No, we're not going to forget

They get sick.

Some die. Others end up with lifetime disabilities that were completely avoidable with a vaccine.
OH F*CK that you f'n liar.

My unvaccinated kids are extremely healthy. Zero chronic illnesses, zero speech delay, zero ADHD, and zero allergies. My oldest daughter has straight A's through her junior yr, works, and puts in several volunteer hours in a month, and she's barely had so much as an earache in her life. Does she get normal illnesses like colds? Of course, as she should, at a rate the other kids and I did when I was young. The other kids in our extended family have always seemed to get sick MUCH more often. The other kids have speech issues (pretty much every single one of them), ADHD, and allergies. It's my own little experiment that prompts me say you should go to your local clinic, ask them to get updated on all your vaccines, and stuff every one of them up your ass.

Get your dumb ass on social media and notice all the other people saying the exact same thing. Notice the families that report couples stopping vaccines and their kids that got them are the ones that "end up with lifetime disabilities" and their youngest don't have all the ailments the older vaccinated ones did.
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OH F*CK that you f'n liar.

My unvaccinated kids are extremely healthy. Zero chronic illnesses, zero speech delay, zero ADHD, and zero allergies. My oldest daughter has straight A's through her junior yr, works, and puts in several volunteer hours in a month, and she's barely had so much as an earache in her life. Does she get normal illnesses like colds? Of course, as she should, at a rate the other kids and I did when I was young. The other kids in our extended family have always seemed to get sick MUCH more often. The other kids have speech issues (pretty much every single one of them), ADHD, and allergies. It's my own little experiment that prompts me say you should go to your local clinic, ask them to get updated on all your vaccines, and stuff them up your ass.

Get your dumb ass on social media and notice all the other people saying the exact same thing. Notice the families that report couples stopping vaccines and their kids that got them are the ones that "end up with lifetime disabilities" and they're youngest don't have all the ailments the older vaccinated ones did.

You are a selfish moron whose kids remain safe because others chose to do the right thing and vaccinate their kids.

You are a bad parent and should be ashamed.
Yeah. They really do get sick.

It's literally why there's another measles outbreak this month.
See the Brady Bunch episode, and the other public programming in the 60's to find out just what people really thought of the measles. That was before they started in with the fear campaigns to scare people into getting vaccinated. Get fear mongering bs out of here Joe.
You are a selfish moron whose kids remain safe because others chose to do the right thing and vaccinate their kids.

You are a bad parent and should be ashamed.
Back to square one. They should have made the vaccines SAFE to begin with then!

Removing liability from manufacturers creating little incentive for a safer product. THAT'S not my fault asshole.
Why would I go watch a Brady Bunch episode to learn about infectious diseases and their risks?

This seems to be the root of your problem here.
It's the public sentiment toward a trivial childhood illness. It's very telling. Quit the fear mongering.
They did.
No, they didn't. That's why HHS had absolutely nothing to provide when asked what steps had been taken to improve the safety of the schedule, since 1986! They were to report to congress every 2 years. Zero reports were made, zero safety updates, or improvements were reported. It was a mandate that was put in place of granting manufacturer immunity. And HHS and congress let it slide.

THAT'S what happens when you have little to no incentive to make a safer product.
Measles is not remotely a "trivial childhood illness". Most of the diseases we vaccinate against are not.
It's why childhood mortality today is extremely low compared to what it was 100+ years ago.
That's BS Joe. We've been over and over it with hundreds of pages of debate. Let's agree to disagree, or maybe save it for another thread.
No; it was a bullshit talking point brought up because of false claims about "autism".

Now, we now what actually can trigger autism: Early childhood infections.
That was a completely different legal battle Joe. This was not autism all.
Antivaxxers are above flatearthers as the dumbest people on Earth because their ignorance actually affects other people...I feel sorry for their children, because their parents are so fvcking stupid.

Please dear baby Jesus
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People who choose not to vaccinate, choose to not protect their children from deadly, preventable illnesses, do so out of selfishness, ignorance, and negligence.

They are unfit to be parents.

You have admitted this includes you.
I see the fear mongering and big pharma propaganda has gotten to you. Sorry, that's not my problem. You handle your kids how you want, and I'll handle mine on my own. My kids fared much much better than the extended family's kids. Sorry that offends you. Should have made the vaccines safe to begin with and we wouldn't have this problem.
I see the fear mongering and big pharma propaganda has gotten to you. Sorry, that's not my problem. You handle your kids how you want, and I'll handle mine on my own. My kids fared much much better than the extended family's kids. Sorry that offends you. Should have made the vaccines safe to begin with and we wouldn't have this problem.

