No, we're not going to forget

Not befuddled at all. You simply are making no sense

Sequential vs parallel process is a fairly fundamental concept a 3rd grader could figure out.
Not you, apparently.

I'll make one more try for you:

They developed the vaccine in a pilot run for Phase I/II clinical trials.
USUALLY, they WAIT until those trials (3 months+) are completed AND review the data BEFORE they begin ramping up production using the same methods as the pilot run for the initial vaccines. That requires 4-5 months WAITING TIME.

HERE they skipped that wait, and began ramp-up production, in actual production facilities, of that vaccine the SAME DAY they started the trials. All that process control and development work was going on DURING the trial, which is atypical.

IF the trial had failed, they'd be in the hole for millions of "lost effort" building a manufacturing structure for a worthless vaccine.

WHEN the trial worked, they were 4-5 months AHEAD OF SCHEDULE for delivering massive amounts of vaccine, because all that production development occurred when the trials STARTED, not when they ENDED.

So, as I'd already told you, they ran production ramp-up IN PARALLEL with the clinical trial, rather than SEQUENTIALLY.

Again, a 3rd grader could understand this.
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Your inability to understand the point is rather illuminating.

First, you ADMIT the same processes were followed.
NOW you're attempting to claim things were skipped.

It's head-spinning, really.
LOL!! I can totally understand why your head is spinning, because you can't understand that your own argument is noting but circles. It is truly a joy to watch.

I had NEVER said anything about their processes being followed or not, and you know it. I had simply stated why some people felt uneasy when the vaccine was released. Again, a true statement....that you also know to be fact.

It is YOU who blew up your own argument by pointing out that they DID indeed cut the VERY IMPORTANT AND RISKY time varient of their process to fast track it.

What a joke.....just take the L and put ME on ignore.
Sequential vs parallel process is a fairly fundamental concept a 3rd grader could figure out.
Not you, apparently.

I'll make one more try for you:

They developed the vaccine in a pilot run for Phase I/II clinical trials.
USUALLY, they WAIT until those trials (3 months+) are completed AND review the data BEFORE they begin ramping up production using the same methods as the pilot run for the initial vaccines. That requires 4-5 months WAITING TIME.

HERE they skipped that wait, and began ramp-up production, in actual production facilities, of that vaccine the SAME DAY they started the trials. All that process control and development work was going on DURING the trial, which is atypical.

IF the trial had failed, they'd be in the hole for millions of "lost effort" building a manufacturing structure for a worthless vaccine.

WHEN the trial worked, they were 4-5 months AHEAD OF SCHEDULE for delivering massive amounts of vaccine, because all that production development occurred when the trials STARTED, not when they ENDED.

So, as I'd already told you, they ran production ramp-up IN PARALLEL with the clinical trial, rather than SEQUENTIALLY.

Again, a 3rd grader could understand this.
DUDE...just stop. You have LOST already. I never said they did not run in PARALLEL...not any time. But, you have already admitted on your own that they cut out the VERY IMPORTANT AND RISKY time varient of their process. Your words, not mine. For petes sake Moron......if the time varient was so unemportant and people should not be worried about them skipping it, then why don't they run the same process for ALL trials? :rolleyes:

My point was and always had been why many people had a fear of it when it was released. Nothing more, nothing less. But, you had to go and screw yourself into a hole. LOL!

You would think after being stuck in your basement for 20+ years on a computer and posting over 148,000+ times of your diatribes you would be better at this.

Major fail grandpa.
LOL!! I can totally understand why your head is spinning, because you can't understand that your own argument is noting but circles.

My points to you on Covid vaccine development have been entirely consistent, explaining how they were tested to exactly the same standards as past vaccines.

Your inability to understand that is a "you" problem.
Agreed. I'm back on the COVID.

The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has caused unprecedented devastating medical, social, and economic impacts globally, both in the short and long term.1,–4 COVID-19 disproportionately affects Black, Indigenous, and people of color communities,5 families living in rural communities, and/or communities facing economic hardships. Although most individuals recover within a few days or weeks after an acute severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infection (SARS-CoV-2) infection, some experience longer lasting effects. Given that ∼20% of COVID cases in the United States are in children,6 and that current pediatric postacute sequelae of SARS CoV-2 (PASC) prevalence estimates are 10% to 20%, PASC is estimated to affect up to 5.8 million children, representing a significant community impact.
My points to you on Covid vaccine development have been entirely consistent, explaining how they were tested to exactly the same standards as past vaccines.

