New Democrat candidate?

I fear the Dems are counting way too much on the hatred/fear of trump creating votes for Biden.
Uncommitted means player to be named later. In a weird blurb that went mostly unnoticed, the Biden campaign said a couple of days ago they would release delegates from their obligations to him if he didn't get nominated on the first vote at the convention.

There seems to be two strategies out there right now -
If Biden is polling close enough in the swing states to win, he'll be the nominee.
If Biden is polling badly, he'll be replaced at the convention.

Should Biden stay in the race and win, he'll be replaced by Harris after taking office in 2025, by stepping down for health reasons.
Hey, Newsome needs more data before he decides to run now or in 2028. He could pay for the research or get it for free tracking “uncommitted” during primary season.
Uncommitted means player to be named later. In a weird blurb that went mostly unnoticed, the Biden campaign said a couple of days ago they would release delegates from their obligations to him if he didn't get nominated on the first vote at the convention.

There seems to be two strategies out there right now -
If Biden is polling close enough in the swing states to win, he'll be the nominee.
If Biden is polling badly, he'll be replaced at the convention.

Should Biden stay in the race and win, he'll be replaced by Harris after taking office in 2025, by stepping down for health reasons.
Almost 20% Minnesota. Must be huge Newsom fans up there.