If one of your children dies from a preventable disease, it is your fault. You would be complicit in the killing of your own child.

You are a terrible parent and an ignorant, selfish human being.
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OH F*CK that you f'n liar.

My unvaccinated kids are extremely healthy. Zero chronic illnesses, zero speech delay, zero ADHD, and zero allergies. My oldest daughter has straight A's through her junior yr, works, and puts in several volunteer hours in a month, and she's barely had so much as an earache in her life. Does she get normal illnesses like colds? Of course, as she should, at a rate the other kids and I did when I was young. The other kids in our extended family have always seemed to get sick MUCH more often. The other kids have speech issues (pretty much every single one of them), ADHD, and allergies. It's my own little experiment that prompts me say you should go to your local clinic, ask them to get updated on all your vaccines, and stuff them up your ass.

Get your dumb ass on social media and notice all the other people saying the exact same thing. Notice the families that report couples stopping vaccines and their kids that got them are the ones that "end up with lifetime disabilities" and they're youngest don't have all the ailments the older vaccinated ones did.
Cracking Up Lol GIF by HULU
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It is EXACTLY where that talking point emerged. And continues to perpetuate, Cletus.
Um no, you have no clue what you're talking about so allow me help you again. That legal battle that uncovered that HHS dropped the ball with zero attempts to improve safety and zero reporting to congress as mandated in 1986 came well before any of their autism-related legal battles. It was not autism specific at all, but revealed a much more general over-arching negligence by HHS agreed upon conditions with the entire vaccine schedule. It was NOT vaccine or disease specific.
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Courtesy of THE most highly jabbed country in the world. Purely a coincidence, to be sure.

In the previous edition of U.S. Health Care from a Global Perspective, we reported that people in the United States experience the worst health outcomes overall of any high-income nation.1 Americans are more likely to die younger, and from avoidable causes, than residents of peer countries.

The U.S. has the lowest life expectancy at birth, the highest death rates for avoidable or treatable conditions, the highest maternal and infant mortality.

The U.S. has the highest rate of people with multiple chronic conditions and an obesity rate nearly twice the OECD average.

In 2020, the infant mortality rate in the U.S. was 5.4 deaths per 1,000 live births, the highest rate of all the countries in our analysis. In contrast, there were 1.6 deaths per 1,000 live births in Norway.

Women in the U.S. have long had the highest rate of maternal mortality related to complications of pregnancy and childbirth. In 2020, there were nearly 24 maternal deaths for every 100,000 live births in the U.S., more than three times the rate in most of the other high-income countries we studied.

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Courtesy of THE most highly jabbed country in the world. Purely a coincidence, to be sure.

In the previous edition of U.S. Health Care from a Global Perspective, we reported that people in the United States experience the worst health outcomes overall of any high-income nation.1 Americans are more likely to die younger, and from avoidable causes, than residents of peer countries.

The U.S. has the lowest life expectancy at birth, the highest death rates for avoidable or treatable conditions, the highest maternal and infant mortality.

The U.S. has the highest rate of people with multiple chronic conditions and an obesity rate nearly twice the OECD average.

In 2020, the infant mortality rate in the U.S. was 5.4 deaths per 1,000 live births, the highest rate of all the countries in our analysis. In contrast, there were 1.6 deaths per 1,000 live births in Norway.

Women in the U.S. have long had the highest rate of maternal mortality related to complications of pregnancy and childbirth. In 2020, there were nearly 24 maternal deaths for every 100,000 live births in the U.S., more than three times the rate in most of the other high-income countries we studied.

you know that "the jab" wasn't widely available in 2020, right?

it wasn't even approved until december 2020 and still took a few months before everyone could get it
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Courtesy of THE most highly jabbed country in the world. Purely a coincidence, to be sure.

In the previous edition of U.S. Health Care from a Global Perspective, we reported that people in the United States experience the worst health outcomes overall of any high-income nation.
That's because so many other Western nations have nationalized healthcare.
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This is, again, just more anti-vax propaganda.
Um, if they did, would they not have submitted it per the request? You would NEVER say you did nothing, unless you actually did indeed do nothing. Thanks HHS for the "antivaxxer talking point". That's them admitting they did nothing, not just me saying they did nothing.
Um, if they did, would they not have submitted it per the request?
They NO LONGER HAD 30 yrs worth of reports, because they WERE NOT REQUIRED to retain them.

Your FOIA buddies asked for reports which no longer existed, then duped you into thinking they never conducted any oversight.

You, being the willful Village Idiot, repeated those claims.
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