Your inability to understand that is a "you" problem.
No...again.....BY YOUR OWN ADMISSION, past vaccines and upcoming vaccines do NOT ignore the time safety factor for testing. You admitted that happened with the COVID vaccine. LOL! Good Lord you are unreal. But, that is on YOU.
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Your posts clearly indicated that you did not understand this concept. That's why I laid it out for you in terms a 3rd grader would get.
Again, show me in my post where I CLEARLY indicated that I did not understand any concept you are talking about? Do it? You can't, because it NEVER happened. I have laid out the facts of what I posted and how you ignorently made a point against yourself. Take your meds and try signing off the site for a least a day. You might actully find there is more to life then your keyboard. 😂
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No...again.....BY YOUR OWN ADMISSION, past vaccines and upcoming vaccines do NOT ignore the time safety factor for testing
Nowhere did I claim any "time safety factor for testing" was ignored.

I pointed out to you that manufacturing began at the BEGINNING of clinical trials AT RISK.
If those trials, after the SAME timeframes for safety testing, had FAILED, then all of the time and resources setting up that manufacturing are completely wasted.

The minute those safety factors were established, vaccines could be shipped within a week or so, because manufacturing was in full swing, and stocks of vaccine were already produced and ready to ship.

IN CONTRAST to waiting to START manufacturing until AFTER the safety data are completed, where there IS NO RISK of having millions of doses of worthless vaccine.

You are amazingly and incomprehensibly dumb in not understanding this very basic point.


Careful, objective evaluation of COVID-19 mRNA product safety is crucial for upholding ethical standards and evidence-informed decision-making. Our narrative review concerning the registrational trials and the EUA’s aftermath offers evidence-informed insights into how these genetic vaccines were able to enter the market. In the context of the two pivotal trials, safety was never assessed in a manner commensurate with previously established scientific standards either for vaccines or for GTPs, the more accurate classification of these products. Many key trial findings were either misreported or omitted entirely from published reports. The usual safety testing protocols and toxicology requirements were bypassed by the FDA and vaccine manufacturers, and the premature termination of both trials obviated any unbiased assessment of potential SAEs due to an insufficient timeframe for proper trial evaluation. It was only after the EUA that the serious biological consequences of rushing the trials became evident, with numerous cardiovascular, neurological, reproductive, hematological, malignant, and autoimmune SAEs identified and published in the peer-reviewed medical literature. Moreover, the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines produced via Process 1 and evaluated in the trials were not the same products eventually distributed worldwide; all of the COVID-19 mRNA products released to the public were produced via Process 2 and have been shown to have varying degrees of DNA contamination. The failure of regulatory authorities to heretofore disclose process-related impurities (e.g., SV40) has further increased concerns regarding safety and quality control oversight of mRNA vaccine manufacturing processes.

Since early 2021, excess deaths, cardiac events, strokes, and other SAEs have often been wrongly ascribed to COVID-19 rather than to the COVID-19 mRNA vaccinations. Misattribution of SAEs to COVID-19 often may be due to the amplification of adverse effects when mRNA injections are followed by SARS-CoV-2 subvariant infection. Injuries from the mRNA products overlap with both PACS and severe acute COVID-19 illness, often obscuring the vaccines’ etiologic contributions. Multiple booster injections appear to cause immune dysfunction, thereby paradoxically contributing to heightened susceptibility to COVID-19 infections with successive doses. For the vast majority of adults under the age of 50, the perceived benefits of the mRNA boosters are profoundly outweighed by their potential disabling and life-threatening harms. Potential harms to older adults appear to be excessive as well. Given the well-documented SAEs and unacceptable harm-to-reward ratio, we urge governments to endorse and enforce a global moratorium on these modified mRNA products until all relevant questions pertaining to causality, residual DNA, and aberrant protein production are answered.
Nowhere did I claim any "time safety factor for testing" was ignored.

I pointed out to you that manufacturing began at the BEGINNING of clinical trials AT RISK.
If those trials, after the SAME timeframes for safety testing, had FAILED, then all of the time and resources setting up that manufacturing are completely wasted.

