Minnesota trooper charges dropped by Hennepin County

So do you. You just aren't good at what you are trying to do.
I’m trying to have a conversation with you. Get your viewpoints. See the data and info you bring. So far you just say get better, keep up the act, attack my professional life (Sw Iowa Chiropractor) My hobby(“gym boy”) my faith, and my stance on trans in sports. I’m pro gay marriage, have three great friends who are gay who feel the same way about a trans in sports as I do. What makes prime who are fit bad? I find the discipline it takes in the gym to succeed to be a good life lesson, with gets results. I get people don’t like chiropractors, but other than that, not are what your person beef with me is
I like you, but this doesn't make sense to me.
I’m saying I wouldn’t care if it was a white criminal that got smoked, I don’t want special rules or benefits legally or educationally for any race. I’m half asleep trying to respond so I had several thoughts that got jumbled up. Mostly responding to @globalhawk
I’m trying to have a conversation with you. Get your viewpoints. See the data and info you bring. So far you just say get better, keep up the act, attack my professional life (Sw Iowa Chiropractor) My hobby(“gym boy”) my faith, and my stance on trans in sports. I’m pro gay marriage, have three great friends who are gay who feel the same way about a trans in sports as I do. What makes prime who are fit bad? I find the discipline it takes in the gym to succeed to be a good life lesson, with gets results. I get people don’t like chiropractors, but other than that, not are what your person beef with me is
Haven't you heard? Being fit is a dis to fat bodies and make you a fatphobe!
I’m saying I wouldn’t care if it was a white criminal that got smoked, I don’t want special rules or benefits legally or educationally for any race. I’m half asleep trying to respond so I had several thoughts that got jumbled up. Mostly responding to @globalhawk
Haven't you heard? Being fit is a dis to fat bodies and make you a fatphobe!
Hey friend, I'm just checking in to see how life's treating you nowadays since we haven't chatted for a while?

Congrats on your 7,000 plus posts in less than one year, quite impressive, as is your horrible ratio of posts to likes. You better up your game if you ever intend on catching up with the likes of @NorthernHawkeye or @ottumwan in tx with their horrible ratios.

I see that you're still quite angry also, so I take it that you've decided against those anger management classes I suggested. C'mon sport, we know there's a softer side somewhere inside that hard heart of yours.

Just know that I'm always here if you need a friend to talk to.
Make Up Hug GIF by Travis
Here is Ricky Cobb's Instagram profile pic (he was prohibited from possessing firearms as a convicted violent felon).

And a reminder: Cobb had a firearm hidden in his vehicle during the traffic stop.

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You know what, Cobb family? Some of us are outraged, too.

* Outraged that there was a warrant out for the criminal's arrest and when asked to get out of the car, the criminal refused.

* Outraged that the criminal was not allowed to possess a firearm yet still had one in his vehicle

* Outraged that the criminal tried to drive away when 2 State Patrolmen where standing next to the open car doors.

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You know what, Cobb family? Some of us are outraged, too.

* Outraged that there was a warrant out for the criminal's arrest and when asked to get out of the car, the criminal refused.

* Outraged that the criminal was not allowed to possess a firearm yet still had one in his vehicle

* Outraged that the criminal tried to drive away when 2 State Patrolmen where standing next to the open car doors.

Filthy, grifting animals…..
Give it up, bro, y'all ain't getting paid! The only legacy this thug left behind, was being a drug dealing, woman beating, felon....

Good grief; now Mary is going after the governor.

Hennepin County Attorney Mary Moriarty says MN Governor Tim Walz criticized her because she's 'queer.' His supporters call attack 'shameful.'

Minneapolis Star Tribune
June 4, 2024 at 7:48 PM


Hennepin County Attorney Mary Moriarty complained publicly again Tuesday that DFL Gov. Tim Walz treats her differently than her male predecessor because she's a queer woman, a claim swiftly rebutted by the governor and his allies.

Moriarty initially made the comment to a Star Tribune reporter on Sunday as she revealed that she would drop the murder and manslaughter charges against State Trooper Ryan Londregan in the shooting of Ricky Cobb II last summer during a traffic stop.

The top prosecutor in the state's most populous county talked at length about her critics, including the governor, delegitimizing the system.

