Moscow Marge

Twice she talked about how she hates her co-workers. HR should call her in for a chat. I've posted this before, she has boasted about having a gun in the Capitol, and if there is every a breaking story about a shooting inside the Capitol by a member of the House she's one of a dozen or so Republicans I will immediately think of.
I know there are a lot of dumb rednecks in Georgia, but JFC that’s the best they could find?
MTG: I'm a Christian and this is a Christian Nation. I love Jesus.

Also MTG: I hate them. I seriously hate them.

Donald Trump brags that Moscow Marge is his good friend.
Basically, she takes her orders from him and that will not
change. Trump has many puppets in the current U.S. House
of Representatives and that is why it is in chaos. Those GOP
who dislike Trump are slowly leaving, resigning or not going
to run in Nov.2024. The U.S. House is a MESS.
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MTG: I'm a Christian and this is a Christian Nation. I love Jesus.

Also MTG: I hate them. I seriously hate them.

That's a different kind of Christianity than the one I practice.
I also chuckle when she shoves her faith in the country's face. This is the same woman that was banging random dudes from the gym in front of her cuck husband. Nothing says you love Jesus more than banging randos from the gym.
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Three Toes is literally getting her marching orders from Russia

The amendment that Marjorie Taylor Greene just proposed to sabotage the Ukraine bill is something that is such a nuanced Russian disinfo narrative that it could have only come directly from her Russian handlers.

The notion that Hungarians are being persecuted in Ukraine is insane BUT it's being pushed by both Orban (who was promised a piece of Ukraine by Putin) and Russian disinfo machine. For an American to suggest this really confirms she is being handled.

This is a very solid azz beating by Smith

“Rep. Adam Smith responds to Marjorie Taylor Greene: The sponsor of this amendment is basically saying if we pass this bill, we are advocating for the deaths of Ukrainians. That is uniquely demented way of looking at this. From a Russian propaganda standpoint, they invade and it’s our fault for helping them defend themselves. That is argument here against supporting Ukraine and it literally makes no sense”
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