The minute those safety factors were established, vaccines could be shipped within a week or so, because manufacturing was in full swing, and stocks of vaccine were already produced and ready to ship.

IN CONTRAST to waiting to START manufacturing until AFTER the safety data are completed, where there IS NO RISK of having millions of doses of worthless vaccine.

You are amazingly and incomprehensibly dumb in not understanding this very basic point.
My cannot be this stupid. I mean REALLY?
He's done this on every topic forever on this board. He's literally a paid propagandist so he'll never concede a point or debate in good faith.
I can't believe anyone could be this stupid. He jumps around on his arguments and then can't back anything up. It's like he thinks he can just make a moronic statement and BOOM it becomes true. LOL!
Nowhere did I claim any "time safety factor for testing" was ignored.

I pointed out to you that manufacturing began at the BEGINNING of clinical trials AT RISK.
If those trials, after the SAME timeframes for safety testing, had FAILED, then all of the time and resources setting up that manufacturing are completely wasted.

The minute those safety factors were established, vaccines could be shipped within a week or so, because manufacturing was in full swing, and stocks of vaccine were already produced and ready to ship.

IN CONTRAST to waiting to START manufacturing until AFTER the safety data are completed, where there IS NO RISK of having millions of doses of worthless vaccine.

You are amazingly and incomprehensibly dumb in not understanding this very basic point. Stupid. You get confused and then lie about everything. So, lets do this ONE more time moron. The post I made in this thread (that caused you to go full demented Trump/Biden and had the basic AND easy to understand premise) was as follows: "The main problem a lot people had with the COVID Vaccine is the fact that they were introduced from start to finish, within 11 months."

Then, being the Chode that you clearly are, you responded with this winner at me:
"And YOU appear to be ignorant as to how this was accomplished.
HINT: It was NOT by "skipping steps".

Now, lets review some basic facts that even a 6 year old would undertstand. I NEVER stated that "I had a problem", I said "some people." And, point of fact, I had stated to you before that I and my family were HAPPY to have the vaccine, and have taken it many times. If you simply would have changed your silly frst statement to start with "THEY APPEAR", then you would have been partially spot on. Fail, # 1 on you.

Then, you switched to the stupid argument, that claimed that I did not acknowledge that they ran some processes in parellel. Again, at NO TIME did I say that they didn't do that...of course they did to fast track the thing. DUH moron. But, when pressed to offer proof of your claim about my statement....well, we all know what you DIDN'T do. 😂 Fail #2 on you

And finally, you contradicted your own argument because, simply running some parts of a vaccines development process in parallel, does NOT change the fact that drug companies DO have extended time periods for testing every major drug they are developing.......that are WAY longer then 11 months. Why is this? It is because, as you yourself pointed out, they acknowledge that there are MAJOR RISK if they don't. So, yes, they DID skip a very important testing step, which is the extended time frame for testing the vacccine. Now, it was warrented to skip that step knowing the severity of the pandemic, but that does not change the fact (which you remarkably cannot seem to understand) that they DID skip a MAJOR step in their own testing framework....and yes (to my original remarks) that caused some people to be affraid of it. You denying this fact will never change those peoples fears. Fail #3 on you.

Now, I am sure you have been logged on the entire night, because...of course you would have go take your meds and finally go to bed. :rolleyes:
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Careful, objective evaluation of COVID-19 mRNA product safety is crucial for upholding ethical standards and evidence-informed decision-making. Our narrative review concerning the registrational trials and the EUA’s aftermath offers evidence-informed insights into how these genetic vaccines were able to enter the market. In the context of the two pivotal trials, safety was never assessed in a manner commensurate with previously established scientific standards either for vaccines or for GTPs, the more accurate classification of these products. Many key trial findings were either misreported or omitted entirely from published reports. The usual safety testing protocols and toxicology requirements were bypassed by the FDA and vaccine manufacturers, and the premature termination of both trials obviated any unbiased assessment of potential SAEs due to an insufficient timeframe for proper trial evaluation. It was only after the EUA that the serious biological consequences of rushing the trials became evident, with numerous cardiovascular, neurological, reproductive, hematological, malignant, and autoimmune SAEs identified and published in the peer-reviewed medical literature. Moreover, the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines produced via Process 1 and evaluated in the trials were not the same products eventually distributed worldwide; all of the COVID-19 mRNA products released to the public were produced via Process 2 and have been shown to have varying degrees of DNA contamination. The failure of regulatory authorities to heretofore disclose process-related impurities (e.g., SV40) has further increased concerns regarding safety and quality control oversight of mRNA vaccine manufacturing processes.

