute? Or was he just fist pumping in response to some sort of "go get 'em" type of encouragement?

He was doing the salute in response to same from Tommie Smith and John Carlos, who were at the event at the invitation of the U.S. Olympic Committee.
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First: You're pretty cool to be able to, with such conviction, assert that he is straightening his tie and fixing the button on his coat—from a photo. You work in some sort of crime lab doing photo analysis?

Second: Have you not heard of Clayton Bigsby?!
First, my guess is as good as the OP's who pulled that ish out of his ash.
Second, I'm Clayton's ex wife. You know, the n-lover.
First, my guess is as good as the OP's who pulled that ish out of his ash.
Second, I'm Clayton's ex wife. You know, the n-lover.
If only you had stated it as a guess. That's the whole point. The idea of his flashing some sort of WP sign has the ability to gain traction because, well, Stephen Miller.
In all candor, I don't care for him, either. But this silly OP photo is just ridiculous. He is NOT flashing white power. He's straightening his tie and fixing the button on his coat.

He's not eligible to flash white power, because in the traditional sense he ain't no ordinary white boy. He's Ashkenazi or Sephardic.

Please explain how he is straightening his tie with at most 1 finger and a thumb. He has the same sign with both hands and his bottom hand is outside his coat and not touching his tie. This is not how you straighten a tie.

Please explain how he is straightening his tie with at most 1 finger and a thumb. He has the same sign with both hands and his bottom hand is outside his coat and not touching his tie. This is not how you straighten a tie.

Again, while this is all some gossipy shit, I invite people—do this with your hands. It's weird, not something you would normally do in tie-straightening or button-fixing, and it feels oddly intentional.

It's the only reason I took interest in this thread—because I tried this with my hands and was surprised by how weird it felt. As a kid/teen who was always the only white guy on the playground, I've been taught some gang signs and handshakes and such—and this felt like one such thing.

Anyways, I would not be at all surprised if this dildo did some such thing.
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Please explain how he is straightening his tie with at most 1 finger and a thumb. He has the same sign with both hands and his bottom hand is outside his coat and not touching his tie. This is not how you straighten a tie.

I think the index finger on his right hand is hidden by the coat. He is actually flashing "34". In homage to Sweetness?
I think the index finger on his right hand is hidden by the coat. He is actually flashing "34". In homage to Sweetness?
No, it's bent at the knuckle. He's not wearing some Ewings, is he? If he's rocking some Ewings with that suit then I take back every implication I've made against this boob.

I did find this in an article from Snopes.

Anti-Defamation League senior researcher Mark Pitcavage told us that the claim is not credible:

A photo of White House staffer Stephen Miller has been circulating on social media in which people claim that Miller is surreptitiously sending a “white power” hand sign to, one presumes, viewers. However, he seems merely to be adjusting his suit and tie, while his hand positioning does not actually resemble the “WP” hand sign that some California-based white supremacist street gang members use. More importantly, there is no reason why Miller would even know of such an obscure symbol, much less use it, and in any case, Miller is Jewish and would be rejected by white supremacists on that basis. There is simply no credibility to this claim.

Evidence that Miller was actually using a controversial gesture is circumstantial at best and most likely simply captures him in the act of adjusting his outfit just before appearing on camera.
I did find this in an article from Snopes.

Anti-Defamation League senior researcher Mark Pitcavage told us that the claim is not credible:

A photo of White House staffer Stephen Miller has been circulating on social media in which people claim that Miller is surreptitiously sending a “white power” hand sign to, one presumes, viewers. However, he seems merely to be adjusting his suit and tie, while his hand positioning does not actually resemble the “WP” hand sign that some California-based white supremacist street gang members use. More importantly, there is no reason why Miller would even know of such an obscure symbol, much less use it, and in any case, Miller is Jewish and would be rejected by white supremacists on that basis. There is simply no credibility to this claim.

