No Republican would appear on Morning Joe today.


HR King
Gold Member
Jan 30, 2008
Mika just said that they invited a bunch of elected Republicans to appear on the show and discuss the massacre in Las Vegas, but none of them would. That isn't very surprising. You can't change things if you are unwilling to have an initial discussion.
Mika just said that they invited a bunch of elected Republicans to appear on the show and discuss the massacre in Las Vegas, but none of them would. That isn't very surprising. You can't change things if you are unwilling to have an initial discussion.
They are still drafting their talking points memo. Gotta keep everyone on the same page.
Who would want to get drilled on the 2nd Amendment first thing in the morning? It wasn't going to be a rational discussion. It was going to be "how can you not support a ban on assault rifles" for 20 minutes.
The media has pulled that bait and switch with Republicans for decades. I'm glad to see they are finally catching on.
The Left calls Trump a fascist and then only wants Govt to have guns. Yes, they're dumb like that.
The NRA is likely lining up a conference call to all Republican legislators reminding them about contributions for the mid terms next year.

Wayne LaPierre is drafting his comments right now.
When only the govt has guns, THEN it's time to be afraid.
Must continue to delay discussion of this shooting so people forget and try not to change anything. You've got the NRA process down. Congratulations

I'm not a member of the NRA.

So tell me dekhawk, what changes do you want?
LOL. RINO and you know it.

And why would anyone want to talk about the politics of a tragedy when it happened less than 48 hours prior?

Take a deep breath guys.

such bullcrap.

Talking about an incident, the ways to prevent it another related topics is not "talking politics." I'm so tired of this crap and response. It silly to think we should all sit in a dark corner and cry. Everybody grieves differently and some want to be proactive to prevent another. That is not "talking politics."
You being either has to be one of the biggest jokes Ive seen on here.

You have a MAGA hat. I have a Ronald Reagan Library coffee mug and a framed Reagan postage stamp.

I am not sure why a Republican would go on msnbc. It is a democratic station. As far as gun control, this guy passed all the background checks. He was also smart enough to alter the weapons. No gun control would have prevented this. For some reason this guy was bound and determined to kill a lot of people.
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LOL. RINO and you know it.

And why would anyone want to talk about the politics of a tragedy when it happened less than 48 hours prior?

Take that bullshit talking point and stuff it. It's pulled out after every mass shooting to deflect from the issue.

We talk about airline safety immediately after a plane crash...nobody says, "now isn't the time". How is this different? Oh...never mind. Must protect the gun lobby.
This is the truth. But I don't really blame them for not wanting to discuss it. They have no reasonable stance to defend on this. And I'm a gun enthusiast.
so you want them to defend something that was banned in 1986? You want them to defend people that don't obey the laws that we have? How exactly do you do that again?
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I'll ask a second time then, What changes in the laws do guys want to see? Does everyone have to turn in their AR-15?
I'm not a member of the NRA.

So tell me dekhawk, what changes do you want?

For starters

1) A federal data base that provides for immediate electronic access to gun purchases/ownership.
2) Congressional funding to the CDC so that they can monitor, track, and research gun violence.
3) Prohibiting the NRA from lining the pockets of everyone on the Hill.
Are you serious clark?

aaahhhhh yes. MSNBC is basically the mouth piece of the left. In our current environment who are they going to convince.

I keep going back to what law would have prevented this. The guy was off the grid. No criminal record, except for a speeding ticket. Very smart guy, built a lot of wealth from what has been reported. Warning signs? As I said the guy was pretty much off the grid.

He was an accountant and meticulous in the details. He even had cameras to watch to see when the cops were coming. Unfortunately this was the perfect storm.

Are you going to round up everyone who doesn't have a digital footprint so you know what they are thinking and if they might commit a crime.

It is a bad situation but in all reality this guy was brilliant and used it the wrong way.
For starters

1) A federal data base that provides for immediate electronic access to gun purchases/ownership.
2) Congressional funding to the CDC so that they can monitor, track, and research gun violence.
3) Prohibiting the NRA from lining the pockets of everyone on the Hill.

So, what other groups are you going to not allow to participate in the political process. The George Soros funded groups? Planned Parenthood? Your number 3 can't be done.

I do believe they already have a number one. He passed the background checks.
I don’t have a problem with a national gun registry. Make it easier to track legally purchased guns. Universal background check/waiting period until a person is cleared. Higher bar to clear for people convicted of violent crimes/history of mental illness.

Lastly, this guy evidently bought 42 guns legally. Maybe cap the # of guns one can buy?
aaahhhhh yes. MSNBC is basically the mouth piece of the left. In our current environment who are they going to convince.

I keep going back to what law would have prevented this. The guy was off the grid. No criminal record, except for a speeding ticket. Very smart guy, built a lot of wealth from what has been reported. Warning signs? As I said the guy was pretty much off the grid.

He was an accountant and meticulous in the details. He even had cameras to watch to see when the cops were coming. Unfortunately this was the perfect storm.

Are you going to round up everyone who doesn't have a digital footprint so you know what they are thinking and if they might commit a crime.

It is a bad situation but in all reality this guy was brilliant and used it the wrong way.

OK lots of stuff here.

Yes Republicans go on MSNBC all the time, just like Democrats go on Fox news. Its because the people the represent come from all sorts of political spectrum. It's also so one side can't say you won't go on X....maybe you remember all those posts about Hillary refusing to go on Fox during the campaign? I sure do.

And your right yesterday there wasn't much we couldn't do to stop it. But, should we just throw our arms up and say "oh well?"

You can use these kinds of incidents -- whether it be Las Vegas, 9/11, columbine, etc -- to talk about important issues. Even if the specifics might not have stopped the one incident. It can be used to talk about gun control, mental health care, how we respond in the moment, the need to give blood, and a host of other topics. It's stupid just to say we couldn't have stop this one so let's not talk about the topics surrounding it at all.
For starters

1) A federal data base that provides for immediate electronic access to gun purchases/ownership.
2) Congressional funding to the CDC so that they can monitor, track, and research gun violence.
3) Prohibiting the NRA from lining the pockets of everyone on the Hill.
^^^^^^^This You start somewhere and don't worry about offending the gun advocates.
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So, what other groups are you going to not allow to participate in the political process. The George Soros funded groups? Planned Parenthood? Your number 3 can't be done.

I do believe they already have a number one. He passed the background checks.

#1 is a paper file stored in a warehouse somewhere in West Virginia. I'm cool with eliminating all those groups you mention. Cash is not free speech. Cash is bought and paid for speech.
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aaahhhhh yes. MSNBC is basically the mouth piece of the left. In our current environment who are they going to convince.

I keep going back to what law would have prevented this. The guy was off the grid. No criminal record, except for a speeding ticket. Very smart guy, built a lot of wealth from what has been reported. Warning signs? As I said the guy was pretty much off the grid.

He was an accountant and meticulous in the details. He even had cameras to watch to see when the cops were coming. Unfortunately this was the perfect storm.

Are you going to round up everyone who doesn't have a digital footprint so you know what they are thinking and if they might commit a crime.

It is a bad situation but in all reality this guy was brilliant and used it the wrong way.
I keep going back to....this only happens in America. Why?
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I'll ask a second time then, What changes in the laws do guys want to see? Does everyone have to turn in their AR-15?

Ban certain caliber ammo from being sold. Yes, some people could reload, but over the next 20 years ammo for certain guns would become scarce.
We'll never take away anyone's guns. But, we can render them relatively useless by restricting ammo sales.
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