Since early 2021, excess deaths, cardiac events, strokes, and other SAEs have often been wrongly ascribed to COVID-19 rather than to the COVID-19 mRNA vaccinations. Misattribution of SAEs to COVID-19 often may be due to the amplification of adverse effects when mRNA injections are followed by SARS-CoV-2 subvariant infection. Injuries from the mRNA products overlap with both PACS and severe acute COVID-19 illness, often obscuring the vaccines’ etiologic contributions. Multiple booster injections appear to cause immune dysfunction, thereby paradoxically contributing to heightened susceptibility to COVID-19 infections with successive doses. For the vast majority of adults under the age of 50, the perceived benefits of the mRNA boosters are profoundly outweighed by their potential disabling and life-threatening harms. Potential harms to older adults appear to be excessive as well. Given the well-documented SAEs and unacceptable harm-to-reward ratio, we urge governments to endorse and enforce a global moratorium on these modified mRNA products until all relevant questions pertaining to causality, residual DNA, and aberrant protein production are answered.
My God...another "Cureus" fake study link?

You guys LOVE your disinformation.
Call me when serious immunologists and researchers at a major university weigh in on anything like this.
  • Like
Reactions: SocraticIshmael Stupid. You get confused and then lie about everything. So, lets do this ONE more time moron. The post I made in this thread (that caused you to go full demented Trump/Biden and had the basic AND easy to understand premise) was as follows: "The main problem a lot people had with the COVID Vaccine is the fact that they were introduced from start to finish, within 11 months."
And I explained to you HOW they did that, by running steps in PARALLEL vs. SEQUENTIALLY.

Yet, here you are, continuing to not understand that distinction - probably the SAME REASON people were skeptical - THEY DID NOT UNDERSTAND IT
LOL! You are the one who is claiming that skipping clearly defined safety timeframes

They DID NOT SKIP any "clearly defined safety timeframes", Cletus.
The vaccines were NOT released until those were met.

They produced - AT RISK - millions of doses waiting to be delivered UNTIL those safety studies had been completed, and reviewed.
LOL! You are the one who is claiming that skipping clearly defined safety timeframes is NOT skipping any steps.

Not sure what your major brain malfunction here is, but safety timeframes WERE NOT SKIPPED.

Vaccines were NOT released UNTIL those timeframes were met.

All they did, was run manufacturing ramp-up IN PARALLEL
while awaiting those timeframes to be met.
EVERY vaccine tested only has 3-6 month follow-up, because in the entire history of vaccines, adverse events have ALWAYS arisen within the first 4-6 weeks. Google that, if you want.
Wonder who here in this forum is capable of being a Nazi 🤔
Speaking of Nazis... No science. No data. Just force. :rolleyes:

“A question shadowing suits such as these is whether there is a First Amendment right to refuse to wear a protective mask as required by valid health and safety orders put in place during a recognized public health emergency. Like all courts to address this issue, we conclude there is not,” U.S. Circuit Judge Thomas Ambro said in a Feb. 5 ruling.

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"EVERY vaccine tested only has 3-6 month follow-up, because in the entire history of vaccines, adverse events have ALWAYS arisen within the first 4-6 weeks."

Except when you consider auto-immune disease. Or autism. Or when immune enhancement (ADE) rears it's ugly head, as with the ugly disaster from vaccines like Dengue, RSV, mRNA, etc.

"The controversy has not slowed down the rollout of Dengvaxia, which is currently licensed in more than 20 countries. In October 2018 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced that it would prioritize review of Sanofi Pasteur’s application to approve Dengvaxia. That means it could be approved in the U.S., for use in dengue-endemic areas such as Puerto Rico, before the Philippines completes its investigation into the deaths of vaccinated children—and before Sanofi Pasteur publishes its final report from the six-year-long clinical trials."

There was no risk to Pfizer & Friends with the covid vaccines. They had a pre-approved contract ( with the government to purchase hundreds of millions of doses, they had/have the FDA in their back pocket, and they had Fat Donny threatening to fire the head of the FDA if they didn't approve the EUA.

