No thread on Venezuela?

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Biden should have eased Trump’s sanctions on Venezuela. It would have eased to oil supply issues earlier, and kept more Venezuelans at home.
I don't qualify Maduro as a leftist. I qualify him as a dictator. To each their own.
I think it's the similarities like trying to jail political opponents, manipulating elections, refusing to secure the election despite letting in millions of illegals. Dems asking for non citizens be allowed to register to vote.

"Maduro arbitrarily jails or bans prominent political leaders and uses the distribution of food as a tool for social control. He manipulated the electoral process and timeline to his advantage; electoral irregularities included everything from intimidation and disenfranchisement of voters to improper tabulation of the results."
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Yet more proof the left lied about Trump when they said he was racist and anti immigrant.
Sure seems like he wouldn't do this if he hated all brown people.
He’s extremely vile and racist. Not to mention insane. He gave 200,000 Venezuelans (mostly rapists and murders I assume since that is what maga says has come over the past few years) protection so they can’t be deported, only because Venezuelans are used to far right dictatorship type control and they like trump. I had a friend send me a Fox News type deal how almost no Venezuelans had been deported and there are now hundreds of thousands here illegally and I discovered it was due to trump. Trump lies all the time.
Socialist stealing election. Oppressing the people. Lefty’s need to explain this.
You can vote yourself into communist dictatorship but you can't vote yourself out of it. The woke will learn the communists kill the all the faux academics who think they're smart because they have a gender studies degree and 6 figures worth of debt types sooner rather than later. After all the people who know communism is the most evil ideologies to ever exist are killed they'll hit them next. I doubt very much the "I'm on your side" argument will work. Enjoy being good little sheep and be sure to rat out your neighbors for an extra bread ration 🐑. On the plus side, Iran will be happy because you will have truly brought death to america before you take a bullet to the back of the brain.
He’s extremely vile and racist. Not to mention insane. He gave 200,000 Venezuelans (mostly rapists and murders I assume since that is what maga says has come over the past few years) protection so they can’t be deported, only because Venezuelans are used to far right dictatorship type control and they like trump. I had a friend send me a Fox News type deal how almost no Venezuelans had been deported and there are now hundreds of thousands here illegally and I discovered it was due to trump. Trump lies all the time.
you can't get any more left than communism
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You can vote yourself into communist dictatorship but you can't vote yourself out of it. The woke will learn the communists kill the all the faux academics who think they're smart because they have a gender studies degree and 6 figures worth of debt types sooner rather than later. After all the people who know communism is the most evil ideologies to ever exist are killed they'll hit them next. I doubt very much the "I'm on your side" argument will work. Enjoy being good little sheep and be sure to rat out your neighbors for an extra bread ration 🐑. On the plus side, Iran will be happy because you will have truly brought death to america before you take a bullet to the back of the brain.
Are you okay, Bro? You seem angry woke AF
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No, it is a dictatorship. Communism ceases the minute you afford more power to the leader than the people.
Dictatorship is a requisite of national scale communism. Control must be centralized in order to be centrally planned, and they can’t wait for everyone to vote on the price of butter, shoes, etc., nevermind how many shoes of what size to make.

Empowerment of the people is liberty expressed in the power to earn and trade property, and communism ain’t got time for dat!
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Why do American lefties need to explain something that's occurring in another country?

Well, clearly the democrats plan to seize all public property and manufacturing to put it all under control of the public. Therefore the comparison to Venezuela and socialism in general is valid.

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