No, we're not going to forget

“Newly released emails reveal that Acting Commissioner Janet Woodcock was concerned because “states cannot require mandatory vaccination” without FDA final approval, according to the chief of FDA’s vaccine-review office, Marion Gruber.

Gruber warned that a thorough evaluation was needed due to “increasing evidence of association of this vaccine and development of myocarditis (especially in young males).”

After Gruber balked, Woodcock placed a loyal subordinate in charge of the process, and the vaccine got full approval Aug. 23.

Biden boasted that day of achieving a COVID “key milestone” and labeled FDA approval the “gold standard,” proving vaccines were safe and effective.

The White House arm-twisting spurred a “mutiny” at the FDA, as Politico put it: Gruber and her top deputy resigned in protest.”
Gruber warned that a thorough evaluation was needed due to “increasing evidence of association of this vaccine and development of myocarditis (especially in young males).”

And now we KNOW that the risks from the VIRUS are higher than from the VACCINE.
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I read the science. So, I'm as certain as the data are; and the data have CLEARLY shown the virus to be far more dangerous than the vaccine. Even in the age-group at the highest risks for vaccine complications.
You were also very certain the data said many school aged kids would be dying from Covid.
But, then the data was wrong, and you were wrong, but you didn't seem to learn that lesson.
You were also very certain the data said many school aged kids would be dying from Covid.
But, then the data was wrong, and you were wrong, but you didn't seem to learn that lesson.
How is your COVID cancer study going?
And many have died.

Did you not review the data?
Posted in other threads, but figured this should be front and center.

Unless CDC has posted data in error, the demographics site indicates a 6% Case Fatality Rate for those 0-4 years old.

It seems this is now only being understood, based on a late-developing syndrome in children that occurs weeks after they've contracted and "cleared" Covid19. This is known as MIS-C, and it was thought to be "rare", but if CDCs data are accurate, it's a lot less "rare" than was perceived.

CDC's numbers, updated late yesterday, are:
1582 deaths
26,045 cases

6% CFR.

Here are several links to MIS-C, and the latest info:

This is simply NOT an "old people disease" anymore. It's impacting children at a very high rate. I'm somewhat confused as to why this has not been conveyed in the media much yet, perhaps to not cause a bigger panic and "hurt our stocks".

Are we really so enamored with our stock portfolios, vs conveying a danger to public health here?

Again, the 6% number was literally updated late yesterday, so that is "raw" data, and we may have clarifications on this soon. Or corrections. But the implication is that this MIS-C is much less "rare" than was believed, and keeping your kids away from this stuff until we can identify anti-inflammatory medications or vaccines would be highly advisable.

EDIT: This was the BI graphic shown yesterday, which indicated a 2% CFR for 0-4. CDC's updated data implies 6%, which makes this MORE lethal for young children, than for 50 yr olds

When I read this graphic I thought it must be wrong, so I looked their data up, and the numbers they used from the CDC site at the time were roughly 482 deaths and ~22,800 cases, or about 2% CFR - the graph was correct. That was updated to the numbers above late yesterday, pulling the CFR up to an even more eye-popping 6%.

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As I'd noted - they JUST updated numbers on this yesterday, from whatever they were that was not "scary", to "482/22,800-something". That was "2%"

Last night, they updated AGAIN to 1500/26,000; that is 6%.

If those numbers are in error, they should correct them, quickly.
If those numbers are NOT in error, then links and references to this condition that are <1 week old may not be very reliable sources.

We had, literally, dozens of people on these boards calling me out as "alarmist" when I posted regression data in early March projecting where we were headed. There were barely more than a hundred cases at the time.

My numbers were accurate - this has blown up well beyond anyone's expectations with how poor our response has been.

I am, again, finding data that is literally just being conveyed by CDC and connecting the dots for people. Is it alarming? Hell YES!

But until CDC steps up to the plate and publicizes this, or corrects their data, it SHOULD be alarming.

How many Conservative News pundits would be calling for "re-opening" if we found a significant percentage of babies and children would die from this? At rates 2x worse than the 50-64 yr age group? (Because that's literally what CDC's data says right now).

It's literally from CDC's site. I cannot make it any clearer for you than that.

Either these children are dying directly from Covid-19 (in very large numbers, overnight), or CDC has now re-categorized MIS-C as "Covid deaths" and is updating their data from the past 2-3 months).

What do you think is most likely here?

What I've conveyed to you, is 6% of the children, 0-4, who have been diagnosed with Covid-19 are dead.

How you want to parse that between MIS-C vs. no-MIS-C is up to you. But a significant portion of children exposed to Covid-19 are presenting with MIS-C weeks later. And 1 out of 16 of the ones that are confirmed to have had Covid-19 die.