She said the criticism was personal as well. "I never saw this happen to my predecessor," she said in the interview. "Why is the governor treating me this way? Why is the governor questioning me is something I've asked myself and others quite a few times."

When asked why she believes that to be the case, Moriarty said, "I think it's because I'm a queer woman in this role. I think it's because he looks at the political winds and which way they're blowing and I think that's what he reacts to, which is horrible."

At a news conference Monday morning, Walz was asked to respond directly to that comment, which he was hearing for the first time. "Well, that's false," he said. "Next question."

U.S. Rep. Angie Craig, a DFLer who was the first openly gay person elected to Congress from Minnesota, called Moriarty's claim ridiculous. "Tim was a steadfast champion for the LGBTQ+ community well before many politicians would take the risk," she said on X, formerly Twitter.

Kat Rohn, executive director of OutFront Minnesota, which advocates for the LGBTQ community, said she was surprised to see Moriarty's claims about Walz.

Rohn, a transgender woman and member of the queer community, described Walz as a "huge champion" of the LGBTQ+ community, both through his public expressions and "enthusiastic support" for legislation, such as making Minnesota a transgender refuge state. He has attended meetings with the community himself, not delegating the task to staff. "That would indicate to me this is a real deep commitment," Rohn said.

Moriarty was elected in November 2022 after serving as the chief Hennepin County public defender. She came into the prosecutor's office on a platform of progressive criminal justice reform in the aftermath of the murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin.

She continued to criticize Walz later Monday in a staff meeting about her decision to drop the Londregan case and again Tuesday in a WCCO Radio interview.

At a private meeting with prosecutors and support staff in her office, one employee asked Moriarty about her Walz comment. The employee said he was disappointed in the governor and that friends had asked about the comment and wanted to know if there was more behind it.

"I didn't say it out of frustration," Moriarty said. She said Walz has treated her "with disrespect in the press." She claimed that Walz treated long-time Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman, also a DFLer, differently.

"Is the governor ever going to come out and say, 'I'm homophobic?' No," Moriarty said in the meeting attended remotely by a Star Tribune reporter. "But none of this ever happened with Freeman."

Moriarty said she'd been in only one meeting with Walz over the murder of Zaria McKeever, which the governor then reassigned to Attorney General Keith Ellison.

The prosecutor made additional criticism of Walz on the radio Tuesday as reporter Tom Hauser pressed her on whether she thought her gender and sexual orientation had something to do with the governor's plan to take the Londregan case away from her office.

Moriarty said Walz has been a "constant critic" of her in public since her second month in office. She said she knows Walz disagreed privately with Freeman.

"What I know is I have been the subject of repeated attacks and criticisms by a governor of my own party throughout my tenure without the governor ever having spoken to me."

Sen. Matt Klein, DFL-Mendota Heights, called Moriarty's attack on Walz "lazy and misdirected." The governor "has been a nation-leading trailblazer in making Minnesota a safe and supported home for the LGBTQ+ community," Klein wrote.

Third Congressional District U.S. Rep. Dean Phillips, a DFLer, called it a "shameful and unprofessional attack" by Moriarty. Phillips also called Walz "a champion for the LGBTQ+ community."

Former DFL state Rep. Ryan Winkler, who briefly ran for Hennepin County attorney, was sharper on X. "Just like in the last job @MaryMoriarty got fired from, she has destroyed all trust and confidence in her leadership," he said. "She is not a [credible] leader of a public institution."

He called on her to resign instead of "dragging down the Hennepin County Attorney's office."

He referred to October 2020 when the Minnesota Board of Public Defense declined to renew Moriarty's contract, citing her inability to work with others. At that time, Moriarty accused State Chief Public Defender Bill Ward of sexism and racism.

Ward had opposed her reappointment to another four-year term because of an inability to work with others and rebuild relationships.

The concern, Ward said then, was her "inability" to work collaboratively with other "stakeholders" and the state office. Moriarty refused to follow directives or take responsibility for her actions, he said.

In June 2021, Moriarty reached an out-of-court settlement of $300,000 with the state office over her dismissal. As part of the agreement, she agreed to retire from the public defender's office and never again seek to work with Minnesota's public defense board.

Star Tribune staff writer Andy Mannix contributed to this story.


Family of Black motorist Ricky Cobb II wants DOJ to investigate after charges dropped against trooper who fatally shot him​

I honestly don't know why anyone would want to be a cop or trooper. Thank god the cops have a union to pay for legal fees; I can't even imagine what they have added up to.