The federal government has so far purchased 1.2 billion doses of Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines combined, at a cost of $25.3 billion, or a weighted average purchase price of $20.69 per dose. In mid-2020, months before any COVID-19 vaccine was yet authorized or had even completed clinical trials, the federal government purchased an initial 200 million vaccine doses from Pfizer and Moderna (100 million each), at a price of $19.50 per dose and $15.25 per dose, respectively. This guaranteed an advance market for these vaccines, should they prove safe and effective and receive emergency use authorization (EUA) from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), as each did in December 2020. In total, the federal government has made six different bulk purchases from Pfizer, totaling 655 million doses, and five bulk purchases from Moderna, totaling 566 million doses, for a total of 1.2 billion doses. Subsequent federal government purchases were made at a higher price per dose, with a weighted average across these purchases of $20.69.

Vaccines are one of the biggest scams ever perpetrated on humans. And there have been lots and lots and LOTS of them. :rolleyes:

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Careful, objective evaluation of COVID-19 mRNA product safety is crucial for upholding ethical standards and evidence-informed decision-making. Our narrative review concerning the registrational trials and the EUA’s aftermath offers evidence-informed insights into how these genetic vaccines were able to enter the market. In the context of the two pivotal trials, safety was never assessed in a manner commensurate with previously established scientific standards either for vaccines or for GTPs, the more accurate classification of these products. Many key trial findings were either misreported or omitted entirely from published reports. The usual safety testing protocols and toxicology requirements were bypassed by the FDA and vaccine manufacturers, and the premature termination of both trials obviated any unbiased assessment of potential SAEs due to an insufficient timeframe for proper trial evaluation. It was only after the EUA that the serious biological consequences of rushing the trials became evident, with numerous cardiovascular, neurological, reproductive, hematological, malignant, and autoimmune SAEs identified and published in the peer-reviewed medical literature. Moreover, the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines produced via Process 1 and evaluated in the trials were not the same products eventually distributed worldwide; all of the COVID-19 mRNA products released to the public were produced via Process 2 and have been shown to have varying degrees of DNA contamination. The failure of regulatory authorities to heretofore disclose process-related impurities (e.g., SV40) has further increased concerns regarding safety and quality control oversight of mRNA vaccine manufacturing processes.

Since early 2021, excess deaths, cardiac events, strokes, and other SAEs have often been wrongly ascribed to COVID-19 rather than to the COVID-19 mRNA vaccinations. Misattribution of SAEs to COVID-19 often may be due to the amplification of adverse effects when mRNA injections are followed by SARS-CoV-2 subvariant infection. Injuries from the mRNA products overlap with both PACS and severe acute COVID-19 illness, often obscuring the vaccines’ etiologic contributions. Multiple booster injections appear to cause immune dysfunction, thereby paradoxically contributing to heightened susceptibility to COVID-19 infections with successive doses. For the vast majority of adults under the age of 50, the perceived benefits of the mRNA boosters are profoundly outweighed by their potential disabling and life-threatening harms. Potential harms to older adults appear to be excessive as well. Given the well-documented SAEs and unacceptable harm-to-reward ratio, we urge governments to endorse and enforce a global moratorium on these modified mRNA products until all relevant questions pertaining to causality, residual DNA, and aberrant protein production are answered.


Conspiracy-Pseudoscience category.

So, so stupid.
And I explained to you HOW they did that, by running steps in PARALLEL vs. SEQUENTIALLY.

Yet, here you are, continuing to not understand that distinction - probably the SAME REASON people were skeptical - THEY DID NOT UNDERSTAND IT
Good Lord man...can you not read?? Again, I NEVER made any statement where I denied that the companies ran steps in Parallel vs Sequentially. You are delusional as ussual and simply cannot admit to the truth. Again, provide the statement where I said anything to the effect. I already know you won't. LOL!!
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They DID NOT SKIP any "clearly defined safety timeframes", Cletus.
The vaccines were NOT released until those were met.

They produced - AT RISK - millions of doses waiting to be delivered UNTIL those safety studies had been completed, and reviewed.
Again Chode.....the fact that they changed their normal procedures and fast tracked it means there are RISK!!! And, some people were scared by that. From the National Library of Medicine - "Traditional vaccine development (Fig. 1) has been a complex and time-consuming process that typically takes around 10–15 years." AND "The mumps was the only fastest developed and approved vaccine for use, taking about 5 years.".