How the syndrome impacts kids

From the first accounts of an unusual illness impacting children in the United Kingdom in late April, MIS-C “has really exploded in the last month,” DeBiasi said.
At Children’s National Hospital, an analysis of more than two dozen patients with the syndrome found a median age of 9, while COVID-19 has more severely impacted the hospital’s older children and very young populations.
Another key difference: Just 35% of these kids had underlying conditions, lower than the rate among regular COVID-19 hospitalizations for kids.
Those who meet the diagnosis for the new syndrome are under 21 and have either tested positive for COVID-19 have been exposed to someone who had or likely had the disease in the four weeks before symptoms began. These children have no alternative plausible diagnosis and present with fever, evidence of inflammation, and a severe illness requiring hospitalization or with multisystem organ involvement.
This illness has different long-term complications, too. Of the kids studied at Children’s National, 38% had some sort of cardiac abnormality from the get-go, she said. For instance, some had an aortic aneurysm, or a ballooning of the coronary artery which can lead to scarring, blocked blood flow and higher risk of a heart attack later in life.
As with COVID-19, there’s still a lot of unknowns with MIS-C, DeBiasi said.
“That’s really a big black box and a very important one to fill,” she said.

Great. So when your kid survives, they can have an aortic aneurysm that predisposes them to major problems later on (if you don't know what that is - trust me, it's bad).

2 in 5 end up with some form of cardiac abnormality.

Remember - kids that balloon up aortic aneurysms today don't count as Covid deaths....:confused:

Lol this might have been Joes best post of Covid porn throughout the whole deal. Imaginary dead kids dying all over the country because of Covid.
I guess that depends? See above.

You missed the part about "Unless the CDC has posted the data in error"

You seem to have trouble convoluting "raw data" posted on CDCs site, which was corrected, with reviewed data and publications, that Florida lied about, because it didn't match their anti-vaccine messaging.

Now, if Florida was citing mistaken data that wasn't accurate, you could give them a pass. That is NOT what they did here.
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Does the current data show a definitive correlation? Yes or no? It’s not a depends.

He's comparing "raw data" the CDC's site posted in error, and corrected within a couple weeks, with Florida officials, outright lying about what peer-reviewed data showed.
Accountability, not amnesty is what is needed. We had multiple people right here on HROT backing (some probably still do) this ridiculous bs. You know who you are and yes you should be ashamed of yourselves.

"The problem was not people's ignorance of the facts, it was the organized antagonism and censorship against anyone presenting data that was contradictory to the mandate agenda. This is setting aside proclamations like those from the LA Times, which argued that mocking the deaths of "anti-vaxxers" might be necessary and justified. After two years of this type of arrogant nonsense it's hard to imagine people will be willing to pretend as if all is well.

The active effort to shut down any opposing data is the root crime, though, and no, it can never be forgotten or forgiven."

"One cannot help but notice that the timing of the Atlantic's appeal for passive forgetfulness coincides with the swiftly approaching midterm elections, in which polls suggest a much greater chance of a conservative upset than Democrats previously expected. Though the Atlantic doesn't admit it, there is a growing political backlash to the last two years of meaningless lockdowns and mandates, and Democrats were instrumental in the implementation of both. A large swath of the population sees one party as the cause of much of their covid era strife.

Perhaps the mainstream media is suddenly realizing that they may have to face some payback for their covid zealotry? “We didn't know! We were just following orders!” It all sounds rather familiar."

I'll bet you guys eventually forget..... ;)

Or of the two are inevitable.
Go to sleep. What time is it there? I live in Arizona and it’s getting late. Peace out.
I’ve been on assignment working 5-5 for awhile so I’m up all night for awhile. I’m also smarter than you, so there’s that. You seem to hate democracy and freedom of speech. You should work on that. Would you like direction towards a pamphlet to help you complete a citizen’s exam?
Meh, aged fine. You’re just a baby snowflake looking for a new momma. Youll find one baby snowflake. Don’t give up. You can always nestle into the nuts of trump.

Nevermind the fact that their quoting people like Gene Simmons and Howard Stern....this so bad

But when people that actually matter discuss fvcking injecting bleach or using ivermectin, stupid shit that actually cost lives, not a peep....please dear baby Jesus
Nevermind the fact that their quoting people like Gene Simmons and Howard Stern....this so bad

But when people that actually matter discuss fvcking injecting bleach or using ivermectin, stupid shit that actually cost lives, not a peep....please dear baby Jesus
What?!?! They forgot about THAT?

Nevermind the fact that their quoting people like Gene Simmons and Howard Stern....this so bad

But when people that actually matter discuss fvcking injecting bleach or using ivermectin, stupid shit that actually cost lives, not a peep....please dear baby Jesus

They "forgot" all about the aquarium bleach and useless ivermectin.

We've Gish Galloped on to the next Covid Conspiracy now.
This is the result of policies supported by the party of “science.”

This is why the issue should be a major topic in the 2024 election. The greatest learning loss I’m history because of the party of “science.”

That is the reason Reynolds pushed her school choice bill through.
You can thank the Covid school lockdown crowd for that.
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That is the reason Reynolds pushed her school choice bill through.
You can thank the Covid school lockdown crowd for that.
You are 100 percent correct. and I personally am not a fan of the school choice law. You will never see the Covid Cultists admit they were wrong in any of the failed policies they pushed in the name of “science.”