* A use of force expert TOLD THE PROSECUTING COUNTY ATTORNEY that the trooper followed his training and did everything correctly; she still filed murder charges.

* There was a warrant out for this criminal's arrest and when asked to get out of the car at least 15 TIMES, the criminal refused.

* The criminal was not allowed to possess a firearm yet still had one in his vehicle

* The criminal tried to drive away when the 2 State Patrolmen were standing next to the open car doors, putting THEIR LIVES in danger
Typical whiney, marxist, leftist, victimtard >

This woman also believes that a brain is not fully developed until age 26 and thinks that younger criminals can be rehabilitated; therefore, juveniles who commit violent crime are getting off easy.

ONE EXAMPLE: 2 teenagers involved in a murder of a young Black woman were going to get light sentences thru a plea deal; the MN Governor & Attorney General had to step in to make sure that didn't happen because the victim's family were outraged by her decision.

Car thefts & violent car jackings (especially of KIAs) are a huge problem.

Here's another case where Hennepin County Attorney Mary Moriarty attempted to go easy on juveniles. On Aug 4 she announced a plea deal for 20-year-old Husayn Braveheart, who was 15 in June 2019 when he and Jared Ohsman killed 39-year-old Steve Markey during an attempted carjacking in Northeast Minneapolis.

Under the deal, Braveheart pled guilty to one count of aiding and abetting second-degree intentional murder. In exchange, he will serve up to one year in the workhouse and five years of probation with a suspended prison sentence of 21 years, meaning he will only serve time in prison if he violates the terms of his probation.

The victim:


Car thefts & violent car jackings (especially of KIAs) are a huge problem.

Here's another case where Hennepin County Attorney Mary Moriarty attempted to go easy on juveniles. On Aug 4 she announced a plea deal for 20-year-old Husayn Braveheart, who was 15 in June 2019 when he and Jared Ohsman killed 39-year-old Steve Markey during an attempted carjacking in Northeast Minneapolis.

Under the deal, Braveheart pled guilty to one count of aiding and abetting second-degree intentional murder. In exchange, he will serve up to one year in the workhouse and five years of probation with a suspended prison sentence of 21 years, meaning he will only serve time in prison if he violates the terms of his probation.

The victim:


That's nothing, they don't call her Bloody Mary for nothing >

What a mess. And to think people voted for her.

The governor should direct state troopers to only respond to emergency calls within Hennepin County. Otherwise, they should stay out of the county. No reason to expose your employees to this absurdity.
This is how we know Hennepin County/Minneapolis is gone....gone for good! She was a ****ing public defender for 31 years and a marxist social media profile from here to Peking, so WTF did they think they were voting for? Scary thing is, she could probably win an election tonight if only HROT posters were voting! 🤡

"Moriarty carried every ward in Minneapolis, winning with more than 60% of the vote citywide and at least 55% of ballots cast in each of the individual wards."

What a mess. And to think people voted for her.

The governor should direct state troopers to only respond to emergency calls within Hennepin County. Otherwise, they should stay out of the county. No reason to expose your employees to this absurdity.

She ran as a progressive. She clearly fooled voters in what she claimed she'd accomplish. Once she became the Democrat's candidate, it was essentially over in blue Minnesota.

She has been too easy on criminals (this thread barely scratches the surface) and clearly has gone after law enforcement.

The Minneapolis PD is short over 200 cops and it's pretty clear to see why.
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What did those idiots think was going to happen? She was dismissed from her previous post as Chief Public Defender in the same damn county. Because she was SO difficult to work with. She's a career public DEFENDER and they thought she'd be good at prosecuting? She loved setting criminals free.

I believe I read that she filed a suit in that case about being terminated (probably claimed that she was targeted as a gay female and the county settled and paid her 300k, as long as she never worked as a public defender again)

Read that again..... She is PROHIBITED from being a public defender EVER AGAIN in the state of MN.... But she is the county attorney in the largest county in the state... LOL

Betting she'll drum up another lawsuit for the current situation she got herself into. Costing more taxpayer money. 🤡

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Will be interesting if there is enough groundswell to get a recall vote. Now would obviously be the time to do it. Otherwise, it's 2 more years of failure.
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