Most fappable video of MTV golden age

Kids today. First off you had to know an adult with a stash of porno mags, or figure out a way to buy/shoplift some. Then you had to go through the gymnastics of knocking one out while juggling a centerfold and turning the pages.
Not only that, the images weren't on a phone/tablet/screen so you couldn't see them in the dark.
Kids today. First off you had to know an adult with a stash of porno mags, or figure out a way to buy/shoplift some. Then you had to go through the gymnastics of knocking one out while juggling a centerfold and turning the pages.

Lol, Yes in my case it was a friends older brother that could drive. Growing up in a small town where everyone knew everyone, you didn't want to waltz into the local convenience store to get your porn. Went to the next town over.