The only one of us that introduced the phrase "Skipped Steps" was you moron, yet you continue to try and connect it with me. As for the risk in a change from normal VACCINE development, I will quote you: "Companies simply DO NOT run processes in parallel, because it is extremely high risk. Pfizer took that risk on 100% themselves." Like an idiot, you make that statment and yet fail to understand why some people might have been scared by that at the time. I wasn't, even though you continue to act like I made statements to the effect. You are a joke.
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Nowhere did I claim any "time safety factor for testing" was ignored.

I pointed out to you that manufacturing began at the BEGINNING of clinical trials AT RISK.
If those trials, after the SAME timeframes for safety testing, had FAILED, then all of the time and resources setting up that manufacturing are completely wasted.

The minute those safety factors were established, vaccines could be shipped within a week or so, because manufacturing was in full swing, and stocks of vaccine were already produced and ready to ship.

IN CONTRAST to waiting to START manufacturing until AFTER the safety data are completed, where there IS NO RISK of having millions of doses of worthless vaccine.

You are amazingly and incomprehensibly dumb in not understanding this very basic point.
God Lord Man. you are beyond help. Lets make it even easier for you since you will ignor EVERYTHING I point out....and continue to deflect...and yes, I know why.

Here we go...very simple for you..lets see if you can do it just once. Here we go, are you ready? :rolleyes:

Answer this one simple question: Were there some segments of the general population who were concerned that the Vaccine was fast-tracked? YES OR NO?

I fully expect your 148, 857 post (unfreaking real) to ignor this question..which was the only point of my original post. LOL!! Lets see your answer.
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Again Chode.....the fact that they changed their normal procedures and fast tracked it means there are RISK!!!

Yes. I TOLD you this.

The RISK was that the trials would FAIL (meaning either the vaccine would be entirely ineffective, or would have serious and prevalent side effects) and they would have to throw away MILLIONS of doses already created.

See how EASY it is to understand that!!!!
  • Haha
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This picture fits with the modern history of vaccinations, which shows that most new immunizations have been incredibly safe, and even the most severe effects have reared their ugly heads right away.

“Side-effects nearly always occur within a couple of weeks of a person being vaccinated,” says John Grabenstein, director of scientific communication for the Immunization Action Coalition. He adds that the longest time before a side effect appeared for any type of shot has been six weeks.

“The concerns that something will spring up later with the COVID-19 vaccines are not impossible, but based on what we know, they aren’t likely,”
adds Miles Braun, adjunct professor of medicine at the Georgetown University School of Medicine and the former director of the division of epidemiology at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
Yes. I TOLD you this.

The RISK was that the trials would FAIL (meaning either the vaccine would be entirely ineffective, or would have serious and prevalent side effects) and they would have to throw away MILLIONS of doses already created.

See how EASY it is to understand that!!!!
And the fact that they fast tracked it cause concerns amoung many of the population...see how easy THAT is to understand? :rolleyes:
I've debunked those fears for you, Cletus.

Despite that evidence, you continued to claim otherwise, feeding those irrational fears.
Good are TRULY the KING OF MORONS. Thanks for not disappointing me with your 148,576 post. :rolleyes:

You did NOT debunk my fears, oh great idiot. Again, I NEVER HAD THOSE FEARS. But, many of the population did. It doesn't matter what you or I think CLEE-TUS, it only matters what THEY thought at the time. And, at the time, many of those folks you continue you to ignor in this thread actually had those fears.
That's weird.

Because you kept claiming "steps were skipped".
Effing moron.
Uh, no again Stupid,

It so great that you used your 148,609th post to once again twist your little lie. Now see, if you had posted the WHOLE quote of mine you would not be able to do get away with that, but you are going to do you.

So, let me do it for you, "You did NOT debunk my fears, oh great idiot. Again, I NEVER HAD THOSE FEARS. But, many of the population did."

Just give it up you moronic are just going to keep embarassing yourself. Say, here is an idea...take tomorrow off and actully enjoy something other then life at your computer posting endlessly. Oh have nothing better to do and worse yet, no one to do it with. Enjoy!!! 😂
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