Evidence that Miller was actually using a controversial gesture is circumstantial at best and most likely simply captures him in the act of adjusting his outfit just before appearing on camera.
He's a giant douchebag, but I see nothing suspicious in that photo.
That's the point. Send the signal to the people you are trying to reach...
Serious answer. Miller and his ties to Spencer are very troubling. The modern day white supremacist is very polished.
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Please explain how he is straightening his tie with at most 1 finger and a thumb. He has the same sign with both hands and his bottom hand is outside his coat and not touching his tie. This is not how you straighten a tie.

That's how you straighten a tie and not mess up your coat. It looks to me like he is adjusting his tie while holding his coat in place. Maybe the tie twisted or something and he's flattening it out with his thumb and forefinger on his right hand while the same fingers on his left are holding his coat.
In any event, if he was flashing white power hand signs, he wasn't doing a very good job of it.
I've been wondering what this thread was about, and now I know.

Just when I thought libs couldn't get any dumber, this comes up. If an otherwise intelligent human being can't figure out he's fixing up his suit and tie there, I guess he should sue every learning institution he ever attended and demand his money back.

I can see it now. Trump will be drinking a glass of milk at a public meal of some sort, photographed with the milk-stache immediately after taking a pull, and be compared to Hitler by libs.
I've been wondering what this thread was about, and now I know.

Just when I thought libs couldn't get any dumber, this comes up. If an otherwise intelligent human being can't figure out he's fixing up his suit and tie there, I guess he should sue every learning institution he ever attended and demand his money back.

I can see it now. Trump will be drinking a glass of milk at a public meal of some sort, photographed with the milk-stache immediately after taking a pull, and be compared to Hitler by libs.
That you are taking anybody in this thread, D or R, with that apparent level of seriousness calls into question the value of whatever learning institutions you've attended.
Billionaire, successful children, smoking hot wife. I'd like to see what your definition of a winner is. Especially, if those things make someone out to be a loser.
Billionaire, yet clearly unhappy and insecure with himself to the point of holding the entire country, if not the world, hostage to his insecurities: unsuccessful.

Successful children (insofar as we know)—making his manic insecurity even more concerning. If for no other reason a father should be fulfilled by successfully raising his kids (especially with all those wives!).

Smoking hot wife—again, on the surface this should be awesome. But not sure they like each other. Sure seems like a cold pair. Only can speculate since I don't know them personally.

Donald is not a happy person. By all appearances he is deeply insecure. He is small, sad, man, and I think subconsciously this is why the Hitler comparison easily presents itself.

I think of Howard Stern's comments about his longtime friend—Donald desperately wants people to like and love him. And what do we know about people who suffer from this desperation? They are manic.

One would think Trump would be the most chill, relaxed, supremely secure person.

He's not. Trump is manic. And as far as I'm concerned, he is not a picture of success.
Has this image, in its context, been proven to show that Obama was actually doing the BP salute? Or was he just fist pumping in response to some sort of "go get 'em" type of encouragement?

Goldmom? We need you.

I don't have any verification on the photo but I do know he walked with the New Black Panthers. I'll add I really don't care.
Much like the black dems and the black power sign, done even by the only black potus.
Please explain how he is straightening his tie with at most 1 finger and a thumb. He has the same sign with both hands and his bottom hand is outside his coat and not touching his tie. This is not how you straighten a tie.


I thought it was obvious. He's clearly showing off his air cello skills.
Billionaire, successful children, smoking hot wife. I'd like to see what your definition of a winner is. Especially, if those things make someone out to be a loser.

I forgot to mention President of the United States.
1.8 billion in debt, including .7 billion to russian oligarchs(russian mobsters), would have more if he had invested his inheritance in mutual funds.
Little Don and Eric are part of family business. Is it really successful? Ivanka is a reality show star. Other than marrying into another family(who is much more successful) has done nothing.
2 divorces and it seems like #3 is on the way.
3 million more voters voted for hillary clinton than trump. Hillary freaking clinton!!!!!
Shafted numerous vendors.
Shafted numerous employees.
Used many illegals in his businesses but is against anyone else doing the same.
25 million dollar fraud settlement.
Narcissistic, petulant, overbearing, fascist, racist, pussy grabbing prick.
I actually think calling him a loser is being kind. Instead of whatever his game show was called, it should have been the biggest loser because that is one he could win every time.
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