Name one good thing that the Bush and Obama administrations did.

Limited Terrorist attacks on our soil since 9/11

Both of them did a good job on that.
Most have been very limited.

I wouldn't credit the administrations as being responsible for limiting them. I'd say we're lucky there weren't more. Not to mention the worst in history happened during one on them.

They've both delivered on not following-through on most everything they promised. They were consistent in disappointing the constituency.
Bush administration: PEPFAR, the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief in Africa. Obama administration: Saved the world from a global depression.

You REALLY believe that last one? You really think his administration did that?
Bush gave us great daily calendars with his fumbling quotes.

Obama ... made it difficult to mock him on SNL.
President Bush - PEPFAR / Malaria
President Obama - Prevented worldwide monetary meltdown
Bush hired/appointed a lot of minorities, and at the same time did not deport millions of immigrants when given a fairly easy opportunity to do so.

Obama got rid of Don't Ask Don't Tell, extended a lot of same sex benefits federally.
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If we're being serious, I think the top Bush achievement probably was saving literally millions of lives with the AIDS program.

Obama demonstrated that a non-white can become the most powerful person in the world.

I can think of some others for both of them, but they would be subject to disagreement.
They ended.