My MLK memory...


HR King
Gold Member
Sep 5, 2007
you can’t always get what you want!
In March of 1967 MLK spoke at Central College in Pella. He was a guest of the school as they hosted a symposium related to urban reform. King was a Nobel laureate at the time and his acceptance of the engagement at a school of 1300 was a pleasant surprise. However, it was 1967 and many locals were not happy. King was scheduled to arrive Pella via DSM Airprt but the trip was re-routed via Ottumwa because of planned protests between DSM and Pella on Rt. 163. Locals did manage to burn a cross at the west end of Pella’s city limits on the day of his the re-route from Ottumwa ( the east) proved wise indeed.
King spoke at Central on the night of March 22. Pella was my home town and I was lucky enough to spoon myself into the gymnasium and listen. I remember him as not as “big” as I thought he was and him having a deep, rich speaking voice, one that nearly defied needing a microphone. It was an interesting, memorable night for a barely 18 year old kid from small town Iowa. Proud that a man of his fame and stature came to my town to speak....and embarrassed at the fact that the local yockles thought it appropriate to burn a cross to protest his (Christian) message in my supposedly Christian town.
I didn’t know it then but in a little over a year, Martin Luther King would be shot dead.
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Probably past your bedtime Joel, but the Smithsonian Channel, 570 Direct TV has MLK: The Assassination Tapes, rebroadcasting at midnight. I watched earlier tonight, very interesting...

Never mind here is the YouTube link...
Thanks James, but I had the program set on the dvd already. Sitting here sippin’ whiskey, watching Scottish Royal Tatoos on “ you tube” at the moment...retirement is good...Big day tomorrow..a late morning haircut, and then early afternoon appt to hit golf balls...No job for the weary, this retirement! Oh...I have to pull the garbage cans in, too.
I remember his assassination being announced on TV when I was a kid,.. didn't know who he was.
Awesome memory and story.
Also shows you had great parents who allowed you to learn about truth and justice considering you’re from small town Iowa and surrounded by hate and racists.
Some of these other guys on HROT in your age range were were the ones protesting
Awesome memory and story.
Also shows you had great parents who allowed you to learn about truth and justice considering you’re from small town Iowa and surrounded by hate and racists.
Some of these other guys on HROT in your age range were were the ones protesting
Without Central College, Pella would be just another Knoxville or Oskaloosa. The college has added so much to the community one cannot begin to list the differences it makes.
Cool memory.

I didn’t know there were still people alive who could have heard him speak. (I kid...mostly).