Which of Trump's Lies Was His Biggest?


HR All-American
Oct 24, 2001
There have been, at last count, like 40,000 + of them. So which was the biggest? The dumbest? I think the biggest lie was the " I'll build a wall lie, and Mexico will paying for it." Mainly because it was his campaign's rallying lie, so many of the deplorables bought it, and then he failed miserably. I think his dumbest lie was when he said he spoke to the King of Norway about raking the forest floor. And then the King said... what?? I've never spoken to him. So stupid and unnecessary.
Not the biggest or most important lie, but one of his first as president was his claim that his inauguration was the biggest ever. I heard him say that and I knew we were in trouble. If he was willing to lie about something so inconsequential and something so easily disproven I knew I could never believe a word that comes out of his mouth.

There have been, at last count, like 40,000 + of them. So which was the biggest? The dumbest? I think the biggest lie was the " I'll build a wall lie, and Mexico will paying for it." Mainly because it was his campaign's rallying lie, so many of the deplorables bought it, and then he failed miserably. I think his dumbest lie was when he said he spoke to the King of Norway about raking the forest floor. And then the King said... what?? I've never spoken to him. So stupid and unnecessary.

Probably the tarmac one, where he said he was under sniper fire.
That they were spying on him in Trump Towers. That he worked with Russia to get elected.

Considering Season 3 GIF by Portlandia